Mixed Battles

Muscle men vs younger gymnasts
Tom had never been very good at sports. He was big and slow and didn't have very good hand-eye co-ordination. Other boys laughed at him, bullied him, while the girls just ignored him.
An enthusiastic Basketball fan, Tom would practise for hours and hours outside his house every day hoping to one day make the school team. He got better, he got close, but never made the team.
Early in his senior year however, he wandered into the Gym one day and it was there that he found his niche.
Tom channelled all of his frustrations into lifting weights and as he progressed, week after week, month after month, he began to feel better about himself. People complimented him on his muscle gains and were envious of his new, muscular physique. In time, he became a bully himself, intimidating the smaller, weaker boys with his size and strength. Girls began to take notice of the muscular hunk and by the time he graduated high school, he was revered, respected and feared.
Not much changed as he entered adulthood, as pumping iron and getting laid were about the only two things on his mind most of the time. It didn't come as much surprise when Tom dropped out of College as he pursued his new dream of becoming a professional bodybuilder. At 21, he stood a lofty 6'4" with shaved blond hair and weighed an imposing 255lbs of hard, thick, chiselled muscle.
While he worked on breaking into the ranks of professional Bodybuilding, Tom moved back in with his parents and younger brother, Nick.
It was a warm Friday afternoon when Tom noticed them first. A giggling bunch of young teenage girls on bicycles, eyeing him from across the street as he worked out in his garage that was open at the front of the house. The girls were at that age where they were all-consumed by their fondness for fashion, make-up and cute guys. Every time Tom looked up, they were there; looking back, whispering, giggling.
The giggling girls were just starting to put Tom off his reps when Nick came home from school. Not more than 5 minutes later, Nick re-emerged from the house having changed and dribbling a Basketball. Tom was proud of his younger brother as he had managed to achieve something Tom couldn't – to play for his high school Basketball team. Nick in turn looked up to Tom as a typical “big brother” - his protector and mentor and there was enough of an age gap, with Nick being 19, that there wasn't any rivalry between the two brothers. Nick excelled in most sports, particularly Basketball, being tall like his brother, only thinner and much more wiry, ideal for the game. Since he'd been back home, Tom enjoyed attending Nick's high school games and cheering him on. They exchanged high fives as Nick headed off to the local courts for a practise before dinner.
After Tom had completed another set of deadlifts, he noticed the girls had gone too. “Good!” He thought to himself, “They were just beginning to annoy me.”
Tom got back to the serious business of heavy lifting. 20 minutes later and he was just finishing up his workout when Tom was greeted to a sight that shocked him to his core – the sight of his brother Nick slowly being helped back to the house by two of his Basketball team mates, Rob and Dean. His arms draped around their necks as they helped him walk, his mouth and nose bloodied and his eyes welled up with tears.
“WHAT THE...!” Tom remarked, dropping his heavy dumbells and racing into the house after Nick and the two other boys.
“What's up? Taken a bad spill?” Tom began questioning as the boys eased Nick down onto the couch inside the house.
“No? Was he hit by a bike, a car?” Tom continued pressing to find the cause of Nick's injuries.
The boys did not answer and Nick looked like he did not want them to either, only shaking his head at his brother's incorrect guesses.
“Come on dude, it can't be that bad. That time you broke your arm last summer, we were laughing while I drove you to the hospital.” Tom continued, thinking Nick was surely too old now to sob like a little kid over a bit of rough and tumble, pain and blood.
“Just forget it...” Nick snivelled in between dabbing the blood away from his mouth and nose with a tissue.
“NO.” Tom pressed on. “If you've been in a fight, I want to know who with!”
“Leave me alone!” Nick whined back as he attempted to get off the couch, only to be pushed back down by his big brother.
“Who with? Who did this to you?” Tom demanded the truth.
Nick simply would not say. “LEAVE ME ALONE!” He cried, charging out of the room, to the solitude of his bedroom.
“Hey, we have to get home.” Nick's buddy Rob then spoke up to no one in particular.
“OH NO YOU DON'T” Tom roared, clearly losing his cool now, catching Rob by the throat before he could slip away.
Rob's heart began racing, he began to shake in the grip of Tom's huge paw. Muscles popping out of his forearms, his huge traps flaring like a deadly cobra either side of his furious face.
“NO!” Rob yelped, genuinely fearing for his life. Nick had asked no one tell anyone about what had happened, and as much as Rob wanted to uphold his friend's wish, his fear of Tom, in a fit of classic 'roid rage' outweighed all else at that moment.
“THEN WHO???” Tom growled, veins growing in his forehead, one eye bulging in rage.
“A GIRL...” Rob whimpered as Tom's eyes widened in shock. “A younger girl...” He continued as Tom's grip loosened. “Nick got into a fight with a younger girl and she... She beat him up...” He almost burst into tears himself recounting the humiliation of his friend.
Ashley had always been a bully. At 18, the sporty tom-boy teenager loved little more than to prove herself superior to boys - academically and athletically – and then let them know about it. She was a natural at just about every sport or physical activity she took part in but it was Gymnastics that she chose to invest most of her energy into. Its combination of speed, strength, agility and poise suited her perfectly.
“YOU SUCK!” Nick heard a young girl's voice call as he missed another basket.
He ignored her as he and starting team mates Rob, Dean, Trent and Swoop continued their practice session.
They practised dribbling and passing as the five of them worked their way up the court to the basket. The five 19-year-old boys passed from one to the other until finally Swoop passed to Trent and he jumped, attempting a slam-dunk. Unfortunately he didn't quite make it with the ball coming off the rim, and to make matters worse, Trent landed awkwardly, twisting his ankle upon touching down.
“Unlucky, man.” One of the team offered as they helped him slowly back to his feet. “Nice try, dude.”
Girly-giggles continued to be heard as Trent limped off the court, clearly done for the day, helped by Swoop as the two of them called an end to their practise session and left the court.
Nick was keen to get another 15 minutes in, citing they had a big game coming up next week. So the 3 boys continued on.
“O. M. G. - YOU SUCK!!” Nick heard the same girl yell as the ball came off his foot and rolled over to her.
“Why are you even wasting time on the court, you fucking DORK!?” She continued to harass him, picking up the stray ball and marching over to him, backed up by her three friends.
The girl was a couple of years younger than the boys at 18 and wore a tight black addidas leotard with white stripes at the side and a matching black sneakers. Her dark blonde hair tied into a high, tight pony-tail. She wasn't that tall, at just five feet, but she brazenly stepped up to the six foot, older Basketball players.
“Shut the fuck up, bitch.” Nick spat back at her, having heard enough of her abuse. “...And give me the ball back.”
“No.” She said, surprising him. She sighed like an angry mother taking away a child's toy, eyeing the two other older and taller boys. “You fucking suck!” She repeated the insult again.
“Yeah, you tell them Ashley!” Another mixed-raced girl spoke up. “No wonder our school beats their school in every game... They suck!”
Ashley giggled, continuing to insult the older boys. “Yeah, especially him!” She pointed at Nick. “Have you ever made a basket in your sad pathetic life, like ever?”
Nick could not believe what he was hearing. But she still kept going.
“O.M.G.” She suddenly chirped. “Look at his skinny legs, look how skinny they are!!”
The four girls all burst into fits of giggles as the young man's face grew redder and redder.
“Mine are like, twice as thick as yours!” She looked down, admiring her own flaring calves before her attractive face contorted in disgust looking over at his puny twig-like legs, exposed below the knee in his yellow Basketball shorts.
“Even Emma's legs look stronger than yours!” She looked over at another of the girls in her gang, a doll-faced blonde.
Nick just sighed in boredom as she looked him dead in the eye. “My legs are WAY stronger than yours.” She told him very matter of factly, with a cruel smirk on her attractive face.
“Just give me the damn ball!” Nick snapped, leaning forward to grab it as she still held the ball, balancing it on her palm at chest height.
“No!” She squealed, side-stepping him before bursting out into more laughter. “Look how SLOW he is!” She teased in front of her friends, electing more laughter from them. “He's so slow, no wonder he sucks so much.”
Ashley began bouncing and dribbling Nick's ball as she continued. “I don't even play Basketball, but I bet I could beat you one-on-one, loser.” She bounced the ball around him.
“Oh yeah, you'd totally kick his ass, Ash.” Kirsten, the black girl joined in as Ashley passed her the ball and the girls began passing it amongst themselves.
Ashley put her hands on her hips, squaring up to the older boy. “Whaddya say, loser? Maybe you could actually learn something!”
Suddenly Emma squealed as Dean roughly attempted to get the ball from her. Ashley called for the ball again as her friend passed it to her.
“You ALL suck!” Ashley insulted them again as she caught the ball again, the girls keeping it from the older boys.
“Come on, loser.” Ashley turned her attention back to Nick. Occasionally he would jump at her and attempt to grab the ball, but each time she was too quick for him.
She faked a couple of passes at him, giggling as his hands instinctively rose. “Come on, loser.” She narrowed her eyes at him and shot at the basket. The ball dropped through the hoop cleanly without touching the sides, the netting sounding a neat swish as it passed through.
Nick got into position to catch the ball but felt himself pushed aggressively out of the way.
“That's 1 – 0.” Ashley cooed, catching the ball once again as Nick staggered from her shove.
“I'm not playing!” Nick whined.
“Awww.” Ashley mocked him. “Scared I'll beat you in front of your Boyfriends?”
“Come on, Nicky dude, teach this bitch a lesson!” Dean chimed in, encouraging his buddy.
“Yeah man, you can't take this shit from a GIRL.” Rob followed up, clearly wanting to see Nick put her in her place.
Nick, captain of the team, now felt duty-bound to accept her challenge and restore pride for the guys after all her insults and arrogantly thinking she could beat him one on one.
“OK, little girl, you're on!” he spat, narrowing his eyes, bending his knees and readying himself for action.
“Haha” Ashley continued to giggle and tease. “Look how much of a geek he looks!” She chirped, clearly excited to have goaded him into accepting her challenge.
“You can have that first one as a practice. Now we'll start over. Best two out of three.” Nick took charge, making the rules.
Ashley simply nodded and appeared to get serious herself as her friends cheered her on.
“Come on Ashley!” They all cheered. *clap, clap clapclapclap* "ASH-LEY!" They continued like cheerleaders.
Nick shook his head, thinking how easy this was going to be.
Losing to a 18 year old girl? Not possible. He thought.
Suddenly, she passed the ball to him with some authority, clearly trying to catch him out, but using his chest to stop its momentum, he caught it – just.
“You start, loser...” She said with an evil smirk. “I'll give you the advantage... You're gonna need it.”
Nick had heard enough talk and began dribbling his ball, advancing on her and the basket.
Nick continued to dribble the ball, deciding to have some fun with her before making the basket. He turned his back, spinning around, dribbling the ball through his legs, passing it from one hand to the other. “Still saying I suck, huh? How do you like this?” He continued to show the array of his skills that had impressed his high school coach.
“Yeah man” Dean called out, watching his buddy show his skills.
“Come on then. Let's see what you can do now.” He challenged his female adversary, continuing to keep the ball from her, rising onto his toes, staying light on his feet and bouncing the ball from one hand to the other in a 'V' pattern.
“A bit out of your depth, huh?” Nick teased as his confidence grew.
With that Ashley broke out of her “ready” stance and surprised him by putting a hand on her hip and power posing, with one of her short, stubby legs bent at the knee like a stroppy teenager.
“OH PLEASE” she rolled her eyes before stepping forward, lazily reaching out and taking the ball from him, as easy as that, like candy from a baby.
Nick was shocked. He continued to look on as Ashley tossed the ball up with an underhand throw. He watched in horror as the ball dropped neatly through the basket.
“What were you saying, loser?”
Nick was dumbfounded, left flat footed and slack jawed.
“Y. You... You've played before, right?” He stammered.
“No, loser.” She came back. “I actually think Basketball is one of the dumbest, most boring games there is...”
Nick was infuriated, not only was she insulting him, but his favourite sport as well!
Nick set his jaw and promised himself he would not let this happen.
“1 – 0” She chirped with that arrogant smirk returning to her pretty young face.
Nick took up the ball and came at her again, all business this time. Looking to side step her, he feinted one way, then to the... DAMMIT she had taken the ball again!
“hehehe... God... You're so SLOW” She continued to verbally taunt him, her bullying words cutting deeper now into his damaged psyche, battered ever more by the fact that his two team mates watched on in shared humiliation as the younger girl and her giggling supporters continued to get the better of him.
She had some fun with him now, dribbling, feinting and teasing him. Every time Nick went for the ball, she was a step ahead, laughing at his failed attempts, mocking and belittling him. Finally she put him out of his misery, jumping high bouncing the ball off the back board as it rebounded dropping through the basket once more as Nick watched on helplessly.
“2 – 0” She announced proudly. “Why don't you just quit while you're behind, loser?”
“Shut the fuck up!” Nick snapped angrily, defiantly picking up the ball and re-focusing himself for another go.
Nick's confidence and mind was ruins however, and he rushed his next play – simply shooting from way out.
“Nice try, Dork!” Ashley called sarcastically as the ball hit the fence, over a metre away from its intended target. Ashley took possession as Nick all but gave up. He didn't want to humiliate himself any more.
“Aww. Aren't you even gonna try now, loser?” She carried on. “Smartest thing you've ever done!” And with that she took a run up, dribbling the ball, and jumped.
Nick couldn't believe how high this little 5ft girl could jump. Her thick, powerful legs sprang her up, up and POW, she slam dunked the ball, catching the basket and swinging back and forth before dismounting with an eye-popping double tuck somersault and landing with effortless grace on the hard asphalt court, posing with her arms aloft and her back arched like a Gymnast finishing her routine.
Her friends applauded her victory as Nick was again left slack-jawed and speechless. He shook his head, bringing himself back to reality as he looked off to his own friends. They were equally devastated. The disappointment in their eyes was clear to see. They had just watched their team captain, the best player on their team, get thoroughly trounced and humiliated. It wasn't even competitive... He never had a chance.
“Don'tcha think?” Ashley asked, popping some bubble gum into her mouth.
“What?” Nick asked dejectedly.
“Don'tcha think it's the smartest thing a dumbass loser like you has ever done?”
“Whatever... So you won. Give me my ball back, I'm going home.”
“Aww. Poor wittle baby! Wants to take his ball and go home.” She continued mocking him with his ball pressed to her hip. “No.” She returned defiantly. “I won, I'm keeping it.” She finished in between chomping on her bubble gum. “Run on home then and practice... Maybe if you practice hard enough, you'll be almost as good as me one day... Then again pigs might fly.” Ashley and her friends all laughed as Nick grew angrier.
“But you said you didn't like basketball.” Rob argued, trying a more psychological approach. “Why do you even want his ball?”
“I dunno...” She replied rolling her eyes for a reason. “I might let my dog play with it.”
“Come on, give it back.” Dean asked politely. “His Brother gave him that ball.”
“Like I give a shit.” Ashley huffed.
“Yeah, don't give it to them Ashley, they suck.” Her friend Kirsten joined in.
“Oh yeah totally girl – I'm confiscating it on the grounds of them sucking so badly.” Ashley went back and forth with her friends, continuing to mock the boys. Suddenly an evil grin enveloped her face as she had an idea. “Say 'I dream I was as good as Ashley' … Go on, say it!” She really enjoyed bullying people, making them feel bad for her amusement, it was clear.
“Look, give me my damn ball or else, you're pissing me off now!” Nick snapped harshly.
Ashley and her friends simply burst into laughter. “Or else what, loser?” “...What ARE you gonna do about it?”
“I'll beat the shit out of you, you mouthy little cunt!” Nick's anger grew, now genuinely wanting to follow through with his threat.
Again, Ashley burst into laughter before calming. “I'd like to see you try, dumbass!” Her attractive face eyeing him like something she had wiped from her shoe. “If you think you could take me in a fight, you're even stupider than you look!”
Her words cut ever deeper into his male ego.
“Hold this for me, girl.” Ashley tossed Nick's ball to her friend Kirsten as she eyed the older, taller boy with contempt. “I think he needs another lesson!”
“You wanna go?” Ashley taunted him as he advanced on the annoying brat with violent intent in his eye. “Come on then bitch boy let's go, come on, hit me.” Ashley turned from sporty girl-jock to gangsta-girl, continuing to goad and harass the older male, getting in his face, shoving his chest, feeding his anger.
“Get your cameras ready girls, this'll be on Youtube tonight.” Ashley called out as Nick brought his fists up and fired somewhat of a warning jab at her face.
The two boys and three girls watched on in excitement as the fight got under way. Dean and Rob keen to see Nick give her a good smack. OK – so she won at Basketball, a game... But a fight between a 6ft, 19 year old boy and a 18 year old, 5ft girl could only go one way. The boys knew she'd be going home crying soon enough.
Ashley leaned back and avoided Nick's jab, but he kept up the assault and charged at her with shocking aggression, swinging wild, venomous punches. The tough little girl stood her ground however and took his punches, blocking them with her arms and shoulders. It appeared only a matter of time, however, before the bigger male would simply batter her into submission with his aggression. Again though, she surprised him with her speed and quick reflexes as she caught hold of his wrist.
Skilfully isolating his thumb with both hands, Ashley bent the digit down and inwards. Shooting pain surged through Nick's senses as he screamed out in agony. Ashley's thumb-lock quickly rendered the taller, older boy to his knees in a feeble attempt to alleviate the hurting she was putting on him.
“Hehe!” She sounded, girlishly laughing at his struggles having brought him to his knees before her. “Hurts, doesn't it loser?” She teased him. Her simple, but effective hold was more than enough to keep him under control.
“My Mom did a self defence class last week – she showed me this one...” She chirped, looking over to her friends whose gleeful faces all matched Ashley's, excited to see what she would do to him next.
“Hey that's enough! Leave him alone! Let him go!” Nick's buddy, Dean called as he advanced forward with a concerned look on his face.
Ashley cranked up the pressure of her thumb-lock electing a gruesome howl from Nick.
“Stay out of it or I'll break it! I will – I'll break it!” She snapped a harsh warning.
“ARRRGH! Noooo!” Nick bellowed, his face contorted in sheer agony as Dean stopped in his tracks. The boys took a collective dry gulp, realising their pal was completely at this young girl's mercy.
Ashley was a vision of power as she stood with her short, thick legs in a wide stance. Her tight black addidas leotard showing off the contours and sweeps of her dense, powerful thighs and displayed her sturdy arms, a hint of muscle occasionally bulging from beneath their soft, feminine exterior.
“Say you're a loser.” She looked down at him with a cruel smirk. “Say it!” She demanded, twisting his thumb.
“ARGHH!!” Nick yelped, before gritting his teeth. He didn't want to, but the pain was overwhelming.
“I'm a loser...” Nick meekly submitted amidst much giggling from the girls.
“Haha – he said it! He actually said it!” She whooped, drinking in her power over the older boy.
Ashley's friend, Kirsten, then stepped up to her from behind and whispered in her ear. As she whispered, both girls eyed Nick over, unable to hide the fun they were having at his expense.
Kirsten backed away as Ashley composed herself before delivering the words that would plunge Nick into even greater shame.
“Say you're a cocksucking faggot!” She demanded with an evil grin.
Ashley's three friends all huddled around, wide grins on their eager faces and holding their phones annoyingly close to Nick's humiliated face.
Nick pleaded and grovelled for her to let him go, begging for mercy, but his tormentor gave him none. She and her friends were loving his suffering as the boys looked on with a collective feeling of helplessness and shame.
“Let him go, you've made your point!” Nick's two friends argued back and forth with the girls.
While Ashley was busy taunting the boys and joking with the girls, Nick could sense her small, soft hands growing limp against his, her thumb lock losing its intensity.
Nick composed himself like an animal waiting to pounce. When the moment was right, he exploded into action; yanking his hand away and pulling her towards him, his free hand instinctively balling itself into a fist and ploughing it into her stomach with all the strength he could muster.
He was free!
A brief look of shock enveloped Ashley's attractive young face but Nick's punch did not have the desired effect.
“Oh, like that really hurt, loser!” She said, keen to put down his efforts but Nick had escaped and he knew he had angered her.
She adjusted her tight black tank leotard, revealing an impressive six pack, not massively ripped, but clearly defined and perfectly symmetrical.
“Bet you're jealous of my abs, huh, loser?” She boasted, running her fingertips playfully over her washboard stomach.
“Why don't you try that again, loser.” She offered, pointing at her belly while her other hand kept her top hiked up.
Nick snarled, full of rage and not needing a second invitation to hit her, even though she was very much a girl.
Nick's two friends cheered him on as he wound up and punched her in the stomach as hard as he could.
His fist impacted with an audible smack against her abs but again Nick's punch had absolutely no effect.
“Aww. He's such a wimp.” Ashley giggled to her friends. She then did a silly little dance, running her hand seductively over her chiselled mid-section. Nick couldn't believe it. Was he really that weak? Was she really that tough?
He swallowed hard as the much shorter girl advanced on him.
“You're a wimp.” She said to him with a mean scowl. And then she lashed out. He didn't even see her punch coming and before he knew it, he was doubled over in pain, feeling like he had been disembowelled by her short, swift thump to his belly.
Nick was right about one thing – he had angered her and now he was paying for it as the little girl went after him, aggressively looking to beat him down. Her moans and soft grunts could be heard as she peppered him with punches, her strikes were not especially heavy given her small frame and girly punching technique but her hard little fists a blur as they penetrated his defences and smacked his face. She was just too damn fast!
Left, right, left right, she backed him up against the fence of the Basketball court before roughly taking his ears in each hand and driving his head down to meet her upcoming knee. The force from her immensely strong, thick, Gymnast legs was much greater than her punches and it impacted hard on Nick's face, rocking his senses and disorientating him into a state of semi-consciousness. He found himself falling to the hard asphalt, tasting blood and seeing stars.
Ashley stood over him, power posing with her hands on her hips. “Fucking loser!” She spat, before kicking him in the ribs as he lie on the ground. “That's for hitting me.” She kicked him again. “That's for calling me a cunt!” Again she punted him with the tip of her white sneakers.
“Urrgh!” Nick groaned as Ashley's rowdy friends cheered her on, loving being witness to her beating up an older boy and still recording the action on their phones. “Yeah girl, fuck that bitch boy up!” “Ash-ley, Ash-ley, Ash-ley!” They cheered.
Finally Dean and Rob rushed in to stop the onslaught as Ashley did another little pose, hands up and back arched, as if finishing a Gymnastics routine before she backed away. Both Dean and Rob had come off worse against Nick in play-fights so seeing Ashley thoroughly trounce him made them both fearful of the younger girl.
Ashley exchanged high fives with her three friends as they proudly watched Nick being tended to.
Everything Nick had tried, he had failed miserably. He was beaten. He was humiliated. By a girl.
...And not only a girl, but a much smaller, younger girl... And a girly-girl with her high dark blonde ponytail dancing as she moved, her creamy sun-kissed skin and figure hugging clothes. Her light feminine perfume and doll-like face with cute little dimples as she smiled at his suffering.
Beaten and bullied, she had reduced him to feeling absolutely useless. To feeling exactly like how she referred to him – a loser. A good-for-nothing loser.
Nick felt his eyes well up and his bottom lip quiver as he broke down in tears.
Ashley's eyes lit up in delight as she saw that she had made the older boy cry. She had broken him, emotionally and physically. The girls exchanged another round of high fives in celebration as they skipped off to the store for some ice cream to cap off what had been a fun afternoon for them whereas Nick was helped home by his two buddies, bloodied sobbing like a baby, never wanting to see a Basketball court again as long as he lived.
“Guys, don't tell anyone about this. It didn't happen – OK?” Nick groaned as the boys headed back to his house.
“Man, what do you want us to say? Those girls have it all on their phones, remember?”
“Yeah, it'll probably be all over the net by tonight... And you hit her first... She made it look like you started it.”
Nick's head fell in shame. “Just don't say anything.”
All-consumed with getting revenge, Tom wasted no time as he jumped into his black, modified Honda Civic and roared away, back to the Basketball courts where this girl could be found. His furious mind full of violent intent, mulling over whether he would beat her to a lifeless pulp with his bare hands, or whether he would use the brute strength of his massively muscled arms to rip her limb from limb. Finally he amused himself by imaging how she would, no doubt, firstly be peeing her pants in terror, just like that guy at College who he caught his ex-girlfriend cheating with.
However, the girl he was after, along with her friends, appeared to be long gone. Tom drove around until sunset before returning home, but he would not give up. He would search the streets tomorrow and the next day and the day after that. Every day until the day he found her... and smashed her face in!
Tom's anger and craving for retribution did not subside as he noted the deep-seated psychological effect of being beaten up and humiliated by a younger girl had on his brother Nick. His self-esteem and confidence, were in ruins. He stayed isolated, in the solace of his darkened room the whole weekend, only coming out to eat and use the bathroom. When he returned to school, he quit the Basketball team and became a shadow of the once energetic and lively teenager he had been.
Another week passed and Nick was finally making slow progress thanks to Tom showing him the noble art of lifting weights. The brothers worked out together every day in their garage and Nick could see that he wasn't a loser; he was making progress, setting goals, working towards them and making achievements. “I'M NOT A LOSER!” Nick yelled, working the heavy bag with big looping haymakers. Tom nodded proudly as he listened from outside.
Two weeks had now passed since that horrible day in Nick's life, but the memory had begun to fade, his cuts and bruises had healed and life did indeed, go on.
It was another warm Friday afternoon and Nick heading home from School with Rob, who was trying to persuade his friend to rejoin the Basketball team when they heard a familiar voice.
“HEY ASHLEY – LOOK; IT'S THAT BITCH BOY YOU BEAT UP THE OTHER WEEK!” Nick's head shot around to see the mixed-race girl, Kirsten, along with Ashley herself, riding their little bicycles on the other side of an 8ft fence that enclosed a parkland area.
“HEY YOU CRY-BABY LOOOOOooooozZZerr!!!” Ashley taunted before both girls broke out in giggles.
“Quick dude, call your bro.” Rob breathed hurriedly. “He's jonesing to get his hands on her – he'll kill her!”
Nick scowled at her and did not hesitate to whip his phone out and call Tom, who took off like lightening.
Part of Nick did feel a tinge of shame, knowing that he, a 19 year old was indeed getting his big brother onto a 18 year old girl, but he knew Tom would scare her silly... He wanted to see her trembling in fear and then for Tom to beat her to within an inch of her life for all the misery she had caused him.
“OH I'M SOOOOooooo SCARED!!!” Ashley yelled before coming closer and getting off her bicycle, squaring up to the two older boys from the other side of the fence.
“Yeah you will be, his brother is a BODYBUILDER!!!” Rob proudly boasted.
Ashley once again broke out in a fit of laughter. Her friend Kirsten however, looked slightly more concerned.
“Oh I can't WAIT to see this!” Ashley cooed, almost wiping away tears from laughing so hard.
“Yeah.” Kirsten backed her friend up, putting her hands on her hips and getting brash, joining in the trash talking as well. “Hate to tell you this, boys, but this isn't the first time some little bitch has got their B.F.F, their big brother, or even their Daddy to try to fight their battles for them against Ashley...”
“Yeah, you tell 'em girl. What do you think happened, loser? You think I can't make grown men cry like little babies too?” Ashley bragged, swinging her hips arrogantly as she stood in a pair of cut off blue denim shorts, and white halter top.
“Yeah, just you wait.”
“Wait for what?” Ashley spat, clearly angered by the boys not being intimidated by her any more. “I'm gonna jump over this fence and beat the shit out of you, you little loser bitches!”
Ashley was just about to scale the 8ft high wire fence when the roar of Tom's after-sale fitted exhaust sounded as he pulled up next to the boys. He jumped out of his car like a man possessed.
“That's her!” Rob eagerly pointed at Ashley, who jumped down from the fence, back to where she started.
“Right, come around here.” Tom spoke with authority to the girls as he put his arm around Nick's shoulder.
Ashley and Kirsten looked at each other, then at Tom, then back at each other and then giggled.
“Now!” The adult demanded of the child. The imposing man wore faded black jeans and a tight black t-shirt that showcased his massively muscular upper body. His huge pectoral muscles like giant plates in his chest and broad, thick boulders for shoulders.
Ashley looked big Tom up and down with her pretty young face contorted in disgust, like he was the most revolting thing she had laid eyes on.
She then let out a stroppy, pantomimed teenage sigh and was about to scale the fence once more but Kirsten took her wrist.
“No, don't.” Kirsten said nervously.
Ashley pulled her wrist out of Kirsten's grasp. “I'm not scared of HIM!” She spat.
“But he's a bodybuilder!” Kirsten reasoned.
Ashley just laughed. “So?” “...Bodybuilding isn't even a real sport! Just a stupid pageant for dumb-asses on steroids with pea-sized testicles!”
Tom couldn't believe his ears! His anger boiled over as he became desperate to wring this little girl's neck! In a fit of rage, he marched up to the wire fence and attempted to rip it open with his bare hands. His huge biceps swelled up like mountain peaks and his triceps expanded until the short sleeves of his tee-shirt gave way, tearing from the seams from elbow to shoulder.
“O.M.G.” Kirsten sounded, “He's like... The Incredible Hulk!”
“Incredible Hulk? Pfff... More like The Incredible DORK!” Ashley returned as both girls giggled at Tom's failed attempt at pulling apart the fence.
“You see, Bodybuilders aren't even that strong.” She continued 'educating' her friend. “His muscles might be big, but they're pretty much useless. He might be able to lift a tonne of weight once or twice, but his muscle endurance is way lower than mine. I can do more push ups or pull ups than he could ever dream of. ”
“Your muscles are big and useless!” She said directly to Tom, though the fence with absolute conviction. “...And you're a DORK with no BALLS!”
Tom stepped back from the fence, growling like a caged animal.
“O.M.G - look how tired he already looks after being a dumb-ass, trying to rip the fence apart.“ Ashley teased, excited that she was angering the grown man.
“You little cunt, I'll tear your head off” Tom roared.
“Yeah, right, puppy-pants loser! I'm going to have fun taking you apart, but not today... I tell you what – tomorrow, 3PM at the Gymnasium... Coach Dawson is leaving early and the janitor doesn't lock up until 4PM. Bring your boyfriends, your crybaby loser brother and whoever else because I'll kick your ass and humiliate you in front of the whole Gymnastics team! YOU'RE going to be the post show entertainment!
Laterz Loserz!
...And with that, the two young girls jumped on the bicycles and peddled away slowly, still giggling with their long hair flowing in the breeze.
All-consumed with getting revenge, Tom wasted no time as he jumped into his black, modified Honda Civic and roared away, back to the Basketball courts where this girl could be found. His furious mind full of violent intent, mulling over whether he would beat her to a lifeless pulp with his bare hands, or whether he would use the brute strength of his massively muscled arms to rip her limb from limb. Finally he amused himself by imaging how she would, no doubt, firstly be peeing her pants in terror, just like that guy at College who he caught his ex-girlfriend cheating with.
However, the girl he was after, along with her friends, appeared to be long gone. Tom drove around until sunset before returning home, but he would not give up. He would search the streets tomorrow and the next day and the day after that. Every day until the day he found her... and smashed her face in!
Tom's anger and craving for retribution did not subside as he noted the deep-seated psychological effect of being beaten up and humiliated by a younger girl had on his brother Nick. His self-esteem and confidence, were in ruins. He stayed isolated, in the solace of his darkened room the whole weekend, only coming out to eat and use the bathroom. When he returned to school, he quit the Basketball team and became a shadow of the once energetic and lively teenager he had been.
Another week passed and Nick was finally making slow progress thanks to Tom showing him the noble art of lifting weights. The brothers worked out together every day in their garage and Nick could see that he wasn't a loser; he was making progress, setting goals, working towards them and making achievements. “I'M NOT A LOSER!” Nick yelled, working the heavy bag with big looping haymakers. Tom nodded proudly as he listened from outside.
Two weeks had now passed since that horrible day in Nick's life, but the memory had begun to fade, his cuts and bruises had healed and life did indeed, go on.
It was another warm Friday afternoon and Nick heading home from School with Rob, who was trying to persuade his friend to rejoin the Basketball team when they heard a familiar voice.
“HEY ASHLEY – LOOK; IT'S THAT BITCH BOY YOU BEAT UP THE OTHER WEEK!” Nick's head shot around to see the mixed-race girl, Kirsten, along with Ashley herself, riding their little bicycles on the other side of an 8ft fence that enclosed a parkland area.
“HEY YOU CRY-BABY LOOOOOooooozZZerr!!!” Ashley taunted before both girls broke out in giggles.
“Quick dude, call your bro.” Rob breathed hurriedly. “He's jonesing to get his hands on her – he'll kill her!”
Nick scowled at her and did not hesitate to whip his phone out and call Tom, who took off like lightening.
Part of Nick did feel a tinge of shame, knowing that he, a 19 year old was indeed getting his big brother onto a 18 year old girl, but he knew Tom would scare her silly... He wanted to see her trembling in fear and then for Tom to beat her to within an inch of her life for all the misery she had caused him.
“OH I'M SOOOOooooo SCARED!!!” Ashley yelled before coming closer and getting off her bicycle, squaring up to the two older boys from the other side of the fence.
“Yeah you will be, his brother is a BODYBUILDER!!!” Rob proudly boasted.
Ashley once again broke out in a fit of laughter. Her friend Kirsten however, looked slightly more concerned.
“Oh I can't WAIT to see this!” Ashley cooed, almost wiping away tears from laughing so hard.
“Yeah.” Kirsten backed her friend up, putting her hands on her hips and getting brash, joining in the trash talking as well. “Hate to tell you this, boys, but this isn't the first time some little bitch has got their B.F.F, their big brother, or even their Daddy to try to fight their battles for them against Ashley...”
“Yeah, you tell 'em girl. What do you think happened, loser? You think I can't make grown men cry like little babies too?” Ashley bragged, swinging her hips arrogantly as she stood in a pair of cut off blue denim shorts, and white halter top.
“Yeah, just you wait.”
“Wait for what?” Ashley spat, clearly angered by the boys not being intimidated by her any more. “I'm gonna jump over this fence and beat the shit out of you, you little loser bitches!”
Ashley was just about to scale the 8ft high wire fence when the roar of Tom's after-sale fitted exhaust sounded as he pulled up next to the boys. He jumped out of his car like a man possessed.
“That's her!” Rob eagerly pointed at Ashley, who jumped down from the fence, back to where she started.
“Right, come around here.” Tom spoke with authority to the girls as he put his arm around Nick's shoulder.
Ashley and Kirsten looked at each other, then at Tom, then back at each other and then giggled.
“Now!” The adult demanded of the child. The imposing man wore faded black jeans and a tight black t-shirt that showcased his massively muscular upper body. His huge pectoral muscles like giant plates in his chest and broad, thick boulders for shoulders.
Ashley looked big Tom up and down with her pretty young face contorted in disgust, like he was the most revolting thing she had laid eyes on.
She then let out a stroppy, pantomimed teenage sigh and was about to scale the fence once more but Kirsten took her wrist.
“No, don't.” Kirsten said nervously.
Ashley pulled her wrist out of Kirsten's grasp. “I'm not scared of HIM!” She spat.
“But he's a bodybuilder!” Kirsten reasoned.
Ashley just laughed. “So?” “...Bodybuilding isn't even a real sport! Just a stupid pageant for dumb-asses on steroids with pea-sized testicles!”
Tom couldn't believe his ears! His anger boiled over as he became desperate to wring this little girl's neck! In a fit of rage, he marched up to the wire fence and attempted to rip it open with his bare hands. His huge biceps swelled up like mountain peaks and his triceps expanded until the short sleeves of his tee-shirt gave way, tearing from the seams from elbow to shoulder.
“O.M.G.” Kirsten sounded, “He's like... The Incredible Hulk!”
“Incredible Hulk? Pfff... More like The Incredible DORK!” Ashley returned as both girls giggled at Tom's failed attempt at pulling apart the fence.
“You see, Bodybuilders aren't even that strong.” She continued 'educating' her friend. “His muscles might be big, but they're pretty much useless. He might be able to lift a tonne of weight once or twice, but his muscle endurance is way lower than mine. I can do more push ups or pull ups than he could ever dream of. ”
“Your muscles are big and useless!” She said directly to Tom, though the fence with absolute conviction. “...And you're a DORK with no BALLS!”
Tom stepped back from the fence, growling like a caged animal.
“O.M.G - look how tired he already looks after being a dumb-ass, trying to rip the fence apart.“ Ashley teased, excited that she was angering the grown man.
“You little cunt, I'll tear your head off” Tom roared.
“Yeah, right, puppy-pants loser! I'm going to have fun taking you apart, but not today... I tell you what – tomorrow, 3PM at the Gymnasium... Coach Dawson is leaving early and the janitor doesn't lock up until 4PM. Bring your boyfriends, your crybaby loser brother and whoever else because I'll kick your ass and humiliate you in front of the whole Gymnastics team! YOU'RE going to be the post show entertainment!
Laterz Loserz!
...And with that, the two young girls jumped on the bicycles and peddled away slowly, still giggling with their long hair flowing in the breeze.
Tom couldn't wait to get his hands on Ashley. Seeing how arrogant and boastful she was; bragging over what she had done to his brother Nick had left him seething. He didn't care that she was a young girl; he was going to make her pay.
...But there was something else that irked him – her sheer girlishness. The fact that she was a 18 year old girl infuriated him even more. How DARE she be so disrespectful to him; a big, muscular alpha male? She needed to learn her role and Tom was adamant that she wouldn't be running her mouth, let alone picking on any more boys after he was through with her! In fact, she'd be lucky to still be breathing, he told himself.
Tom didn't expect Ashley to actually be at the Gymnasium that Saturday afternoon, but Tom knew she was a Gymnast now, and he would be able to catch up to her eventually.
“Gymnastics!” He said to himself, condescendingly. “5 foot tall, 110lbs soaking wet? … How could you let her get the better of you?” He glanced over at his brother Nick, who sat in the passenger seat of Tom's car.
Nick merely dropped his head – his embarrassment and shame clear to see.
“She's fast...” Nick's best friend, Rob, spoke up from the back seat.
Tom turned and narrowed his eyes at the boy, before letting out a disapproving blow of air from his lips and shaking his head disparagingly.
“If a bitch hits you, hit her back ten times harder! That's what a real man does!” Tom snapped. “When we find her, I'll show you how you take care of smart-mouthed cunts like her!” He reassuringly spoke, giving his brother a playful push on the shoulder, rocking some enthusiasm back into his still-damaged psyche. Nick didn't doubt for a second that his big brother, a grown 21 year old man, would make this girl pay and he was eager to see it. Ashley beaten up, in tears and begging for forgiveness... He couldn't wait. Then, and only then, his pride would be restored.
The three males parked up in the deserted parking lot outside the Gymnasium. It was a large building on the outskirts of town that also hosted many other sports, including Basketball, but specialised in Gymnastics.
Tom lead the way as the three of them exited his car and marched up to the front entrance like men on a mission.
The doors however, were firmly locked.
“Told ya.” Tom spoke, taking a step back from pushing on the doors and eyeing over the seemingly empty, locked down building.
Of course he hadn't expected the girl's challenge to be serious, but he turned up anyway hoping to find out when she would be there, or perhaps bump into someone that knew her and knew where she could be found. Tom felt like a hunter on the trail of an annoying pest.
“...Ain't nobody here.” Tom spoke again, holding out his long, thick, densely muscled arms. His awesome physique threatening to hulk out of another tight black t-shirt he wore with faded black jeans.
“I knew it.” Nick returned.
“Man, what a joke!” Rob whined, clearly disappointed.
Suddenly, the three of them heard a scurrying noise from above, 15 feet above them on the roof. Then there were whispers, giggles, girls voices... “Three of them!” Tom heard a girl's voice whisper. And then multiple smiley young girl's faces came into view, standing on the rooftop. Their sudden appearance was quickly followed by a blue softball-sized projectile hurled down at the guys, then a yellow one, then a green one. Water balloons! Pow! Splat! Squish! The boys performed an involuntary dance to avoid getting soaked as the girls had fun pelting them with water balloons from above.
“Hey LOOOOoooooozzers!” Ashley excitedly beamed as she stepped into view wearing a baggy black track-suit with white trim. She sized up Tom with a pink water balloon in her hand. Her aim was straight and true and it nailed Tom between the eyes, bursting right in the centre of his furious face. It dripped down, soaking his black t-shirt as the girls laughed aloud. “You should have pissed in that one, Ashley!” One girl was heard to say before yet more laughter ensued.
“The back door, you dumb-asses...” Ashley's friend then Kirsten yelled down to them. “...What you faggots are used to!” The young girls couldn't have been having more fun at the boys expense.
Tom ran his hand over his wet face and buzz cut blond hair, wiping away droplets of water before setting off around the building. He threw off his soaking t-shirt as he marched, leaving him bare chested, his massive upper body rippling in rage. The two teenage boys kept in tow behind.
They arrived at the back entrance; another set of glass double-doors. Tom reached out and yanked at the handle, but again, securely locked. Ashley and Kirsten then came into view behind the glass doors, safely inside the building. Ashley dangled a set of keys in front of Tom's face and waving her other finger in a no-no gesture.
Tom shook his head in frustration as the girls continued to pull faces, stick out their tongues, turn and wiggle their asses, as if teasing a caged beast. Tom was fed up and for the first time thought about letting the whole thing go. They were, after all, just children and he knew Ashley, as tough as she talked, would have no chance against him. ...And she was a cute girl - did he really smash her face in?
But then Ashley pointed at Nick, making a mock crybaby face, rubbing her eyes and pouting her lips. Nick was visibly affected by her bullying and this lit a new spark of fury in Tom. He was here because of what she had done to his brother. If anyone messes with his brother, they'd have him to deal with!
Would he smash her face in? Damn right he would! Tom raised his big boot and lashed out at the glass door. It wobbled and shook, but the glass was too thick. The girls, knowing they were safe, continued to taunt the big shirtless muscle man more aggressively now, raising their middle fingers, mouthing “fuck you” and Ashley even waving her little un-menacing but highly annoying fist at him.
Tom gritted his teeth and took off back around to the front of the building with Nick and Rob scuttling along from behind.
“Standing on a fucking roof, behind a door, behind a fence...” Tom irritably mumbled under his breath.
He arrived back at the front of the building with a renewed idea and quickly found what he was looking for – a drainage pipe leading to the roof. Tom set about climbing up to the roof and at last luck was on his side; the pipe was strong and securely fitted and easily supported his 255 pound body as he climbed. He made it to the top and rolled onto the roof, quickly spotting an open window that lead into the main, larger, central part of the building. Again, luck was on his side and his large frame was not too big for him to squeeze inside. Nick and Rob followed Tom, shuffling up onto the roof and through into the building.
Tom allowed himself a victorious chuckle as he made it inside the building.
“Sweet!” Nick breathed as he and Rob quietly slipped through the window as well.
“The bitches can run but they can't hide.” Tom whispered as he and the two boys set off tiptoeing down a flight of stairs feeling like sly predatory foxes breaking into the hen house...
They made their way through a couple of dark corridors and out into the main gymnasium. The vast open space was dimly lit, but the air was rich with girls cheap perfume. They were in here, somewhere.
Tom made his way to the centre of the floor, picking up on some whispering.
Suddenly, a giant flash of light erupted as the main lights ignited and lighting the gymnasium brightly and vividly.
“WHERE ARE YOU?” Tom called in his deep, powerful voice. “Didn't think we'd get in, huh? Shitting your pants I bet now, aren't you?”
“Over here, you big ugly Ape!” He spun around to see Ashley standing brazenly on the other side of the large mat used for Gymnastics floor routines, 30-40 feet away. “Oh and don't flatter yourself” She continued, narrowing her eyes at him, her young high-pitched voice echoing slightly in the vast Gymnasium. “I was gonna leave the front door open, but the other girls wanted to have some fun with you first, so thanks for that losers, you gave us all a good laugh.” She finished with a cocky grin, like she had got the better of them.
“Yeah well...” Tom grunted. “Playtime's over!” And with that, he began advancing on her, opening and closing his giant hands as he took menacing strides towards her, leaving the two boys grinning widely as they anticipated what their muscle bound hero was about to do to her.
“No, you knuckle-dragging meat-head! … Now the real fun starts! … GET THEM, GIRLS!!!”
And with that, a huge screaming army of at least 30 young girls dressed in varying coloured leotards charged out into the Gymnasium and descended on the three males. There were blondes, brunettes, Latinas, Asians, a couple of black girls and even a redhead. Their ages ranging from 18-19 with differing body-types – skinny, lean, muscular, some even a little chubby, but all trained in Gymnastics and being young, very few were taller than 5'2”. Some were a minute 4'6”.
Tom roared as several girls latched onto him, attempting to bring the big man down. One on each arm, one on each leg. A little Asian girl leapt up and Karate kicked him in the chest while a tough young black girl leapt up from behind and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Tom gritted his teeth in effort and used his power. He shook the girl off his right arm, then left, then reached back and hurled the girl off his back, sending their little bodies flying in all directions, but more came back at him.
Rob and Nick were not faring as well however as each male had to deal with roughly ten on one. 6 foot tall Nick towered above his young female Gymnast attackers, but he was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of hands, feet and accumulated strength working him over. They pulled his hair, slapped his face and wrestled him to the ground like a pride of hungry little lioness cubs. His own arms and legs were rendered useless as they were pinned to the ground.
Rob quickly found himself in a similar predicament as twenty hands and feet lashed out at him from all directions. They were pulling, kicking, slapping and scratching until he found himself pleading for their mercy.
The girls laughed at Nick and Rob's yelps and cries as they continued to have their way with the two boys, who were both bigger and older than any of them. Team work prevailed as they secured the grounded boys hands and feet. Nick was hog-tied with a couple of the girls spare leotards while a stringy halter-top secured Rob's limbs tightly. A few more kicks and slaps ensured they were beaten down sufficiently, their faces showing a multitude of welts and bruises and even the odd light cut and graze where sharp finger and toenails had got the better of them.
Tom was still on his feet, shaking off more girls as they failed to get the big behemoth down. Some were left in a crumpled heap having hurt themselves after Tom had thrown them to the floor. Kirsten stepped up and attempted a tackle on the pillars of muscle that were his legs, built from many heavy squats and leg presses. Tom merely pushed the girl away and viciously back-handed Ashley's best friend across the face as he attempted to get to his helpless and immobilized brother.
Kirsten staggered back and fell to her butt. Her bottom lip quivering and eyes welling up with tears having been slapped by the grown man. She brought her hand up to the corner of her mouth and dabbed away a light trace of blood.
“HEY!” Ashley suddenly called as the anarchy calmed. “YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT, YOU BIG FUCKING BULLY!”
“Take a seat on the bleachers, girls...” She looked to her friends while scraping up and fastening her dark blonde hair in a high ponytail. This is what you've been waiting for – to see me take this freak, one on one... Me and him” She cooed with absolute conviction.
Tom, breathing heavily from fending off every girl that had attacked him knew that one good hit would put her down and in tears. If he didn't hate her so much, he might feel sorry for her, but she needed to be taught a lesson. He growled at her menacingly, like a big bad 6'4, 255lbs wolf about to attack a scared little 5ft, 110lbs lamb... Only she didn't look scared...
“Oh, you think I'm scared of you because you're a big guy?” She scoffed, now unzipping her tracksuit and circling over towards the bleachers where the girls had Nick and Rob tied up, lying on their bellies, their faces looking up, hoping Tom would soon beat her ass and come to their rescue.
“...Or because you're older?” She continued, that arrogant smirk returning to her lips. “I haven't beaten up a guy as old as you for a while, and some of my friends think you're too big for me to handle. Actually, I don't think I've beaten up a guy as big and muscley as you before, so feel honoured, loser. ”
With that she slipped off her beaten-up white sneakers followed by her little cotton socks before tucking them into her discarded sneakers. Her socks were white with little red love hearts scattered over them. Ashley then eased out of her tracksuit top and bottoms, leaving her in a pink, one-piece leotard. Tom also noted her pink and white glittery finger and toenail polish. Dammit she was so annoyingly girly... How COULD she have beaten up his brother, let alone DARE fight him one-on-one Tom wondered.
Ashley dropped her tracksuit top onto Nick's back taking a moment to giggle at his predicament before turning back to Tom. “OK, I'm ready to humiliate you now.” She announced.
Ashley took several steps onto the floor and did her usual hands high, back arched pose, as if starting a gymnastics routine. Tom charged at her, equally full of confidence that he was about to end her fun and games, once and for all while the crowd looked on.
Tom and Ashley both charged in to meet each other in the centre of the floor used for gymnastics routines, both running at each other. Tom charged like a bull, looking to tackle her to the ground, but with perfect timing, Ashley performed a cartwheel, a hand-spring back-flip before flying high into the air – jumping clean over Tom's head - performing a twist and double-tuck somersault before landing gracefully on the mat behind him. The girls all clapped their hands in appreciation of Ashley's athleticism.
Tom could not believe the height she had gained. He turned to see his female antagonist standing behind him, her hands on her hips, power-posting and shaking her head with an arrogant look of superiority on her pretty young face.
“O.M.G. - did you all see how SLOW he is?” Ashley remarked, looking off to her friends. “I thought his crybaby brother was slow, but this meat head is even more pathetic!” She finished, turning back to Tom and eyeing him from head to toe with a look of disgust.
Tom clamped his jaw, scowling at her and slowly walked her down. He lunged at her attempting to grab hold of her. But again Ashley was too quick for him, cartwheeling off to the left before his giant paws could touch her.
Tom turned once again to see Ashley standing there, like a nimble, graceful little bird, too quick for the big cumbersome predator chasing her.
“Seriously, do you know how pathetic you are?” Ashley laughed at him. “Do you? You're so slow, even slugs deserve more respect than you!”
Tom gritted his teeth, becoming more enraged, but Ashley continued to verbally taunt him. “I guess it's true what they say about bodybuilders... Big muscles, small brains!” She giggled. “I bet you'd get lost going around in a circle!”
With that, Tom snarled and lunged at her again. But once more, Ashley was too quick, cartwheeling off to the side again. This time however, she kept up her movement, fluidly performing cartwheel after cartwheel, circling around Tom.
Tom steadied himself after another failed attempt and spun around, but she was gone... He spun back, she wasn't there... 'What the fuck' he thought to himself... He could hear her hands and feet pitter-pattering on the mat as he spun back and forth trying to locate the lithe little gymnast who was literally dancing around him.
This was embarrassing.
Tom spun around again. He heard giggles, more pitter-pattering of her hands and feet. More girls from the audience began to laugh at the sight of the huge bodybuilder being teased.
Big Tom frustratingly spun in a complete circle. Finally he caught sight of her, but he had spun too far - he turned back – dizzy now, and was SHOCKED as the next thing he saw was the little soles of her bare feet rocketing towards his face. POW – she drop kicked him right in the face.
Tom staggered back, more enraged than ever. He rubbed his face as Ashley fluidly rolled to her feet.
Okay – so she was quick – quicker than him. But if he got hold of her, or hit her, that would be it.
“Come on you big Baboon – try to hit me like you did my friend.” Ashley brazenly challenged, folding her arms and standing casually with that ever-confident smirk on her lips.
Tom didn't need a second invitation and swung a punch at her face – fully intent on wiping that smirk off her face once and for all - but she ducked as Tom's fist found nothing but air. Tom swung again, but Ashley leaned back to evade.
The worst thing for Tom was just how casually she was moving, like she had all the time in the world to react to his movement. Even rolling her eyes, mocking his efforts.
Ashley evaded another punch before nailing Tom with a counter – a humiliating back-handed bitch slap that he didn't even see coming. The crowd of girls cheered the audible hand-to-face smack of Ashley's slap.
“How about that BITCH!?” The 18 year old brat smiled, clearly proud of herself and loving every minute of it.
Tom rubbed the sting off his cheek before sounding an angry roar. He charged at her but Ashley again reacted and took off running. She ran over to a spring-board and used it to jump up, onto a set of uneven bars. Tom was hot in pursuit but ran around the spring-board. Holding onto the lowest bar, Ashley looped around and around in a circular motion, Tom stopped in tracks, careful not to get kicked in the face again as Ashley orbited the bar, showing off her athleticism once again. Using the momentum she had built up, she leapt from the lowest bar to the highest, performing a mid-air leg split seemingly just to show off, before catching the high bar and continuing to lap around that one, high and low, around and around.
Tom's frustration finally got the better of him. No way was he going to allow this little brat to make a laughing stock out of him in front of his brother and all these giggling girls. He moved in – but SMACK – he got kicked in the face yet again by the spinning turbine that was Ashley.
Tom staggered back. The momentum she had built up spinning around made the kick quite forceful and Tom's senses were rocked. The girls all laughed at the big, bare-chested muscle man reel back.
Ashley quickly built up her momentum again, looking to capitalise she released herself from the bar, propelling her body high into the air, performing another double somersault like a cannonball descending upon Tom.
Tom, still dazed from Ashley's kick, looked up, but he was too late. CRUNCH – Ashley straightened out her body and performed a mid-air stomp to the top of Tom's head, using his head like another make-shift springboard before performing another twist somersault and landing gracefully on her feet, as if dismounting a piece of apparatus, which in this case was Tom's head. Ashley could not resist holding her hands aloft once again, the girls looking on cheered wildly, loving what they were seeing.
“ARRRGH!” Tom sounded, pain jarring through his head and neck. He dropped to his knees, favouring the back of his neck with a deep grimace.
Pure glee enveloped Ashley's face however, seeing she had reduced the big man to his knees.
“Had enough yet, dumb-ass?” She cooed, sauntering over to him with an arrogant, feminine swagger.
“Awww. Does it hurt?” She leaned down and spoke in his ear, almost seductively, but ensured she spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.
Ashley looked off to her friends. “Didn't I tell you I'd give you a show, girls?” She cooed, drinking in her power.
Tom gritted his teeth and channelled his pain into aggression. He reached out and grabbed her. YES – he'd finally got hold of her. He worked his large, powerful hands around her neck.
Ashley took his wrists with her tiny hands capped with pink and white glittery nail polish and concentrated her power. Unbelievably she slowly but surely powered his hands away from her neck. Tom was in shock, he doubled his efforts and gave it everything he had, his arms beginning to shake, straining, wincing.
Ashley moaned softly in effort as Tom's eyes widened in shock. Her astonishing strength continued to prove superior, driving Tom's arms further apart. Still holding his wrists, she then manoeuvred enough space to bring her dainty foot up and pressed it against his sternum. She yanked her weight back suddenly and pulled Tom towards her. Falling to her back, she used her foot to monkey-flip him, releasing his arms and catapulting him over onto his back.
Ashley sprang to her feet before Tom had regained his senses. He was flat on his back, looking up at his tormentor.
“No, dummy, you're not as strong as you think. I told you, those muscles of yours are just big, useless muscles... Bodybuilding is for losers. You oughta try a real sport for a change... But you're too much of a pathetic loser for that, aren't you!”
Tom swallowed a dry gulp, feeling his face grow redder with shame. He looked off to his brother, still hog-tied with a spandex leotard and gagged with a purple ankle warmer tight around his mouth. One of the girls – a cute little Latina - sitting on the bleachers behind up reached down and took a rough handful of his hair, yanking his head up before teasing him, whispering in his ear that his brother was getting his ass kicked in front of everyone.
“These are strong...” Ashley held her arms up in a double biceps pose, looking off to the right side, admiring the little satsuma sized ball of hard muscle that popped up.
Tom was still in disbelief. Okay she was strong – in her own right – with solid, thick arms, 12-13 inches maybe... But his arms were massive, bulky, enormous logs of power... But there was no denying it, she had just overpowered him. HIM – after all those hours he'd spent in the gym, the blood, sweat and tears that had gone into building his awesome physique, he'd lost a test of strength to a giggling, bratty little 5ft, 110lbs, 18 year old gymnast.
“Yeah...” Ashley continued, proudly flexing and unflexing her little biceps peaks. “But these...” She brought her hands down, slapping the tops of her fleshy legs. “Don't even go there, loser boy... My legs are way stronger than your peanut brain could ever imagine...”
Tom swallowed hard again. Again he knew his own legs were bigger, but she did have some intimidating mass to her thick quads. Big chunks of muscle hovered menacingly above her knees as she continued to pose arrogantly before his grounded, stricken form.
“Why don't you just admit what a fucking loser you are. Tell me... Beg me not to humiliate you any more...”
Tom looked at her with defiance.
“It'll only get worse for you...” She smirked, condescendingly talking to him like a retard. “Believe me... Do the smart thing and quit while your behind.”
She then rolled her eyes in a big, pantomimed fashion. “But you're not capable of being smart, are you, dumb-dumbs?”
Fury once again overcame the big muscle man. Tom would NOT let this happen. Not to him, not in front of his brother and NOT to a 18 year old GIRL.
He scrambled to get at her in a fit of rage, but Ashley surprised him yet again and engaged him, grappling with him before he could get up.
Tom tried once again to physically overpower her but she proved to be formidable foe. The struggle continued with Ashley keeping him on his knees, rolling him onto his back. Tom was breathing hard now, his big muscles starving for oxygen. His limbs grew heavy as he desperately pawed at Ashley's body, feeling the combination of her soft skin and powerful dense muscle beneath. As they grappled, the smell of her sweet perfume and dancing pony-tailed hair served an ever-present reminder that she was very much a girly-girl. As hard as he tried, he just could not gain an advantage.
Ashley moved freely and fluidly in her tight pink leotard whereas Tom's bulky muscles impeded his range of motion. He grew ever more lethargic, but continued to give his all. Ashley, however, continued to get the better of him, her flexibility and stamina proved vastly superior as she transitioned to take the back of her tiring, burly opponent.
Tom took in big gulps of desperate air, unable to stop Ashley working her way up high on his back, locking her short, thick legs around his neck in a reverse triangle.
Tom grimaced, pawing and prizing at her python-like legs, feeling her put the squeeze on his head and neck. He felt the blood restricted and the pressure growing, the large vein his forehead clearly visible; straining to prize her off, but those thick coils would not budge.
With everything he had left, he instinctively scrambled to his feet, taking the 110-pound girl onto his shoulders. But he was tired, exhausted and feeling her synch-in the leg choke even more. Tom staggered, his legs buckling, he felt weaker than he could ever remember.
With Ashley riding his shoulders, his last ditch thought was to try to fall backwards and slam her. He tensed up, stood straight and fell back – but he could not...
Ashley had reached up and grabbed hold of the two “still rings” – a piece of equipment used in men's Gymnastics – and used them to block his attempt at slamming her. She held him upright and maintained the deep triangle leg choke.
Tom feebly continued to paw at her slabs of thigh muscle, but it was to no avail. White spots began to fill his vision and a trickle of blood oozed from his nose. He felt himself perilously close to unconsciousness as he looked off to his brother Nick, still immobilised at the base of the bleachers. Nick, together with Rob, had seen it all with the girls sitting comfortably above him. Tom saw the panic, the terror in Rob's face while Nick's face showed dejection and disappointment. His sympathetic eyes already flowing with tears as the girl that had beaten him up was on the verge of knocking out his big brother. The man he looked up to and aspired to be like, humiliated by a superior girl, who had done it so easily.
Tom's vision washed over the rest of the audience – the 30-odd teenage girls. Some cheering wildly, some pumping their hands in the air and some just sitting back, cross-legged with satisfaction on their grinning, arrogant young faces.
A gasp then went up from the crowd as Ashley pulled up on the rings and Tom felt his feet leave the mat. Ashley's powerful body simply had no quit - she lifted his 255-pound body, performing a pull-up and literally hanging poor Tom. And that was it – with his feet helplessly swaying, the macho-man blanked out, relieved of his consciousness and knocked out under the power of Ashley's awesome thighs.
Ashley smiled gleefully, feeling his body go limp. Maintaining her grip on the rings and staying suspended, she released the unconscious hulk from her legs, allowing him to slump unceremoniously down to the mat like an imploding house of cards.
Ashley allowed herself a moment to admire what she had done and how much fun she had doing it. But then another wicked idea entered her head...
She worked up a brief swing on the rings before heaving herself up, turning upside down she addressed the crowd.
“YOUR TURN, CRYBABY...” She called with a big grin, opening her legs to a full split while continuing to hang upside down.
Even louder, rowdier cheers went up from the girls. They jumped into action, quickly rounding up Nick. They lifted him up, removing his shackles and gag before marching him like a prisoner on death row towards Ashley. He tried to balk and resist, but once again, their accumulated strength was too much and before long he found himself before his judge, jury and executioner.
Ashley rolled upright on the rings with her daunting, lethal legs still wide apart, awaiting their next victim.
The girls finally positioned Nick in front of Ashley. Nick was pleading Ashley not to choke him unconscious.
“PLEASE... PLEASE DON'T...” He screamed, openly bawling his eyes out.
“Awww.” Ashley sounded. “If you were cute, I might think about it. Shame you're not though, loser.” And with that, she lifted her feet onto his shoulders, spun him around and wrapped her legs around his neck before he could blink.
Nick could not believe the force she exerted on him. He'd never felt anything like it and knew immediately he was in grave danger. “Bet you're wishing you never messed with me, huh. Wishing you never got your wimpy brother on to me? Suffer, crybaby.” Ashley cruelly spoke down to him.
To add to the crying boy's humiliation, he lost control of his bladder and peed his pants just as Ashley repeated her display of power in lifting him off his feet, hanging him with her strong, tight leg lock.
“Ewww...” “Disgusting...” “Gross...” The girls all squealed as they saw the wet patch emerge and grow in the crotch of his pale blue jeans, spreading down his leg.
Finally Ashley felt Nicks body go limp and allowed him to slump down, on top of his big brother who was still out like a light.
She took a moment to admire her handiwork for the second time before rolling back. “One more?” She laughed, eyeing Rob.
The girls all went to collect the final boy, with Ashley excited to complete the trilogy.
“No, let me do him.” A girl suddenly called.
“No, I want to...” Another whined and bickered, with many clearly keen to know what it feels like to take a boy against his will and knock him out.
Ashley rolled her eyes and looped over, softly dismounting from the rings. She sauntered over towards Rob, her hips dancing as strutted like the queen bee, knowing she was totally in control.
She pulled away Rob's gag took him by the jaw, squeezed his lips into a mushy “O” shape as she addressed him, bending down and getting into his face, loving how she clearly intimidated the older boy.
“You know, unlike your crybaby boyfriend, you are kinda cute. If you kiss my feet and ask me nicely, maybe I won't knock you out.” She released his jaw and rose to her feet, raising her eyebrows at him and flashing him a cruel grin.
Rob swallowed, visibly shaking with fear and tentatively kissed her bare foot, then moved to the other and kissed that one before looking up at her and asking for her not to hurt him. “Please let me go, please...” He whined pathetically.
Ashley smiled, looking around. “Hmmm... I don't know... I'm not convinced you mean it... Kiss my feet and ask me again.” She demanded, clearly on a runaway power-trip.
Rob felt powerless against her. After seeing what she had done to big Tom and the fact the girls had already over powered him, slapped him silly and tied him up, he was desperate not to suffer the same fate as the two brothers. He went back to kissing her feet, her glittery pink and white toenail polish in his face as he went to work, kissing over and over.
“What do you think, girls...? Is he sorry enough?” She asked around. Three, maybe four girls voted to mercifully let Rob go, but their opinions were quickly drowned out by the majority, who egged Ashley on to knock him out as well. A few of the girls continued to bicker and whine that THEY wanted to do it.
Ashley took Rob by the jaw again, and softly squeezed his mouth. “Looks like the girls have spoken, hon!” She smiled. Rob began to shake uncontrollably as Ashley and the girls merely laughed at his visible terror.
“I tell you what though... You did a good job begging and I'll take pity on you. I won't knock you out.”
Rob breathed a sigh of relief and began to calm himself upon hearing her words.
“...I'll let Kia have you instead.” She gleamed, looking over at a short Asian girl who stepped out from the crowd.
Some of the other girls whined at Ashley's decision.
“It's Kia's birthday, and we're having a sleepover at her house tonight...” She reasoned. “You're up, girl...” She paced back, as the attractive Asian girl of Korean decent stepped over.
Kia wore a red leotard and like Ashley, her movement was very fluid, her light feet barely making a sound as she sauntered over to the trembling Rob. She was one of the shortest girls at just 4'6 and had a slightly built, slender upper body, but her legs were as thick as anyone's with big slabs of muscle mounted on her thighs and had chunky bulging calves. She carried herself with strong confidence for her size with her black hair tied up into a strict bun, accentuating her exotic dark eyes. Her skin was golden and her puffy red lips fought back a smirk before settling to a stoic blankness as she eyed her victim. Her lack of emotion made Rob even more fearful, he did not know her limits... She slowly advanced on him as he continued to tremble.
Kia sat behind Rob while the girls turned him onto his back and shuffled him between her short, thick legs. His still-tied up hands and feet awkwardly squashed under his own weight.
“YYAaaaaa!" Kia screamed in a high-pitched voiced as she clamped her legs around him in a reverse head scissor.
“YYYaaaaaaaaa!” The little Asian girl screamed again as she cranked up the pressure, squeezing him as hard as she could. Her eyes lit up, seeing her thick powerful thighs were indeed as powerful as she had hoped, quickly plummeting the bigger, older boy into a world of pain and distress.
On and on she squeezed until her legs won out and took away the quivering young man's consciousness, knocking him out like Ashley had done to Nick and Tom.
Kia released him, rising to her feet with a look of satisfaction on her exotic face. She strutted away, clearly proud of herself as Ashley and the girls congratulated her on her first K.O. Sharing high fives and even hugs as the three males lay beaten and out cold at their feet.
The girls noted they did not have much time now before the janitor arrived. Amidst much giggling they devised a final wicked plan. They tied up the 3 unconscious males and had some more fun with them, smearing make-up on their faces, dousing them in perfume and writing names such as “LOSER” … “PIG” … “DOUCHE” on their faces and bodies.
Ashley stuffed her smelly pink and white socks into Tom and Nick's mouths, securing them shut with heavy duty duct tape she conveniently found lying around before leaving Tom, Nick and Rob hog-tied in the middle of the gymnasium.
“Bye LooooZZZers!” Ashley cooed as she and the girls laughed their way back to the changing rooms and quickly out of the building with seconds to spare.
When Tom and Nick finally came around, they were greeted to the taste of Ashley's salty tasting socks she had stuffed in their mouths, adding insult to injury.
The girls left an incriminating note that they had apprehended three perverts who had broken into the building to spy on the young girls. But the innocent angels had caught them, tied them up and made citizens arrests.
When the janitor finally arrived and read note, he called the cops who promptly arrived carted away the three deviants. The girls meanwhile were deemed to be brave heroines.
The cuts and bruises, the socks stuffed into the brother's mouths and the humiliating words scribbled in lipstick across their foreheads and faces could have been deemed to be a little excessive, but who could blame the little angels for having some fun?
Tom, Nick and Rob spent a miserable and shameful evening in police custody, ashamed and gravely worried about their future while the girls skipped off for their usual after-practice Saturday ice-cream, followed by the sleep-over at Kia's. None of them able to wipe the grins off their faces and marvelling at how great Ashley was.
Women vs men mixed martial arts is the sexiest of UFC actions in the world! When clothed woman beats a naked man it looks funny, sexy and really cool! Any gymanst, ballet dancer or female swimmer is a perfect athlete, let ballerina put her dance leotard on and we will see who is stronger - woman or man! Especially if they are colledge teens who fights each other in high school combat arena. Female advantage is her outfit, long sleeved gymnastics leotard or onepiece racing swim suit with t-back, it protects her feminine body and makes a girl more confident when her male opponent must fight nude, he has no chances against lady clad in sexy legless bodysuit. Female fighter defeats him with easy, just one swift kick in the balls and big muscle strong male begs her for mercy, scrambling under her feet like a real whimp! What a power of female legs - he can't resist and must worship and lick a feet and combat boots of his mistress who have defeated him with ballbusting attack!