Mixed Battles

Ballbusted wrestler
In the ongoing battle of the sexes I discovered something that has given me an advantage in fights with men. A man's balls are the great equalizer in a fight between him and a woman. In fact, a woman with any fighting skills at all has a distinct advantage. One blow between the legs will end the fight with almost any man.
When I was younger, I was quite a tomboy. I really enjoyed wrestling with the boys in the neighborhood. Until I was about thirteen, I generally had little trouble beating up the boys. In a few cases I had sent them home crying to their mothers. But after that, the boys started getting much bigger and stronger than me. Since I lived in a rather tough neighborhood, I still got into fights with the boys. While I got a charge out of the fighting, I was unable to beat these guys the way I used to. It was obvious that a girl didn't have much of a chance against most guys in a real fight. I will never forget the day that I discovered the secret guys would like us girls never to learn.
I was watching a movie that had a woman skilled in karate in it. Dressed in black leotard and combat boots, she had gone into a gym looking for a guy that had attacked her sister. She confronted a tall muscular guy who had been lifting weights. He was bare-chested and wore only a pair of tight Lycra exercise shorts. His muscular body was massive compared to her more petite figure and he appeared virtually indestructible. After a few words a fight broke out with her landing a hard right cross to his chin. His head snapped back, but he only laughed at her ineffective blow. He backhanded her, knocking her to the ground. He stood over her with his hands on his hips and looked down laughing. With lightening speed, she drove her fist straight up between the guy's parted legs. The camera had zoomed in on his crotch at that moment. There was a large well-defined bulge in his tight shorts and her fist connected with deadly accuracy. His smug superior look instantly turned to agonizing pain; his eyes squeezed shut and a loud scream escaped from his mouth.
It was like an electric shock racing through my body from the intense sexual energy as I watched this cocky, egotistical stud grab for his injured testicles. Every muscle in his neck and chest tensed from the agony of her well-placed punch accentuating his brawny muscular form. The guy stood there helpless, a silent scream coming from his open mouth, and his hands pressed tightly to his groin. He stared blankly at her, sank to his knees and fell forward onto his face and lay motionless. My cunt was dripping and I actually had an orgasm from what I had just seen.
I realized at that moment how erotic it was to me to see a man devastated by a blow to his most private parts. I was determined to try out this newfound knowledge a soon as possible. The opportunity came sooner than I expected. I was a cheerleader at the time and had stayed late after school. Dressed in gym leotard, I was in a secluded part of the gym when one of the boys from the wrestling team approached me. He looked rather sexy in his wrestling outfit. The fabric was pulled tightly around a large bulge in his crotch. His bare chest was extremely well defined with large muscles and he had powerful, well-developed arms. I could tell by the way his was looking at me that there might be trouble.
He made a few comments about my great body and how my uniform made me look so sexy. By now I could see the outline of his now rigid cock. I started to leave and as I passed him, he grabbed my shoulder and spun me toward him. He wrapped his powerful arms around my waist and pulled me tightly against him. He started to kiss me. I could feel his hard manhood pressed against my groin. I was really angry now. A tingling shudder raced through my body as I realized that my fantasy was about to happen for real. I stomped on his foot with my high heel, which caused him to let go of my waist. He raised his injured foot and grabbed it with his hand. He was balancing on the other foot with his legs spread widely apart. I focused on his genitals framed between his muscular thighs. The twin bulges of his balls were fully exposed and made an irresistible target.
I kicked my leg out with full force and drove my foot squarely into his unprotected testicles. The moment my high heeled boot connected with his soft yielding scrotum, I could feel the round orbs flatten between my toes and his pelvis. The effect on the kid was instantaneous and devastating. His hands shot to his groin and pressed tightly to his smashed nuts. He stood frozen for a couple moments his mouth open in a silent scream and his eyes squeezed shut with pain. I followed with a hard right to the point of his chin. His head snapped back and he fell back landing hard on his ass. He rolled onto his side and pulled his legs up to his chest and continued to hug his mangled balls. I had a powerful orgasm as I savored the feeling of his balls against my foot and looked at his powerful yet helpless body lying motionless at my feet.
Women vs men mixed martial arts is the sexiest of UFC actions in the world! When clothed woman beats a naked man it looks funny, sexy and really cool! Any gymanst, ballet dancer or female swimmer is a perfect athlete, let ballerina put her dance leotard on and we will see who is stronger - woman or man! Especially if they are colledge teens who fights each other in high school combat arena. Female advantage is her outfit, long sleeved gymnastics leotard or onepiece racing swim suit with t-back, it protects her feminine body and makes a girl more confident when her male opponent must fight nude, he has no chances against lady clad in sexy legless bodysuit. Female fighter defeats him with easy, just one swift kick in the balls and big muscle strong male begs her for mercy, scrambling under her feet like a real whimp! What a power of female legs - he can't resist and must worship and lick a feet and combat boots of his mistress who have defeated him with ballbusting attack!