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leotard mixed boxing femdom uppercut

Latest update: 05.07.2024        B-840 "The virgin boxer"

Mixed boxing, 320 pictures 1920x1080 (Full HD), partially CFNM, no blood.

Unless you happen to be a nineteen-year-old male virgin, you will not be able to appreciate the frustrations felt when forced to listen to the exaggerated tales of the sexual exploits of your mates. As a male in that unfortunate situation, I have found that frequent jerking off gives some form of temporary relief but there remains a need to find some way of working off your unspent energy. Hence, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, I attended the local boxing club. In all modesty, it turned out that I was quite good and managed to at least hold my own in the sparring sessions that took place towards the end of each session. I also enjoyed the physical workout that each session provided, but one particular attraction for me at the club came in the form of Lucy, and a beautiful and shapely form she had too.

Lucy was one of only five females who attended the club, but she stood out from the rest. She was not "muscly", but she was most definitely toned, very fit and exuded power during her training which she took very seriously. Whether it was running, jump ropes or shadow boxing, no one put in more effort than she did. She had the speedbag technique down pat. Not only had she mastered the basic routine cycle of left, right, right and left, she also introduced elbow strikes, her fists never stopping. Her speed, allied to what looked like total control over the bag, made her the best exponent of the speedbag in the club. On the heavy bag, she appeared to lack a bit of power, but I was fascinated watching her train, particularly when it came to sparring.

For sparring, we were split into two groups, each group sparring for five minutes followed by five minutes rest. The girls generally sparred with one another, but Lucy, being so much better than the other girls, was allowed to spar with the boys. Her speed and accuracy compensated for any lack of power and I could see how frustrated her male opponents became when she continually jabbed through their defences whilst she blocked or swayed out of the way of their efforts. I was mesmerised watching her perform and usually found myself becoming sexually aroused. Generally, I managed to hide and control my predicament but on one occasion, I had to go to the bathroom to relieve myself as I feared my stiffy was becoming far too noticeable. Although I fantasied about getting the opportunity to spar with her, I dreaded being unable to control my penis in that eventuality.

Then came the evening when I was not only placed in the same group as Lucy, I got the chance to spar with her. Facing a beautiful female, especially one that I fancied, may have affected my concentration and my defence was almost non-existent as she mounted a series of furious but controlled assaults which I tried to block but with little success. Punch after punch landed and though I coped at first, the cumulative effect of repeated hits began to take their toll. I did try to counter, but any attempt to do so seemed clumsy and slow and she swayed away with contemptuous ease. Worse still, my attacks left me open and she took this opportunity to pepper me with punches in her counter attacks. We were only about three minutes in, and I was exhausted. As I had always managed to more than hold my own when sparring with a male, I couldn’t understand why I was being thrashed and humiliated by this girl. That was when I heard the shout from the floor.

"Look," said one of the girls, "He’s got a huge boner."

It was only then that I realised that I did indeed have a huge erection. If I was embarrassed before, I was now in a state of extreme panic. My hands dropped, probably a reflex action intended to hide my erection, but Lucy took advantage by landing a left and right combination to my head. I staggered back and my knees began to fold. I already had a sinking feeling in my stomach when her uppercut landed and I went down immediately ending up flat on my back. My erection was now in evidence for all to see and I could hear the laughter and derogatory comments at my plight. I looked up and saw Lucy smiling down at me, clearly revelling in her spectacular victory. The coach arrived to check me out and advised me to get dressed and go home. He gave me no sympathy and if anything seemed to dismiss me with contempt. As he walked away, Lucy and other girl was called Jane approached to me and I did begin to enjoy the belowside view the two ladies presented to me. Jane wore dark blue adidas gym leotard with Lucy wearing ever so tight grey cotton bodysuit which exposed hel long slim legs.

"I wonder if he still have an erection now?" asked Lucy, "Why don’t we have a look see?"

Jane went down and stripped me out of my boxers. I heard both girls' laughing, but was too weak to resist. They went out and I had a time to recover. 

Naked and still aroused, I became more and more angry. I was angry at myself for getting beat up by a girl, angry at those who had laughed and mocked me and really angry with Lucy. I had fancied her but now hated her with a passion and wanted revenge. Sparring is not fighting, I told myself. I knew I could beat her in any type of fight as I was bigger, stronger and now, at least, very willing to give that bitch the hiding she deserved. Naked and humiliated, I was fairly sure I must find that cheeky girl to return my boxers.

I wanted to confront Lucy on her own, but I spotted her and a couple of her pals from the Boxing Club into large gym doing acrobatic exercises. All girls wore dark blue long sleeve adidas leotards and matching hightop sneakers.

I was surprised to see her into the gym and even more surprised when I found her waiting for me when I followed her in there.

"Why are you following me?" she asked, "Are you in trouble with your boner?"

I was somewhat taken aback, not just by her lack of fear, but by her supreme confidence and arrogance as she stood before me. Tight gym leotard covered her slender body and obviously shown athletic girl's superiority over me in contrast with my naked vulnerable body. Presented with this opportunity to confront Lucy, I decided to say my piece there and then. "I may not get another opportunity," I thought. Here was a chance to get some of my anger out of my system.

"You shouldn’t have done what you did to me you fucking bitch," I spat at her.

"I may be a bitch," she replied calmly, "but at least I’m not a pervert who enjoys being beaten up by a girl."

"You just took advantage of me because I didn’t want to hurt a girl," I shouted at her before adding, "You would never beat me in a real fight."

Without any warning, she launched a kick right between my legs and caught me square in the nuts. The pain was indescribable and as I fell to my knees, she followed up with a knee to my face. Grabbing me by my hair, she then pulled me forward and threw me face down on the ground. As I lay face down, she placed her legs either side of my body, grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands up vertically behind my back. From that position, she pulled me back up on to my knees and forced my arms higher up behind me. It was extremely painful and placed me in a hopeless position where I could hardly move. Her two pals from gymnastic team then appeared.

"You’ll never believe this," Lucy announced to her two friends, "I think he came looking for more."

Firmly held in place by Lucy, on my knees and unable to rise, I could only watch as Jane knelt down and pulled my head back so she could look me square in the eye.

"I do love seeing a man on his knees," she remarked, "though nothing beats seeing him flat on his back with a huge erection having been knocked out by a girl."

Lucy, simply by putting upward pressure on my arms, raised me further up on my knees. I pleaded with her to stop but she simply laughed at me.

"It’s gone too far to stop now," she replied before saying to Lucy, "Let’s get him up on his feet."

Lucy released my wrists and grabbed me by my hair trying to force me up to my feet. My arms had almost seized up and, as I was finding it difficult to rise, Jane placed her arms under mine and helped lift me up. Her breasts pressed firmly against my bare chest and the proximity of her body next to mine brought about the obvious reaction. Once up on my feet, Lucy again grabbed me by the wrists and pulled my arms behind my back. My fully erect penis was total exposed, the final humiliation came when Jane stood up, grabbed my balls in her right and squeezed.

"I have him now," she proclaimed proudly, "you must come round and see this."

Lucy again released my wrists knowing Jane had me by the balls and I was helpless to resist. Jane continued to squeeze and release, squeeze and release, always with sufficient force to make me buckle at the knees but not so hard as to make me crumple altogether. In between bouts of debilitating pain, I begged for mercy, but as always my pleas were ignored and met with even more giggling and laughter.

"Let’s have him flat on his back," Lucy suggested to Jane.

There was no way I wanted that to happen, but Jane gave me no choice in the matter. She released my balls and punched me hard and fast in the solar plexus. Already weakened, and now winded, it was a simple task for Jane to place one of her legs behind mine and push me over. I landed flat on my back, my trousers still around my ankles and Lucy took the opportunity to kick me full force in my balls then stomp on that. She followed up by sitting on my legs and taking a firm grip of my still erect penis when Jane straddled my face. I had never felt so much pain and I was now sobbing uncontrollably. She began pumping on my penis, effectively wanking me off. Humiliating certainly, and it did little to help the pain in my balls but it was clearly arousing, and it did not take long before I ejaculated. It was only then that I noticed that the other girl had been filming everything on her phone throughout my ordeal.

They did a victory pose stomping on my facem balls and chest, threw my boxers away, told me to be ready to meet them next evening in this gym and left, leaving me completely naked and humiliated.

I knew I couldn’t allow myself to be found like this, so I slowly got up, went to my locker room and dressed, minus my boxers, before leaving the gym and walking home. Once again, I had been humiliated and this time, there was even a recording of the event. Once home, I had a shower and thoroughly disgusted with myself.

Having dried off and dressed in a new set of clothes, I sat in my bedroom totally depressed and fearing the worst. What was I to do, or more crucially what would the girls do when I didn’t go to theit gym tomorrow? The pinging of my phone alerted me to an incoming Whatsapp message. The attachment was a screenshot of me lying on my back, penis erect with cum all over my chest. The message simply stated, "Remember to get naked and meet us in the gym at 7.00 p.m. tomorrow"

I found myself wondering why these girls wanted to hurt and humiliate me? More concerning, why was I sexually aroused when they were abusing and dominating me? And then there was the intriguing instruction to get naked and meet them, The most ridiculous thought then entered my head - if I enjoyed being beaten up by girls, what else might I enjoy being done to me?

Needless to say, I went to our date at 7.00 p.m. next day.

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