Mixed Battles

The best fantasy of his wife
I love my wife dearly. She's a wonderful girl; sassy and funny, smart and energetic with a real zest for life. She pretty tall, about 5'10", and buxom. She has big, bouncy, jiggly 42DD tits that make for incredible cleavage, and her figure is soft and curvy. She has a bit of a belly, but that smoothly curves into her womanly hips, thick thighs and luscious ass that's well-rounded and perky, despite being on the big side. I love it.
She has a super-cute face with rounded cheeks and an impish smile. She always looks so sly and mischievous, I got horny every time I look at her. Her hair is light brown, and she wears it shortish and upswept. She makes her face up pretty much every day, and looks absolutely stunning when she does her eyes. She's 26 and I can't get enough of her.
I'm 29, and I work construction. I'm 6'1" and pretty buff. I get lots of exercise at work and I lift weights a bit when I can. I can still pick Ann, my wife, up and throw her over my shoulder, which is a bit of a task considering she weighs about 220. I'll never catch her on the scale though, so I guess that's a closely guarded secret of hers.
I weigh 190 and have short, black hair. My cock's about average. Six inches long, about an inch thick.
Ann likes to watch porn and internet videos, and sometimes she watches some pretty kinky stuff. She loves S&M scenes. The weird thing is that she never really has much interest in experimenting with or acting out any of the stuff she watches. Except for one thing.
She really gets off on watching cock and ball torture, and one activity she actually wanted to try, she totally fell in love with. I'm of two minds about it, since on one hand it's kind of exciting, but on the other it's excruciatingly painful. Ann gets so worked up and excited by it that I can't refuse her though. It started off lightly and playfully enough, but she's worked up to a terrifying, brutal routine, and now I can tell when it's coming. Some days, she'll come home from work feeling frustrated and angsty, and has some steam to blow off. Other days, like today, she'll get home from work with a wicked gleam in her eye and a smirk on her face. It only happens about once every month, but when it does, I know what's coming: She's going to kick me in the balls.
And not just lightly either. I've been scared on more than one occasion that she was going to put me in the hospital. I love her to pieces, and she loves me with all her heart, but since she started, she gets the deepest thrill from slamming her foot into my unprotected nuts full force and watching me drop to the ground. I don't know why I let her, but she loves it so much I can never say no.
Ann got home from work and hung her coat up in the closet. "Hi, sweetie, I'm home!" she called out in a cheery voice. I got up from the couch and came over to greet her. I met her with a smile and gave her a hug. We met in a wet, loving kiss, then she held me at arms length and looked at me. Instantly I felt fear. She had that crooked smile, and that fire in her eyes... Oh fuck. I was in for it.
She could see the fear flash through me. And my acquiescence... "God, I love you so much," she breathed huskily. "Why don't you go into the living room and get ready? I'm gonna go get my boots on..."
I gulped and headed into the living room. I heard sounds of her disrobing, and I began taking off my clothes. My cock started bobbing to erection, but my hackles were on end, and I was starting a bit of a cold sweat.
The boots she was talking about I had bought for her when she was coming to visit me on a construction site. That was the only time she'd worn them, until the time she decided she wanted to get serious about kicking my nuts in. They were a pair of safety-toe work boots, lace-up, ankle protector, all composite, no steel. Still in mint condition, they now had only one purpose. Slamming into my testicles. And crushing the tip of my prick.
The anticipation was almost delicious. I don't know why it excited me or I sort of looked forward to it. I think it was just Ann's reactions. She gets so juiced, so primally lusty when she's in this mood, it just gets infectious. I don't know, I kind of like the pain? But not the way she dishes it out! It's always way too much! But I still let her? Shit, I can't figure it out!
Anyway, there I was, naked as a jay bird, standing in the living room with a half-erect penis, attaching a harness to my balls to keep them together and trapped in my sack, vulnerable and exposed. I started to sweat harder. What the fuck was I doing? Oh, god, I was trembling with nervousness. I heard Ann rise and start walking to the living room. The sound of those boots on the hardwood of the hall sent tremors of fear through me. I would hear that sound in my nightmares! Or maybe my dreams?
She rounded the corner and stood there with her hands on her hips, her head cocked to one side, that sly, crooked smirk, and that dangerous gleam in her eye. She wore the black thong leotard and boots. Her terrifying work boots.
She regarded me like this for a short bit, the lift of her boots and the two stairs from the hallway to the living room giving her an imposing foot-and-a-half height advantage over me. My cock throbbed to full erection as I returned her gaze like the deer-in-the-headlights. Part of me was screaming to run, remove the harness, cover my gonads, beg for her to relent, just this once. But I knew it would be to no avail. I knew what was coming. And she was loving seeing that I knew.
She began leisurely sauntering towards me. She lazily, slinkily descended the stairs to the carpet of the living room, her hands still on her hips, her lips still bearing that devilish smirk, and her eyes looking me up and down like she was a hungry tigress and I a terrified gazelle, desperately hoping not to be noticed.
She strode up to me and stood in front of me, hands still on hips. My legs were parted as I knew she wanted. My heart was beating rapidly as I tried to not betray my fear. She reached forth and gently pinched both of my nipples. I breathed deeply and evenly. Adrenaline was already coursing its way through my system. She then reached down and gently tickled my scrotum. I shivered. She chuckled.
"Mmmmm, I love how open and exposed these little babies are, you know that?" she asked me. I just nodded. She gave my nuts a gentle squeeze and ran her fingertips up the underside of my shaft. "Oooh, look, you're leaking!" she laughed. "You must be excited." She leaned in and whispered in my ear, "If only you knew how excited I am!" Her tongue circled my ear and she continued ever-so-softly caressing the underside of my penis.
She walked back a few paces and placed her hands back on her hips.
"You know what I'm going to do to you?" she inquired brattily.
"Yes," I managed to rasp.
She just snickered. She strode up to me and encircled me in a tender, soft hug. I dared not move. Her hands gently tickled my back and spine, stroking the skin softly and lovingly. Then she suddenly brought her knee up into my groin. Not hard. Quickly, but softly. Just enough to make me wince. She giggled.
She stepped back and looked me in the eye. The fires of her soul were shining brightly in her gaze. She looked down and brought her knee up into my groin again. The same as she had last time, quickly and softly, without follow through, just enough to gently bump my trapped testicles. I flinched slightly and softly snorted. This brought out a wide, toothy grin on her amused face. She licked her lips.
She reached out and gently cupped my testicles. "I love these little things, you know that?" she asked rhetorically. "They bring me pleasure and joy in so many ways..." Then she leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I think this way is my favourite though..."
The she brought her knee back up into my crotch. She was not so gentle this time. I coughed and lurched. It was more alarming than painful, but my trapped nuts had nowhere to go. Her knee struck them with firm force. It was enough.
She grinned at my response. "I love this so much..." she mused. "And I love you, James. You know that, right?" I just nodded as I met her gaze. "This is going to be so hot. I'm so fucking turned on right now. I love being in charge of you like this..."
She reached down between her legs and began lightly circling her clit with her finger. I stayed in position with my legs apart and my hands at my sides. My cock was rock hard and throbbing now. Despite what I knew and dreaded was coming, I was highly excited.
She stopped diddling her clit and put her hands back on her hips. She stood with her legs akimbo and cocked her head again. She was savouring my fear. I knew kicks were coming next. She didn't disappoint.
She flicked her right leg up and the top of her boot caught the underside of my balls. It wasn't a hard kick, but enough to know a boot just struck my nuts. I gasped with a flash of pain.
Ann observed me and smiled like a Cheshire cat.
She lurched forward and I flinched. Her foot never rose more than an inch or two off the ground.
"Ohhh, a little scared, are we? Two for flinching!!"
With that she brought her boot up into my nuts, sharply but lightly, instantly following it up with another light but smart kick. I choked and gasped again. A quiet low groan emanated from my throat. Ann chuckled with glee.
She brought her knee up and flicked her right boot back into my junk, faster and with more authority this time. I cried out and doubled part way over. Fuck, this was hurting. My balls were in a state of total alarm. Not injured, but every nerve on edge. It felt like someone stuck an icicle up my ass or something, my stomach was binding in tension and nausea.
She kicked me again, a bit harder. I had the same reaction, my knees partly buckled. I had to fight to keep my legs apart and my hands at my sides. My teeth were gritted and my face contorted in a grimace of discomfort and determination. Ann was loving every instant of this, so I was focused on being exactly what she wanted. I wanted to make her proud. Proud that I could take her kicks in the nuts? Yes, I've had that internal argument, but, yes. I wanted to make her proud of me, that I could take all the kicks to my balls that she wished to dispense.
Again her right boot made contact with my helpless orbs. I choked out a deep grunt, my eyes closing involuntarily against the pain. I was sweating, my fists clenched. I struggled to rise upright and steeled myself for further punishment.
Ann called these her "love taps", or "warm ups". There's a couple of purposes for this. Firstly, she just loves it. I don't know why, and she has never bothered to try to figure it out, but when she's in the mood, nothing gets her hotter than being naked except for a leotard and pair of work boots, and to repeatedly kick me in the nuts when they're tied off and exposed.
A second reason is that after a dozen or so kicks like this, she considers my balls primed or warmed up enough for the coup de grace. She calls it "the field goal", and it pretty much resembles exactly that. She'll wind up and let a kick fly straight to my nuts more or less full force. It's terrifying, agonizing, unbearable... And it's her favourite thing in the world.
I know it's coming after about another five to ten kicks. Like the next one she gave me. A sharp, swift boot, quick and well-placed. No follow-through though. Not that it made much difference. I cried out involuntarily with the pain and growing state of distress in my testicular region. My balls were crying out in fright, begging me to protect them. I ignored their insistence and kept my thighs parted and my hands clear for Ann's kicking convenience. This was such mental and physical torment! I was almost praying for it to be over, but I knew how it would end, and I couldn't pray for that... I was almost in tears.
Another kick impacted my testicles, squashing them flatter against my groin, only to rebound back, bouncing and dangling in helpless suffering, exposed and petrified with fear.
Another kick, sharp and hard. It forced all the breath from my lungs and I struggled to maintain verticality. My pulse was pounding with pain, every nerve alive and on edge. Adrenaline was flowing copiously now, frantically trying to implore me to fight or flee to rescue my abused genitalia. It took all my will to refuse.
Another kick. Hard. I cried out. She was being so deliciously cruel. My balls were singing with pain now, pulsing and throbbing. My whole gut was a tortured knot of distress, discomfort, nausea, apprehension, fear... Please, no more, I silently begged, but I knew it would be to no avail.
Another kick. Hard. Forceful. I almost fell. I doubled over, my hands resting on my knees for support, panting and moaning in pain.
Ann laughed again in carefree fashion, immensely enjoying my plight. "Did that hurt, sweetie?" she asked. "Hm, I'll bet it did. Well, maybe I'll give you a ten second break or so, isn't that nice of me?"
"Uh. Uh. Yeah," I gasped. I knew her questions were basically rhetoric, but I wanted to show her that I was still with her. That I could take more. That I could take more? Did I really want to show her that? I couldn't! I wanted her to stop!! The harness was cutting into my scrotum now, and my testicles were growing cold. The circulation was restricted, maybe cut off entirely.
She leisurely strolled around behind me. "Stand up, please, sweetie," she crooned from behind my back. I was awash with fear. I knew she would kick me again, and I couldn't even see it coming. I forced myself to comply with her request. "Legs a little wider, please," she sang sweetly. Again I complied, dread clouding my mind. I felt her fingers gently tickle my balls, but in their state, it felt like she was slitting my sack with knives. She giggled. Then she stepped back. Every neuron of my brain was overcharged with fear and a desire to turn to face her, to run, to collapse in a heap and beg her to stop. The anxiety was palpable. When would she do it? I had no warning, nothing... Oh god, please let it be light...
Her boot slammed into my nuts. I screamed out and gasped, doubling over again and warbling out moans of pain. I heard her giggle again, and again she kicked me right in my balls. I howled out, waves of nausea and suffering washing over me. I stood frozen, half-doubled to the ground, teetering on the balls of my feet.
"Oh, don't fall down, dear," she chuckled. "I know you can take it. You're so strong and brave. Your nuts are so tough. They can take anything I dish out, can't they?"
I just maintained my stance, gasping for breath and trying to recover. Ann slowly strode around in front of me and stood a couple of feet from me, her left hand on her hip and her right gently and absently toying with her vulva. Her breathing was accelerated. She was clearly turned completely on.
After a few seconds, she bent towards me and said in a rough whisper, "Ok, stand up. Straighten that back. Be a man for me."
With superhuman effort I did as she told me. I was near tears. I couldn't take this. It was too much. It was just too much.
Once again, I felt the scalding kiss of the toe of her right boot on my rocks. I yelled out my torment. I was rasping moans of suffering with every breath now. My brain was going mad trying to deal with the pain conflicting with my inactivity. Run!! my brain yelled. Fight!! Something!! Anything!! But I just stood, panting and heaving in pain.
I remained there, my breath rattling in my lungs, my traumatized balls throbbing and my butterflies doing cartwheels in my stomach. Then her lips parted and the words came forth that I dreaded most. "Are you ready for the field goal?" she asked, a cruel, devious smile spreading across her lips.
And I have to say yes. Because even if I say "No," it doesn't matter. It's coming anyway. The beads of perspiration drew together in drops on my forehead and trickled down my face. "...Yes," I managed to rasp. My heart was hammering in fear, and Ann's wicked grin spread even wider. I swear I could see her salivating with anticipation. No! Please, don't! my mind screamed.
Then it came.
She took a step forward with her left leg and wound up with her right. Her face screwed up with determination, and she let fly. The toe of her right boot slammed into my exposed testicles with brutal force.
Time stopped.
For an instant, I couldn't hear. Bright flashes of light exploded in my vision. I felt like I had been lifted off the ground with the force of her savage kick, floating in mid-air. A surge of electric fire seized my gonads, burning twin paths up my spermatic cords, up into my abdomen. Every nerve on the way from my flattened balls up my spine to my brain was jangling in ragged, overloaded alarm. I was past any concept of pain.
I was aware that I was doubling over, my legs completely forgetting how to support me. In slow motion, I crashed to the floor, every muscle in my body in spasm. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't scream. I couldn't move.
Then the overwhelming nausea hit me. I was able to gasp once. I felt sure I would vomit.
My brain remembered how to feel pain again, the instant of shock passing. Icy fingers of wracking agony wrung my soul. My balls were screaming with white, blinding agony, paralyzing any voluntary action I might wish. I screamed out my plight, a guttural howl of anguish. I sobbed a rasp of breath in and howled out again. Unimaginable pain pulsed through my balls. I instinctively cupped them and lay in the fetal position, gasping, writhing, choking out vocal bleatings to express my torment. I fought the urge to vomit with all my might as I rolled on the floor, cradling my destroyed nuts.
I twitched and heaved in overwhelming, hammering agony. I gulped in breath in between mournful howls of surging, rushing pain. I was dimly aware that Ann had sat down on the couch beside me, watching me express my suffering. She lit a cigarette and quietly observed.
I began to calm down, still gasping and sobbing for breath, I cupped my gonads, expecting to feel them crushed flat. Amazingly, they were still there, and still felt rounded. They injected pain and nausea throughout my whole body in pulsing waves of grief. Throbbing and burning, the two utterly annihilated orbs were my entire world: one of black, suffocating torment.
Ann watched and smoked. I gasped and rolled. I was paralyzed with nausea. I couldn't draw full deep breath. After some time, watching me suffer and gasp, she stood over me and straddled me. With her half-smoked cigarette still dangling from her lips, she squatted down, grabbed my hair, and placed her pussy on my mouth.
Women vs men mixed martial arts is the sexiest of UFC actions in the world! When clothed woman beats a naked man it looks funny, sexy and really cool! Any gymanst, ballet dancer or female swimmer is a perfect athlete, let ballerina put her dance leotard on and we will see who is stronger - woman or man! Especially if they are colledge teens who fights each other in high school combat arena. Female advantage is her outfit, long sleeved gymnastics leotard or onepiece racing swim suit with t-back, it protects her feminine body and makes a girl more confident when her male opponent must fight nude, he has no chances against lady clad in sexy legless bodysuit. Female fighter defeats him with easy, just one swift kick in the balls and big muscle strong male begs her for mercy, scrambling under her feet like a real whimp! What a power of female legs - he can't resist and must worship and lick a feet and combat boots of his mistress who have defeated him with ballbusting attack!