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cfnm mixed wrestling leotard schoolgirl pin

Latest update: 27.09.2024        F-852 "Emasculation"

Mixed fighting freestyle, 180 pictures 1920x1080 (Full HD), completely CFNM, no blood.

It would be an understatement to describe my relationship with Jane as turbulent. Jane was putting so many hours into her work. Accordingly, I did have a good number of affairs and unfortunately Jane found out about my most recent one when she came home early and unexpectedly one afternoon. Understandingly, she was furious and the following morning we had an enormous argument.

Surprisingly, it was less about the affair and more about my being unemployed and lazy. Seeing herself as the breadwinner, Jane resented the fact that I tended to neglect the housework. (In truth, I didn’t really do any.) Basically, I was given an ultimatum; I had to find a job and start doing my share of the housework or I would be thrown out. To be honest, if I had any other option, I would have been happy to leave but decided it would be better to bide my time until I could fix something else up. Any thoughts I had about taking some time to find employment were dashed, however, when Jane came home that evening to announce that she had fixed me up with a job at a nearby Supermarket.

As it turned out, my employment at the supermarket proved to be quite enjoyable. Not much older than myself, my line manager, Sarah, was always pleasant, smiling and very easy on the eye. I fancied, or to be more accurate, lusted after her from the minute I saw her. She was beautiful, fit and toned and very easy to talk to. But then came the day when she arrived at work looking quite miserable, the usual smile absent from her face.

Anything wrong?", I asked sympathetically, seeing an opportunity to get into her good books.

"If there is," she snapped back, "it is most certainly none of your business."

Receiving her message loud and clear, I gave her plenty of space for the rest of the morning. At our lunch break, however, I was delighted to see Sarah approaching me.

"I’m so sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier," she said sitting down beside me, "I was simply upset, please accept my apology".

Of course, I was more than happy to do so and could see that she clearly wanted to speak. I did my best to appear empathetic and keep my eyes from looking down her ample cleavage as she explained that she and her boyfriend had split up. This was actually music to my ears but I became more intrigued when she explained how this was to cost her an opportunity to earn easy money. Apparently, she and her former boyfriend had been due to participate in a film shoot that had been scheduled for the weekend.

"Not only am I letting the film company down," she exclaimed, "It’s good money and the acting can be lots of fun."

What was required of them, she explained, was to engage in a fake wrestling match where he would let her win. The big market for films of that nature meant that for the shoot they would each have been paid £500.00. As she spoke of how the male had to pretend to be hurt when she punched him and stay pinned as she straddled him, I realised I was becoming aroused as my imagination peaked and was glad to be sitting down. There was a fair degree of physical contact, she told me, and given their breakup, she didn’t feel she could interact with her ex in that way. Suddenly, she broke into the most beautiful smile as a brainwave appeared to hit her.

"I haven’t cancelled yet," she said, "I don’t suppose you’d be willing to take his place. It would be worth £500.00 to you and it is easy money."

Maybe it was a bit rash, but it took me no time to agree to take part and so it was that on Sunday, I found myself in a barn just outside our town having been driven there by Sarah.

"No need to be nervous, she laughed, clearly amused at my fidgety and edgy behaviour, "I think you will really enjoy this."

Her comment was designed to ease what she saw as nerves but in truth, I was in fact very much looking forward to my imminent physical contact with Sarah. If there was any nervousness, it was down to the fact that I was unsure as to how far I could go. Could I take the opportunity to touch her breasts, could our groins come in close contact, the possibilities were endless and exciting.

It was, of course, no ordinary barn, containing as it did a wrestling ring. The ring was well lit and on three sides of the ring were cameras, these raised so they focused down on the centre of the ring. We were met by a young woman, also good looking by the way, but no patch on Sarah. Surprisingly Claire was to be both the Director and camerawoman who would operate a handheld camera and take some initial video clips.

I was ordered to get naked. Sarah arrived wearing black long sleeve leotard and matching boots with stiletto heels, an outfit which left little to the imagination. Awkwardly, I entered the ring where Claire immediately took charge. I was asked to lie on my back whilst Sarah simulated standing victory poses placing her stiletto boot first on my chest, then on my face and mouth before most embarrassingly on my now somewhat erect penis.

"Don’t worry about that erection," interjected Claire, "Your obvious embarrassment and red face adds value to the photos".

Claire then had what she thought was a brilliant idea asking Sarah to massage my penis with her foot, an activity that she would film. This, she felt would demonstrate the ultimate humiliation of the male following his defeat in the ring, which was yet to be filmed, of course. Fortunately, she called an end to the activity just as I felt about to cum and as I looked up at Sarah, I was sure she was not only aware of my discomfort but had really been enjoying herself.

"We’ll now make some short video clips which will then be spliced into the videos taken of the fake wrestling," Claire stated.

Sarah was then directed to sit on my stomach and pin my arms to the canvass. I was told to try and remove her from this dominant position but when successful, allow her somehow to roll me back over again. Now although I tried really hard to get her off me, she was far stronger than I had anticipated and too easily for my comfort kept my arms pinned to the floor.

"Good, good," enthused Claire, "Now try sitting further up his chest and pin his arms this time with your knees," she instructed Sarah.

Sarah certainly seemed to be relishing her task and it proved, if anything, even more difficult to get Sarah off me. In fact, her knees digging into my arms and her stiletto heels digging into my bare body like a spurs of experienced horserider were quite painful. My only consolation was that as she pushed her knees down, she raised her bottom giving me a great view of her vaginal area. I found myself becoming greatly aroused at this sight but when she grabbed my hair and pulled my face up into her groin, I began to think all this was getting a bit too painful.

"Great improv Sarah," purred Claire, either not caring or failing to notice my pain and embarrassment. She did notice my erection, however, and announced that it presented an opportunity that must not be wasted.

Sarah was asked to sit on my legs and give me a handjob. No consultation with me, no permission sought and I was so gobsmacked and Sarah reacted so fast that, before I could protest, my penis was being stroked by Sarah. I know I should have been able to stop it there and perhaps should have tried to do so, but once she had started, I seemed to lose any will of my own. It was as if I was in a dream, powerless and I just lay back, enjoyed her manipulation and found myself being quickly brought to orgasm.

Claire was over the moon at the footage she had recorded, Sarah was looking delighted with herself whereas I was simply embarrassed and covered in my own cum. Worried that some of the cum could mark Sarah's elegant leotard, Claire asked Sarah to let me go before ordering me to go to the bathroom to clean myself up. I hurried to the shower area. Once cleaned up, I returned to the ring, intending to complain about all the had taken place but Sarah spoke to me before I got a chance to.

"I had no idea any of that was going to happen," she explained, "Everything just took on a life of its own."

"But you were great the way you handled it," she added, "I was so impressed."

That took all the wind out of my sails and embarrassing though it had been, I had to admit to myself that much of it also was quite enjoyable. I even laughed with Sarah when she joked about my "amazing erection and reaction". The erection had subsided considerably by then but with the wrestling to come, fake though it might be, its return was extremely likely I thought. As Claire seemed busy checking the various cameras Sarah and I continued chatting. It appeared that Sarah had enjoyed my nudity and the sexual activity of tossing me off. Maybe I had been overreacting, I thought and more importantly, perhaps she even fancied me a bit. As far as I was concerned, there was no doubt that I was becoming very attracted physically to her.

Having finished with the cameras, Claire gave me instructions about how I should act during the film shoot. Basically, I was not to throw punches but could grapple. In doing so, I had always to allow Sarah to eventually get on top. If Sarah threw a punch, I had to pretend to be hurt, winded if she made contact with my stomach and on the ground gasping if she was anywhere near my groin. Only the start of the match was to be scripted, and after that, we simply improvised a fake fight but had to try, somehow, to get into the positions we had been in in the earlier clips.

The script for the start of the match required us to engage in a trial of strength. With our hands interlinked and above head height, I would apply downward pressure forcing Sarah to her knees. She would then reverse our hands and apply upwards pressure, allowing her to stand and force me upon my tiptoes. She would follow this up by placing one of her legs behind mine and push me over finally jumping on to my chest. The improvised grappling would then begin.

At first, Sarah seemed to be following the script but as soon I was up on my tiptoes, she forcefully kneed me right into my groin. I just couldn’t believe it. From the point of impact, the incredible pain that I felt caused me to lose the power of my limbs. I dropped to my knees, doubled up and then finally fell over on to my side into the foetal position. Sarah wasted no time in grabbing first one ankle and then the other before raising my legs up off the floor, pulling them wide apart and turning me over on to my back. Stepping between my legs, she then placed her stiletto heel on my balls. Although still in considerable pain, I had recovered sufficiently to look up at this beautiful woman. I could see up the deep valley between her firm breasts, her tight black leotard which barely covered her sex and the triumphant but sadistic smile on her face.

"Why," I almost whimpered, "What the fuck was that all about?"

Her response was physical not verbal. Almost as if I hadn’t spoken, she began grinding her foot hard into my testicles. Clearly, she had simply allowed me to recover a little so that I could endure more pain from this renewed assault. I screamed in agony, writhed, and bucked, but my position was hopeless. I was powerless and vulnerable.

"No! No! Please stop. Please God," I begged, but she was deaf to my pleas and, if anything, seemed to increase the pressure the more I screamed.

I was by now sweating intensely and, I’m ashamed to say crying like a baby and begging for mercy. Finally, she stopped the grinding although she continued to keep her foot on my bruised and swollen testicles.

"I really like doing this," she said, finally responding to my earlier question, "I enjoy humiliating men, crushing their manhood and the best part is that I even make money out of it."

"But why me?" I asked pathetically.

"Simply because you were gullible enough to fall for it", she explained before resuming her assault on my balls, this time stomping down hard on them continuing the beating until I passed out.

I have no idea how long I was out, but when I came to, I was lying flat on my back, legs wide apart with Sarah kneeling between my knees. My naked balls were completely at her mercy. Sarah seemed to be content, however, at simply fondling my exposed balls rolling them back and forth with the fingers of her hand. As before, she was happy to allow me time to come to my senses before speaking.

"I trust that was as good for you as it was for me," she laughed.

"You won’t be able to keep me like this forever," I snapped back, and rather unwisely added," Then you’ll get yours, bitch."

She squeezed my balls together in her hand and began tightening, loosening, and re-tightening her grip. Once again, I was in a world of pain from which there seemed no hope of escape.

"The correct response was," Yes Mistress"", she said, ever so sweetly, "Why don’t you try it?"

"Fuck off you cunt", was my angry and wholly irrational response which only resulted in Sarah squeezing my testicles again but if anything, even harder.

"Try again," she suggested, giving me some respite and time to make a more considered response.

"Yes Mistress," I sobbed, desperate for this torment to end. My tolerance to pain had passed its limit some time ago.

"Much better," she beamed, "I’m sure you’ll find total submission to me to be far more pleasant than resistance."

With that she released my balls and began gently stroking my penis. My relief was palpable and to my surprise, and despite the previous damage to my testicles, I quickly became erect. Taking a firm grip of my stiff member, she then began tossing me off. This was both pleasant and painful at the same time, as my urge to ejaculate was accompanied by aching and sore balls. My orgasm, when it came, was the most intense I had ever experienced and also the most painful. Sarah laughed almost uncontrollably as she ensured she extracted every drop of sperm from my quivering cock.

I lay there, hurting and yet ecstatic but also totally spent. For the first time in a while, I became aware that Claire was still present and still filming.

"I think he might be ready now," she said, the first words she had spoken since she had given the so-called instructions before the fight had begun.

Sarah rose and left me lying there allowing Claire took this opportunity to focus in on my bruised and blue balls before panning up my torso showing the volume of cum splattered all over my chest. I simply lay there, drained, fatigued, and unable to move – totally out of it, in fact. Sarah returned after a few minutes and resumed her position between my legs. She had brought with her three items which she placed on the floor beside me.

Grasping my ball sac yet again, she isolated my left testicle and squeezed it into one of the items, which appeared to be some sort of ring. I tried to see exactly what she was doing but I simply couldn’t raise my head enough. She then proceeded to squeeze my second testicle through the ring, this one proving to be far more painful. The second item was a pink cylindrical tube, it looked a bit like a penis. She delighted in showing it to me before saying, "Let’s see if this fits."

Although my cock was no longer fully erect, I could not see it fitting into the tube. However, Sarah pushed and wriggled and twisted the ring around and my cock seemed to shrink as she did so. After a fair bit of time, some discomfort and pain, she succeeded in pushing it right down so that it met the ring. Holding the ring and tube in place with one hand, she picked up a small padlock, the third item, and locked the tube and ring together.

Pleased with her work, Sarah rose to allow Claire the opportunity to record my penile attachment. As if to emphasise her control and dominance, Sarah then stood, feet either side of my shoulders, smiling down on me.

"It looks absolutely gorgeous on you," she purred, "I can't wait for you to see it for yourself. First, however, we need to get you cleaned up".

Sarah and Claire then helped me to stand. My balls were hurting really bad still and I was very shaky on my feet. With their aid, however, I made it to the shower area where I simply stood while Sarah showered and washed me down, removing all the semen and sweat from my body. By this time, I was past the stage of embarrassment or shame and was totally compliant as Sarah washed my body clean whilst Claire filmed the event. In different circumstances, it was an experience I might have enjoyed but I was simply numb and in too much pain.

My legs were shaking more than ever as they led me to a full-sized mirror in the changing room. It was then that I caught the first sight of me locked in what I now know is a cock cage. I burst out crying although I remain unsure as to what was worst, the beating I had endured earlier or the humiliation being inflicted on me now. Seeing my balls hanging below the ring were blue, swollen, throbbing and extremely painful still, I was concerned that Sarah might have caused permanent damage there. However, the greatest fear playing on my mind was that my penis was now locked within what looked like a pink small and flaccid penis and Sarah had control of the key.

"Well, what do you think?", asked Sarah mockingly.

Unable and unwilling to respond, and with my eyes fixed on my reflection in the mirror, I felt my resentment grow as I could see what they had reduced me to. I had been humiliated, emasculated and had endured unbearable pain but my overwhelming sense of shame focussed on that pink monstrosity within which they had caged my penis. A silent and great fury was rising deep inside of me but given the condition and situation I was in, it would have been pointless to show any indignation at that time.

"Doesn’t your penis look so cute with its pink coat on?" Sarah goaded "And you will be perfect when we remove that ugly hair on your chest and legs. Yes, you will look so adorable and I’m sure that you will be a great actor in our fem dom movies."

"Femdom movies", I thought, "Actor?", what the hell was Sarah on about?

"I won’t be doing any more of these so-called movies," I shouted, "And you won’t be able to keep me in this contraption forever".

The way I figured it, they had to let me go sometime. I only needed to get back home to Jane, Whatever, problems I had with her, she was undoubtedly the most capable and assertive female I knew. I was confident she would be able to sort all this out. OK, I was going to be extremely embarrassed but this whole episode had already seen me humbled and humiliated. How much worse could it get? It was then that I saw a confident smile on Sarah’s face and what looked like a TV remote in her hand.

"I do admire your spirit," smiled Sarah, "But let me describe your immediate future".

"You will never be free of that cage," she explained, " It will only be removed when your mistress is convinced your behaviour and attitudes merit it. Every weekend, you will be taken to this barn where we will make assorted videos. The common theme in all of these will be similar to the one you enjoyed so much today."

Confused and stunned into silence at what I had just heard, I was about to explode again when Sarah pressed a button on the remote she held and immediately, I fell to my knees as an electric shock hit my testicles. Approaching me from behind, Claire then held a damp cloth firmly over my nose and mouth. The last thing I remember was falling unconscious to the floor.

I awoke to find myself lying on the floor of Jane’s bedroom, still totally naked and still wearing that infernal cage. I got up and rather gingerly walked to the living room and was relieved though also a bit confused to find Jane sitting there in her sports leotard and high heels, calmly sipping a glass of wine.

"How did I get back here," I asked, "And can you please help me get this thing off my balls?"

As I asked that question, I broke down in tears, perhaps beginning to suspect that my nightmare wasn’t entirely over. A suspicion that was confirmed when Jane picked up a remote and pressed a button, sending another electric shock through my testicles.

"Just one light movement of delicate girlish finger may subdue a big muscle man, turning him into scared animal, whining in pain and obedient to imperious girl who rules his life - what a perfect toy! This is one remote that should be in the hands of all females," Jane smirked.

Lying in pain on the floor, I began to fully understand. Clearly Jane had been in cahoots with Sarah all this time and all this was her taking revenge over my affair. Nor could I see any way out for me other than to beg for mercy – she did love me once after all.

"I am so sorry for the way I’ve acted," I sobbed, "I’m sorry about the affair, for taking advantage of you and I promise I will change".

"Please let me out of this cage," I implored her, "I’ll do anything you want."

Jane’s reply was cold, calculated and resolute.

"Yes, you will change and you will do anything I tell you to. You will, however, remain in that cage until I feel you have become totally compliant. During the week, you are mine, to do whatever I say and to serve me in any way that I desire. At weekends, you will be under the control of Sarah who has, I believe, several interesting projects in mind for you."

As if to demonstrate her dominance and my subservience, she ordered me to crawl over to her and kiss her feet. Given she was still holding the remote, I readily complied. In fact, I was beginning to realise that, henceforth, compliance was to be the predominant feature of my future and miserable life.

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