Mixed Battles

Domestic Bliss
Girls should assert themselves, as they are the truly superior sex. Darren was sure, he must help his girlfriend feel her power.
Once he offered her to use him as punching bag Lucy unbuttoned her bathrobe and threw it on floor. She was 28 with strait blonde hair and large blue eyes. Wearing a white G-string leotard, she had an athletic body form jogging that Darren loved.
She put her thumb in her mouth playfully. Grinning evilly at her lover she said “I love the feeling of power. First you will remove you shorts and underwear. Then while leaning against the kitchen counter I will knee your testicles as hard as I can 40 times. Then kick them 40 times while wearing my new platform heels also as hard as I can. That will be painful and cause a good amount of damage. Does that sound ok sweetie”
Darren was pleased she had decided to cause him some damage. He often felt bad when she goes easy on him so this was a nice change. Both of them can be pleased with this punishment.
Darren then removed his shorts, then his underwear before folding them in a neat pile on the marble kitchen top. Taking a beep breath he rested his rear on the marble top. He felt a cold touch as he did that ran though his body. Next he spaced his legs so they were wide enough to allow access to the testicles.
He then felt exposed but ready to take his punishment. Darren then stared forward while gripping the marble with his hands. He was awaiting the return of his lover and punisher.
Lucy came back then stopped at the door way. She spent a few seconds to take in the ambiance of the room. Then looked at her prey, holding the heels in her right hand she walked forward.
She placed the heels on the kitchen top the Darren glanced over. They were shiny, black with a good inch of material under the foot to give height. Today these fashion accessories would be brutal tools of pain infliction. His eye widened just enough for Lucy to see he was scared of them. She looked at him staring at the shoes as he imagined what damage they would cause. Her hands moved down to his balls then he gasped as she wrapped her fingers around them.
She fondled them softly, enjoying the feeling of power she had over him. She also want to feel how they were before the punishment, then again after.
She moved her head to the side of his she whispered “lets see how much I can make them swell” Then she stepped back.
He was leaning against the counter with his legs spread while she eyed up her target. He looked up and down her body. She was beautiful no matter what she wore but the high legged leotard accentuated her curves that he liked O' so much. He admired her form as he candles splashed light on her.
“Ok babe first I'll knee you then the kicks. I'll leave the shoes over there for you to see, they can remind you of what is still to come”
He nodded as she stepped forward. She raised her right knee so it touched his balls then lifted them up. She liked how she was the right height while bare foot to knee him perfectly. Her knee struck his balls past the 90 degree mark meaning it had a longer swing so it stuck him harder.
Once she was ready she said “Ok baby I will begin the punishment now. I'm sorry but we need to do this. I must hurt you and be as hard as I can.”
He nodded “I know you must. We both know this must be done”
She accepted that then said “Ready?”
“Yes dear”
A second later she swung her knee forward then crashed it into the testicles.
He clenched his jaw as he felt the pain of the first knee.
She felt his testicles touch her knee before they moved upwards, then they were trapped against his body. While trapped they compressed as they absorbed the force of her knee.
After another shot she put her hands on his hips then used him to steady herself as she kneed him again.
His silence broke as the pain hit him. Her regular runs had made her legs strong.
She liked how she pressed his balls against his body. It hurt him, damaged the testicles plus it was comfortable for her as her knee was cushioned by his balls. This ment so she could go on kneeing him with no discomfort.
After the tenth one she stopped then took a step back. He was breathing deeply but holding up ok.
“That was 10 knees you doing ok baby?”
“Yes Lucy I'm ok”
“Good then I'll continue”
He grounded in pain as she administer the 20th knee. She felt pleased she was able to keep kneeing him without lessening the force. She had learned to rest every 10 kicks or knees so she did not tire. A big worry was that if she tired then the force would be less. Then that would mean less pain as well as damage. Then that would not be fair on either one of them.
“Still ok Babe?”
“Yes sweetie, starting to ache but ready for more”
She stepped forward then sent her knee crashing into his testicles.
He felt the knee crash into him. Darren gritted his teeth and groaned as the pain filled his body. He prided himself on being able to stay still and take damage to the testicles. He thought it was a sign of love for her on his part.
Lucy maintained eye contact as she kneed him. She felt the knee strike then saw the pain in his eyes. His suffering was defiantly needed for his mistake she thought. Holding back would be wrong so she had to damage him.
Again she watched his eyes as he took the knee to the delicate testicles.
He groaned then took a few deep breaths. Tensing just before he took a kick was tiring. She knelt down and felt his testicles. Moving her fingers around them she checked for any swelling. If nothing more she liked the soft feeling of his skin.
“I think there is a bit of swelling Sweetie”
Darren took a breath “That's good news sweetie. Your well aimed knees are very effective”
She stood back up looking at her man lit up by the candles.
“Thank you sweetie I have been working on them. Hopefully after the kicks there will be some very good swelling. But first I owe you another 10 knees. Shall I continue?”
“Please do”
It was a good knee catching his testicles perfectly causing him to cry out. She was aroused by the idea she was beginning to damage him.
He clenched his teeth then raised up on his toes for a second.
“This was good" she thought, "I caused some damage and he
feels it”
She pulled her leg back then swung forward as hard as she could delivering another painful blow to the balls.
He cried out as she felt his testicles being squeezed against her knee. Smiling now she swung her leg again. He clenched his jaw in preparation of the pain.
On the 50th knee he bent his left leg slightly then straitened it quickly. He had a few tears in his eyes as she stepped back to inspect him. He was breathing deeply as he recovered from the pain. Lucy liked how the candle light bounced around as if everything in the room was moving. She herself took a good breath of air as he panted.
“Your testicles are swelling up now pretty good Darren. I am feeling good about the damage I am causing you. I was working very hard on striking your testicles as hard as I could with the right spot of my knee. Looking at your red sac I would say it has been successful. How are you holding up sweetie?'
“Whoooo! I am ok Babe. You were right about those deadly knees, they really hurt. I can still feel aching deep inside them from the damage you have caused so yes, you should be pleased.”
“Thank you baby are you still ok with me giving you 50 kicks as well. I could do it without the heels if you think I am being too harsh?”
“No, please do use the heels, I deserve them. Please don't feel bad baby you are only carrying out a fair punishment on me. It would be wrong to scale it back. I am ready to take the damage of those heels”
He glanced over to them, as did she. He was worried about them but knew it was wrong to admit it. They would not just hurt but were designed to make balls bleed, his balls! He knew he needed to be strong as they were used on him.
“It's ok baby I deserve to feel the heels strike my balls. Either way you look good in them” He said to her.
Her face was expressionless but she smiled as he said that.
“Thanks for the support baby, you really are making this easier for me. But before I put them on lets feel your balls”
She stepped forward then placed her hands around the swollen orbs. Instantly she felt they were bigger from the swelling. They still felt strong but she knew with time she would wear them down. She spend some time inspecting the testicles in a gentle fashion. A far cry from the full force kneeing or the kicks to come.
While holding them she said “They are swollen sweetie, I can feel the difference. It's really good to be able to cause some damage, I am having so much fun breaking your balls babe. I am hoping to cause much more with the heels. I think these shoes will be great for causing bleeding inside your testicles which will add to the swelling. So lets see how they go”
Darren nodded then she pick up the heels. He watched as she sat on the floor putting them on. One foot at a time she put them on her feet while he wondered if he was more aroused or scared.
Once on she stood up and was 5 inches taller. Looking down he could see the reflection of a candle on the front of the shinny shoe.
Lining herself up she said “Hold on baby the kicks will be full force too. Remember I am going for maximum damage so that also means maximum pain” Grinning as she spoke.
He nodded again “I'll hold on. Please don't hold back. I only hope you're pleased with the damage at the end. But those shoes look like they will ruin me”
She pulled back her right leg then swung it forward.
Instantly his eyes opened wide as he felt the pain of the kick. It was far harder then he had expected.
She landed another on target strike to his tender balls. He grit his teeth as the pain set in.
After landing another kick she saw her lover was suffering and was pleased to see it. She wanted to break him and she could already see tearing in his eyes.
What power she felt as she kicked him again. She could appreciate the idea she was dismantling his testicles. But she knew she had to focus and kick hard to get the damage she wanted.
As the kick landed on the exposed testicles the light caught them just right. She watched as her heel moved upwards. She initially hit the balls causing them to move but then caught them against his body. Then he cried out as the pain hit him.
He cried out as she trapped his left testicle against his body. As it compressed several capillaries broke inside causing him a sharper pain that lingered for longer. Lucy knew compressing a single testicle with a kick as the best way to cause the severe damage she craved.
After the testicle willingly compressed it fell back down to join the other one. It was almost as if they were reading themselves to be kicked again.
She did not want to let them down
His hands gripped the top as the pain continued. It was worse then the knees. He could feel she was damaging much more. He fought the pain knowing the damaged pleased Lucy.
“OUCHHHHH! That got it...........”
This time she caught his right testicle. She wanted to try to keep the damage symmetrical. Then she repositioned herself for the next kick. Looking him in the eyes she swung her leg, Darren saw she was trying her best to kick as hard as she could. He knew he should respect her more for that.
He rewarded her with a cry of pain. She knew she was doing well. As he turned his head and bit down she wanted to get another one in.
His mouth opened and he cried out.
After the 10th kick she paused to inspect him. It was clear to her that he was finding it harder to take the kicks as apposed to the knees. What she liked was the feeling that she was really damaging his testicles. It made she feel strong, forceful and gave her a sense of duty. He needed to be punished and she was carrying it out.
Looking at his balls she could see several red imprints when the shoe had hit him. Then cupping his testicles she could feel the swelling progressing.
“How are you finding the kicks baby?” She said
“WOW! They are hard Lucy, real hard. I can see why they are used by the police. But it was nice to see you smiling as you administered the kicks”
She recoiled slightly as if she were a child with her hand caught in the candy jar. She gasped and put her hand over her mouth leaving his balls to rest in the sac.
“You Saw that, did you?” She sounded embarrassed.
He managed a slight smile to project a warm feeling to her “It's ok Lucy there is nothing wrong with you enjoying this, I am glad you do. You are very kindly punishing me for a mistake I made and I am happy to be punished. It's ok baby you are allowed to enjoy your work. If you don't mind me saying I like how your legs look in the candle light.”
Shemoved forward and hugged him. She held him tight as the pair put there arms around each other. She said to him “You are such a good man Darren for supporting me. I do actually enjoy damaging your balls, it is so much fun. I love you so ,I really do. Its great how we can discuss serious testicle damage and you be so cooperative”
She then moved her head back slightly so the she could look into his eyes. Then she turned her head to the side, moved in slowly and kissed him. They locked lips and shared in the intimate exchange. Darren almost forgot about the aching pain from his damaged testicles.
When there lips parted she looked into his eyes again “I love you but we must continue the kicks. You need to feel 40 more before we are finished. So stand in the position and get ready baby”
He did as was commanded and waited for pain. Lucy pulled her leg back then forward it went, he closed his eyes as the foot approached.
All the pain had rushed back to him.
The swollen balls moved less in the sac so they took even more damage. Lucy loved how the damage she had caused helped to increase the rate of damage. It was as if the testicles were wanting to destroy themselves.
He was in so much pain as real damage was being caused to him. Both knew that there was already bleeding inside of the testicles which added to the swelling. While the bleeding was slight at the moment Lucy wanted far more and was wearing the perfect shoes to deliver it.
While the pain was high Darren managed to keep his legs strait so the testicles could receive uninterrupted kicks. While he loved her and wanted to cooperate he also held still as he was scared that if he fell she would extend the punishment. These kicks were bad enough but extending the punishment would be dangerous for his balls.
The shoe struck the soft flesh compressing both testicles as they moved up then to the sides. This added to the sharp pain inside his balls that was building.
Lucy stopped then lent on the kitchen table. She was looking out of breath but being a determined girl that would not stop her. She said “This is hard work you know. It takes a lot of effort to break a pair of balls. Speaking of breaking the swelling looks amazing, I am very pleased with the damage babe. It looks like a good number of capillaries have broken so there should be some bleeding as well. What I am doing to you is really damaging you. You will not be able to perform sexually for some time and each kick just adds to the damage”
He nodded accepting what was said “I am glad you are happy and respect you have chosen to damage my testicles so badly. I can feel sharp pain in them both that is a sign that there is bleeding inside. I don't think you have ever made my balls swell up so much Lucy, you should be proud of that.”
Smiling she said “I am proud baby and would like to cause even more swelling. It looks like we are really pushing the limits of your testicles aren't we?”
Struggling with the pain he responded “Yes Lucy we are. I am getting scared of them rupturing sweetie. I really am but I will take what ever punishment you desire no matter what. Do you mind if I ask you a question?”
“Of course you can”
“Do you want to rupture my testicles? It is ok if you do. I would just like to know as I feel them getting close” She could see the concern in his face then looking down his balls looked like they could burst at any minute.
She thought for a moment looking around the room. She wanted to punish him but as she loved him. Also she wanted to have children with him one day. After a few seconds she replied to his question.
“I want to punish you but I don't want to castrate you baby. Maybe one day I will but not now. I am sure you can take another 10 kicks then I will think of an alternative way to torture you”
He nodded then got back into position. He gripped tightly then looked forward. He was clearly fighting intense pain even before she resumed the kicks.
He said “I love you Lucy” as she foot swung forward.
He cried out as the onslaught continued. She did not lower the force of her kick even slightly. She knew it would be wrong to and he respected her for it.
His legs shock as he struggled with the pain. She saw tears in his eyes as he whole body fought to say upright.
His cries of pain were now constant.
Even with her shoes on she could feel the testicles compress and absorb the impact of the kick. A sign there were weakening.
He struggled to keep his grip. Then she swung her leg forward again.
He could feel tearing inside as the shock caused the flesh to come apart.
As his testicles felt the last kick he just cried out in pain. He really felt like she had ruined him. Lucy waited a moment before saying “You can fall down to the ground if you like”
He then collapsed down grabbing he damaged testicles. He was instantly shocked by how much bigger then felt. He was in so much pain as he lay on the floor he could not believe it could hurt so much.
Lucy looked down at him then stepped closer. Laying on the floor as he opened his eyes he could see her big black heels come into focus. He gazed at the tools that had broken his manhood but he did not hate them. He felt he deserved his punishment.
He cried out as she trapped his left testicle against his body. As it compressed several capillaries broke inside causing him a sharper pain that lingered for longer. Lucy knew compressing a single testicle with a kick as the best way to cause the severe damage she craved.
After the testicle willingly compressed it fell back down to join the other one. It was almost as if they were reading themselves to be kicked again.
She did not want to let them down
His hands gripped the top as the pain continued. It was worse then the knees. He could feel she was damaging much more. He fought the pain knowing the damaged pleased Lucy.
“OUCHHHHH! That got it...........”
This time she caught his right testicle. She wanted to try to keep the damage symmetrical. Then she repositioned herself for the next kick. Looking him in the eyes she swung her leg, Darren saw she was trying her best to kick as hard as she could. He knew he should respect her more for that.
He rewarded her with a cry of pain. She knew she was doing well. As he turned his head and bit down she wanted to get another one in.
His mouth opened and he cried out.
After the 10th kick she paused to inspect him. It was clear to her that he was finding it harder to take the kicks as apposed to the knees. What she liked was the feeling that she was really damaging his testicles. It made he feel strong, forceful and gave her a sense of duty. He needed to be punished and she was carrying it out.
Looking at his balls she could see several red imprints when the shoe had hit him. Then cupping his testicles she could feel the swelling progressing.
“How are you finding the kicks baby?” She said
“WOW! They are hard Lucy, real hard. I can see why they are used by the police. But it was nice to see you smiling as you administered the kicks”
She recoiled slightly as if she were a child with her hand caught in the candy jar. She gasped and put her hand over her mouth leaving his balls to rest in the sac.
“You Saw that, did you?” She sounded embarrassed.
He managed a slight smile to project a warm feeling to her “It's ok Lucy there is nothing wrong with you enjoying this, I am glad you do. You are very kindly punishing me for a mistake I made and I am happy to be punished. It's ok baby you are allowed to enjoy your work. If you don't mind me saying I like how your legs look in the candle light.”
Shemoved forward and hugged him. She held him tight as the pair put there arms around each other. She said to him “You are such a good man Darren for supporting me. I do actually enjoy damaging your balls, it is so much fun. I love you so ,I really do. Its great how we can discuss serious testicle damage and you be so cooperative”
She then moved her head back slightly so the she could look into his eyes. Then she turned her head to the side, moved in slowly and kissed him. They locked lips and shared in the intimate exchange. Darren almost forgot about the aching pain from his damaged testicles.
When there lips parted she looked into his eyes again “I love you but we must continue the kicks. You need to feel 40 more before we are finished. So stand in the position and get ready baby”
He did as was commanded and waited for pain. Lucy pulled her leg back then forward it went, he closed his eyes as the foot approached.
All the pain had rushed back to him.
The swollen balls moved less in the sac so they took even more damage. Lucy loved how the damage she had caused helped to increase the rate of damage. It was as if the testicles were wanting to destroy themselves.
He was in so much pain as real damage was being caused to him. Both knew that there was already bleeding inside of the testicles which added to the swelling. While the bleeding was slight at the moment Lucy wanted far more and was wearing the perfect shoes to deliver it.
While the pain was high Darren managed to keep his legs strait so the testicles could receive uninterrupted kicks. While he loved her and wanted to cooperate he also held still as he was scared that if he fell she would extend the punishment. These kicks were bad enough but extending the punishment would be dangerous for his balls.
The shoe struck the soft flesh compressing both testicles as they moved up then to the sides. This added to the sharp pain inside his balls that was building.
Lucy stopped then lent on the kitchen table. She was looking out of breath but being a determined girl that would not stop her. She said “This is hard work you know. It takes a lot of effort to break a pair of balls. Speaking of breaking the swelling looks amazing, I am very pleased with the damage babe. It looks like a good number of capillaries have broken so there should be some bleeding as well. What I am doing to you is really damaging you. You will not be able to perform sexually for some time and each kick just adds to the damage”
He nodded accepting what was said “I am glad you are happy and respect you have chosen to damage my testicles so badly. I can feel sharp pain in them both that is a sign that there is bleeding inside. I don't think you have ever made my balls swell up so much Lucy, you should be proud of that.”
Smiling she said “I am proud baby and would like to cause even more swelling. It looks like we are really pushing the limits of your testicles aren't we?”
Struggling with the pain he responded “Yes Lucy we are. I am getting scared of them rupturing sweetie. I really am but I will take what ever punishment you desire no matter what. Do you mind if I ask you a question?”
“Of course you can”
“Do you want to rupture my testicles? It is ok if you do. I would just like to know as I feel them getting close” She could see the concern in his face then looking down his balls looked like they could burst at any minute.
She thought for a moment looking around the room. She wanted to punish him but as she loved him. After a few seconds she replied to his question.
“I want to punish you but I don't want to castrate you baby. Maybe one day I will but not now. I am sure you can take another 10 kicks then I will think of an alternative way to torture you”
He nodded then got back into position. He gripped tightly then looked forward. He was clearly fighting intense pain even before she resumed the kicks.
He said “I love you Lucy” as she foot swung forward.
He cried out as the onslaught continued. She did not lower the force of her kick even slightly. She knew it would be wrong to and he respected her for it.
His legs shock as he struggled with the pain. She saw tears in his eyes as he whole body fought to say upright.
His cries of pain were now constant.
Even with her shoes on she could feel the testicles compress and absorb the impact of the kick. A sign there were weakening.
He struggled to keep his grip. Then she swung her leg forward again.
He could feel tearing inside as the shock caused the flesh to come apart.
As his testicles felt the last kick he just cried out in pain. He really felt like she had ruined him. Lucy waited a moment before saying “You can fall down to the ground if you like”
He then collapsed down grabbing he damaged testicles. He was instantly shocked by how much bigger then felt. He was in so much pain as he lay on the floor he could not believe it could hurt so much.
Lucy looked down at him, adjusted her leotard then stepped closer. Laying on the floor as he opened his eyes he could see her big black heels come into focus. He gazed at the tools that had broken his manhood and he kissed them. He felt he deserved his punishment.
Women vs men mixed martial arts is the sexiest of UFC actions in the world! When clothed woman beats a naked man it looks funny, sexy and really cool! Any gymanst, ballet dancer or female swimmer is a perfect athlete, let ballerina put her dance leotard on and we will see who is stronger - woman or man! Especially if they are colledge teens who fights each other in high school combat arena. Female advantage is her outfit, long sleeved gymnastics leotard or onepiece racing swim suit with t-back, it protects her feminine body and makes a girl more confident when her male opponent must fight nude, he has no chances against lady clad in sexy legless bodysuit. Female fighter defeats him with easy, just one swift kick in the balls and big muscle strong male begs her for mercy, scrambling under her feet like a real whimp! What a power of female legs - he can't resist and must worship and lick a feet and combat boots of his mistress who have defeated him with ballbusting attack!