Mixed Battles

Update: 08.01.2021
F-658 "Ilsa vs Rocky"
Gallery size: 250 Full HD pictures
Mixed fighting freestyle, 250 pictures 1920x1080 (FullHD), no nudity, bloody action.
So, through a bizarre set of circumstances, Rocky has finally broken through and scored his first mixed boxing win in a big event... a 2nd round knockout of his friend and sparring partner, Nancy. Unaware to Rocky, Nancy had arranged for herself to be Rocky's opponent that night.
Before he ever knew what opponent he was going to face, she made him promise to pummel whoever it was around the ring, from start to finish. He made the promise. Stunned to see her climb through the ring ropes, it caught him off-guard a little, and it may have taken some nudging, but he held true to his word, and pulverized Nancy for the bulk of the fight, finally knocking her out in only the 2nd round.
To this day, Nancy insists she did not take a fall for him. The only thing she did was insert herself to be his opponent. She wanted to win, too. But she also wanted a real fight, and felt she could help him out AND get the real fight all in one.
The more Nancy insists on what she did, the better Rocky feels about it all. So much so, in fact, he can't wait to step in the ring again. Without any hesitation, he calls the promoters to see when the next fight night is.
The promoter says not for another two months. "Why not next month?," Rocky asks. The promoter reminds him that a few times a year, the monthly mixed boxing matches are pre-empted for mixed wrestling matches.
The promoter explains to him that it's a little more intense than the boxing. When Rocky asks why, the promoter says it's a lot more violent. You can punch your opponent, just without gloves. You can also perform whatever wrestling moves, beatdowns and/or submission holds you can wish.
The female opponents, for the most part, obviously, are a lot stronger than the female boxers he is used to facing.
There is a lot of pain inflicted.
Rocky asked if there were any openings for male fighters. The promoter says yes, there were a couple remaining. Rocky asked if he believes he would be good for this kind of fight. The promoter asked him how much he wanted to step in the cage, how much pain does he think he can take, if he was willing to sign a waiver, and would he regret skipping this opportunity. He told him his fight against Nancy was impressive. So, Rocky bit the bullet, and decided to sign up.
This would be the big one. A REAL mixed fight against the best of the best.
Rocky shows up for the fight, sporting his black long trunks and yellow boots.
No need for gloves this time around. He flexes his muscles in front of a mirror there, and tries to psyche himself up.
As it turns out, his fight is the first one of the evening.
A promoter peeks in the door and asks Rocky if he's ready for the big time. Rocky says: "HELL YEAH."
The ring announcer grabs the mic... "Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Rage in the Cage Male vs. Female Fight Night! Are you ready for the first fight?!" The rowdy audience responds with an enthusiastic "HELL YEAH!!!"
She continues... "OK... making his way to the ring, 6-foot-1, weighing 245 pounds... Rocky!"
Rocky gets a lot of boots, but climbs up the ring steps and into the cage. He's pumped up, but now wondering who he's gonna face.
And out comes a stone-faced, expressionless, well-chiseled amazon. Pale white raw muscle. Ilsa is a wrecking machine. She doesn't laugh, smile, speak. She just destroys people. She loves to just punish her opponents in the ring. She's also unstoppable. No one has ever beaten her, or even come close. She is also known for pulverizing her opponents so bad, they need to be rushed to the hospital afterwards.
He didn't want to be next. But he signed up for this.
Ilsa steps up the ladder, climbs through the ropes and into the ring.
Now it's just Rocky and Ilsa.
Almost without any real effort, Ilsa flexes her huge muscles for everyone to see, including Rocky.
There's no shaking hands. This is a straight-up fight.
The bell rings, and Ilsa just walks to the middle of the ring, and just stands there, looking at Rocky... almost as if to coax him into attacking her.
Rocky knows he has to do something, so he rares back and punches Ilsa up in the face. It doesn't really faze her that much. Rocky then punches her face again with a right-left-combo. Still doesn't faze her too much. He then goes to kick her in the gut, which only makes her bounce back a step. Ilsa then stands there looking at him.
Rocky then drop-kicks her in the chest, and falls down. She barely moves. He then bounces himself off the rope and tries to throw a shoulder-block on her, but he just crashes into her like she's a brick wall, and he falls on the ground. Ilsa surprises Rocky by lifting him up by his hair with her left hand, and then punches his face a few times with her right hand. The pain is overwhelming, but she's just getting started.
She then picks him up in the air, holding all of him directly over her head. Then just drops him on the canvas. Rocky hits the mat hard, and starts to shrivel up. Ilsa then picks him up again and flings him into the cage like he was a rag doll. Rocky crashes down on the mat... but Ilsa is not done.
She picks him up by his throat and shoves him into the corner, where he hits his head on the top tunrbuckle, and collapses on the mat, sitting up.
Ilsa comes over to him and shoves her boot into his throat, suffocating him with her powerful leg. She then picks him up and rams his head repeatedly into the top turnbuckle. Rocky falls backwards onto the mat.
Ilsa picks him up and gives him a suplex, where he crashes back down on the mat.
Ilsa then climbs on top of him and starts punching away on his face repeatedly.
She then picks him up over head again and body slams him to the ground.
Rocky is in a world of hurt.
Ilsa picks him back up by his hair and gives him a powerful head-butt, but holds onto his hair, and gives him a headlock so tight, his head almost explodes. She then punches his head repeatedly.
Ilsa then picks him up, turns him upside down, and drops him on his head with a piledriver.
Ilsa picks him back up by his hair, but Rocky tries to punch her in the head again. Twice. He makes good contact, but she is still unfazed. While standing, she punches him in the gut, knocking the wind out of him... making him keel over... and then kicks him square in the head, which sends him flying backwards.
He gets back up, all wobbly, and see her charge straight at him... there is nothing he can do... she spears him right into the cage wall.
She picks him back up and drapes him over her shoulder... she then climbs up the top rope.
What is she going to do to him now?
Holding him, she jumps off the top rope and powerslams him onto the canvas.
Rocky is basically lifeless at this moment.
She climbs up the top rope again, and gives him a flying elbow-drop.
With Rocky still collapsed on the mat, Ilsa punches him repeatedly in the face. She wants blood.
With blood spurting out, covering Rocky's face, Ilsa stands back up and plants her boot down on Rocky's head, trying to squeeze it like a grape. More blood comes out. She then plants her foot on his chest, and holds it there for at least a minute, flexing her muscles for all to see.
The obvious winner of the fight, Ilsa simply takes her boot off of Rocky, and climbs through the cage door, and exits.
Everyone is stunned. Even the ring announcer, who can't even comprehend what they saw. She is a stone-cold wrecking machine. Ice in her veins. Her nickname is about as true as it can get. She probably could sink the Titanic.
Rocky meanwhile, is left lying all bloodied, almost near-death. in the middle of the ring.
Rocky was not ready for the big time.