Mixed Battles

Update: 27.09.2024 W-853 "Fetish memory"
Mixed wrestling, women boxing, 370 pictures 1920x1080 (Full HD), completely CFNM, no blood.
"All right, Todd," began the therapist, "now, I want you to relax and to tell me all about how this fetish of yours began."
"I was a student, and I’d got myself a steady girlfriend, Annisa. But after a while, she became dominant.
"And you didn’t like that?"
"Well … partly I did, but partly I thought I should resist it. I think she wanted me to resist it."?
"To give her an excuse to challenge you."
"How did you know that?"
"I could tell the way the story was going. What attracted you to her in the first place? Her strength?"
"Yeah!" Todd confirmed enthusiastically. "But it was a feminine strength. She was dusky-skinned, curvy, and busty – just how I like them – with sturdy thighs and arse."
"And you would fantasise about being head scissored in those thighs, with nothing but that arse to stare at, with its rippling muscles," added the therapist, dabbing his forehead with his handkerchief.
"Oh, yeah!" Todd agreed, recalling it with nostalgia.
"So she challenged you to a fight," added the therapist, seemingly impatient to get on with the story.
"That’s right. If she won, I would have to buy her a ring and we would marry, with her as the dominant partner. But there’s an added dimension."
"Go on."
"Well, she was our tutor at university. She was in her late thirties, and she fancied me. She would lean over me while I was writing, to look at my work, and let her large boobs brush against my head. Or she’d walk past me too closely while I was at my desk, so that her tights would brush against my thigh, and we’d both get a slight static electric shock. Then she’d glance over at Annisa and smirk. She wasn’t muscular like Annisa, but I’d seen her fight in MMA classes, and she was highly skilled. She offered to film the fight. I still have the video! I can remember every move; I’ve seen it so many times!"
"And it was to be a cfnm fight?"
"That’s right, my first one," Todd recalled, shedding a tear at the fond memory. Then, "You should have seen Annisa’s warm-up exercises!"
"Oh, really?"
"Just one word summed her up: power. She stretched every limb, smiling over at me as if to ask, ‘Scared yet?’"
"And were you?"
"Well yes, but at the same time it was the most erotic sight I’d seen. The thought of all that female strength about to be unleashed on me was stimulating. Her tawny-coloured MMA gloves contrasted violently with the girly pink ones she made me wear, too. After I’d ogled her body, and she posed for the camera, we locked up.
"It didn’t take her long to overwhelm me, and she soon had me down on the mat. She bundled me about for a while, then snapped her thighs shut round my neck. She lay across me as I experienced my first head scissor."
"Did her thighs feel as strong as they looked?" the therapist croaked.
"Oh, yes! I was soon choking and struggling to breathe. When you watch the video, you see her propping herself on one hand, with a lazy – almost bored – expression on her face. All the while I was flailing around, hopelessly entrapped. To add insult to injury, she tweaked my nose! It made me want to sneeze. It was such a relief to hear her say, ‘Submit.’ To this day, I don’t know why I didn’t straight away, but she had to insist I submit there and then. I did with pleasure and relief.
"She went and stood with her foot on my face, asking if she would get a ring. I didn’t answer, but when I stood up, she punched me on the jaw. The girl who wanted to be my fiancee had just punched me in the face! True, it was a controlled jab; but it was the fact that she had no problem doing it that made it, at the time, outrageous. That was a first for me, as well as the head scissor.
"She certainly knew how to fight, because she got me with an uppercut to the chest next, while I was still recovering from the shock of the previous punch. But that was her style, as I learnt, she never gave me a chance to recover. While my chest was still burning, she did a sort of forward rugby tackle on me and brought me down to the mat again.
"She sat on me and threatened me with her fists. I knew I was going to get them, but she insisted on playing with me first, keeping me guessing. Then she started. I got one on the jaw, one in the eye, then one on the chin. Not only that, now she was sitting on my naked cock and rubbing against it with each punch. But my poor face! I had to take days off work sick, because I couldn’t go in looking the way I did.
"But I learnt about wrestling that day, too. She got me in a hold that I found out later was called a "guillotine choke". At the time, it felt as if my neck and body were trapped and squeezed by some monster constrictor snake. But watching the video afterwards (again and again) I can appreciate the skill and strength of this young woman. She was on her back underneath me, with one strong arm ensnaring my neck, and the other locking my free arm. Then she hooked her still more powerful legs around my middle.
"Just when I thought I would pass out, she sat on me again and resumed her punching. She got me in the same eye – my left – with the same right fist, and it felt twice as bad as a few moments before. Then she rocked my head to one side with a left to my jaw, before I got one in my right ear. My hearing wasn’t right for hours! She landed one last one high on my left cheek.
"Hey Ho, it was back to another choke – a rear naked one as I learnt afterwards. But it felt very much like the previous one, because my neck and body were still being squeezed. Plus, she asked me about that bloody ring again! It wasn’t as if I could even answer, the hold she had on me!
"Suddenly she stood up. Oh great, she wanted to box. Well, I joined in the squaring up, but she got me on the nose with her left. God, that hurt! Don’t forget, it was still tender after the ground battering I had had. But it was only with her next punch that I realised what a formidable pugilist she was. It was a full-on right cross to my jaw. I remember a bang to my face and a sort of sick, dizzy feeling. Then the next thing I knew, I was looking up at her from the mat and Veronica was laughing. Annissa celebrated knocking me down, then beckoned to me to join her.
"I didn’t want to, but what could I do? So I joined in the ritual of squaring up. I thought I must do something to try and gain the initiative. I struck out with my left, but she blocked it with her right arm, looking furious. How dare I try to hit her! As if to say, ‘I’m in charge here,’ she hit me on the jaw with her left. I’m told it was a jab, but at the time it felt more powerful than that. Mind you, everything about her was powerful.
"Still favouring her left fist, she seemed to club me in the stomach. It’s what it felt like anyway, a bludgeon; a sharp, sudden pain, followed by a numb, dull one. Then she brought her right fist to join in the merry making at my stomach’s expense. The pain now seemed to turn red-hot. I clinched, just playing for time, for any chance to get my breath back and to try to stop the shaking that seemed to overtake my whole body. But all the clinch did was to put me on the ropes. She got me there with her superior strength.
"Once there, she blasted my face with a left hook. Watching it on the video, you can see her punch spinning me round so that I’m facing outside the ropes. I just remember the crack of pain high on my cheekbone. But she knew where I was most vulnerable – in my already painful stomach – and she got me there with her right, quite low down.
"By this time, she was increasing the tempo. Once she got me in the stomach, she had a go at my face again with her left. She struck exactly the same spot again, mean-minded girl that she was. The pain was excruciating, and I felt like giving up. But she had other ideas. She was back in the middle of the ring, beckoning me to join her again. What I really wanted to do was to run away, but I couldn’t because Veronica had locked us in.
"I had no choice, did what the dusky demon wanted, and got her left fist in my eye as a reward. Oh, brilliant! Now I was going to have two black eyes! She wasn’t bothered though! No, she banged me on the chin with her right, before repeating the shot to the eye.
"Annissa had turned this into a punch fest, and got me dizzy with a hard right to my jaw. I would remember none of this part if I hadn’t seen it so many times on video, because I was so dazed. But she flung another left hook at my jaw, which made a spinning top out of me. She gave me barely enough time to settle, then thrust her right fist up at my chin. On the video, you see her fist go soaring into the air after catching my chin. It looks so sexy!
"It devastated me, at any rate. I was flat on my back. All she did after that was to preen and pose for Veronica’s camera. Then she came back and strutted around me, counting me out, all the time going on about that sodding ring. I couldn’t even hear, because I was unconscious. When I did come to, she told me she had my credit card and would go out and buy it.
"After that it turned a bit surreal. Annissa told Veronica, ‘He’s mine, bitch’ before dragging me up by the head and forcing me to kiss her arse. Then she made me get on my back, insisted I admit defeat, and told me to buy a diamond. Next, she started rubbing herself against me, arousing me. I responded, of course, while I began to think I would have to remortgage my house to pay for the ring, when Veronica appeared and demanded ‘Stop!’ (Luckily for this story, she’d put the camera on a tripod, and it kept recording.)
"Annissa stood up and asked, ‘You wanna fight me, old lady?’ and Veronica said, ‘Hell yes, bitch!’
"I got out of the bloody way! They squared up, then Veronica took one on the jaw. I knew how she felt, after what Annissa had done to me. Sure enough, she followed immediately with a nasty one to the stomach, then one of her favourite left hooks which had Veronica spinning, just like I had done. I felt sorry for Veronica when Annissa put her down with a right hook to the jaw. Annissa was just savage, the way she fought.
"She kept mocking Veronica’s age, too. ‘Are you done, old lady?’ she tormented her. But Veronica surprised me when she sprang up and answered, ‘I don’t think so.’ I wanted to yell, ‘Give up, for God’s sake!’ at her. At the same time, I found it all oddly arousing.
"They circled again, and when Annissa coiled her left arm, I thought, ‘Here we go again,’ but no – her glove flashed past Veronica’s face. Then she in turn tore into Annissa’s face with her left. She was probably double our age, about 38; perhaps a little slower than she once was, but more experienced now, and a master of psychological fighting. As she told me afterwards, she knew that if she could make Annissa miss just once, self-doubt would begin to creep in. She knew, too, that Annissa liked left hooking. If she could invite one, she was pretty sure she could dodge it.
"She destroyed Annissa’s confidence with that powerful left to her jaw, and she now put her down with a right cross to the other jaw. ‘Are you done, young lady?’ she cruelly echoed her opponent. She laughed as Annissa held her head while she tried to get up. I found it quite funny too – it looked like I wouldn’t have to remortgage my house after all!
"I could see Annissa was badly shaken, and Veronica took full advantage with two quick-fire left jabs. Veronica seemed to favour the right cross as much as Annissa did the left hook, because she banged another one in at her jaw. The strength of it, and the effect it had on Annissa, totally contradicted the soft, muffled sound as her glove struck.
"Annissa was getting her own medicine back by the spoonful! It was great to watch! Veronica now got her low in the stomach, and it incapacitated her in the same way as her ones to me had done. She retreated and seemed to be all in, while Veronica stood with her hands on her hips.
"But this didn’t last long. You could see that Veronica could sense victory, and she paid Annissa back further with a missile of a left hook. But it was her trusted right cross that did for her. One last one put Annissa on her back, out cold. Veronica counted to 10, with her foot on Annissa’s boobs, and announced that the young lady was KTFO. Then she pinned her and flexed.
"When Annissa came round, Veronica made her get on her knees and kiss her arse, before putting her down again with a swift knee to the face. Then she called me over. She embraced me and told me to ‘put them up’. Eh? You what? Not again!
"Still, what could I do? No sooner had I done that, than I got a left hook to my jaw. As if I hadn’t had enough already! But Veronica was having fun, laughing as I staggered and blundered about with her punch. After that it was my turn for one of her right crosses. My God! It landed high on my cheekbone – if felt as if there was no skin there at all, the force of it – and put me on my back.
"She loved putting me down! She posed over me with her foot on my chest, while she grinned into my eyes. It had really aroused her. She had a huge appetite for sex (as I later discovered) and nothing stimulated it like knocking a man down in a fight. She pinned me and started moving up and down, relishing the dominant role. She was greedy for it and panted, ‘Who is fucking who, Todd?’ I answered truthfully enough, ‘Veronica is fucking me.’ Hearing that tipped her over the edge, and she climaxed.
"She kissed me and helped me up. Then she shouted, ‘Todd is mine, bitch!’ at Annissa and led me out of the ring by the hand. She always would be the leader in our relationship."
"Well!" the therapist sighed deeply. "Thank you for that full, candid account. Do you feel better for it?"
"I do, yes thank you!"
"I have one last question for you before we end this session."
"Can I borrow the video?"