Mixed Battles

Riders on top
As I walk on the beach. I am greeted by the most amazing sight. 3 sexy woman on horseback in sexy riding attire. Shiny leather boots, Sexy Jodhpurs sleeveless leotard and riding hat. They even have riding crops. July the leader of the group sat astride her horse. She looked majestic astride that horse I was mesmorised with how fit and how dominant she looked. This all changed though when she sternly addressed me "Your late what time do you call this maggott"
I laughed and said "OOps soz July, sorry ladies for being late"
July replied "You will be sorry for making us wait when we catch you up and capture you"
I laughed again enquiring "Don't you think it 's cruel using riding crops on them poor horses"
July stared at me with that intimidating stare of hers and put her hands on her hips before saying "Who say's these are for the poor horses. Your so wrong they are for you if we catch you or should i say when we catch you.
I thought about what July had said and laughed again but July just gave me that icy glare sayimg
"I am not joking these are for you little man" and she cracked the crop hard against her boots 'WHACK" She seemed deadly serious. I enquired "Hey what happened to seventh heaven and manage a quatre"
July scoffed "that's if you win but your not going to win you are going to lose and I am gunna enjoy beating you up and slowly physically and mentally disecting you. Anyway start running."
I walked over to July and said "Hey, hey, thats enough joking for one day why don't we just go back to your hotel room and get it on"
July smiled and said "we had you going for a minute" and beckoned me over to her. As i stood at her side she said "Close eyes I have a surprise for you" I closed my eyes and puckered my lips expecting a kiss. WHACK, WHACK" two stinging hard cracks of the riding crop smashed into my face and neck. She drew blood instantly I screamed "You fucking psycho bitch what are you doing that hurt" July gritted her teeth and said right you have had a taste of what I am all about now run. July got the horse to rear up with front legs in the air Shouting "ITS TIME TO START RUNNING" Now you know what happens if you win and what happened when you lose. She was deadly serious. I was almost trampled by her horse
I paused but July raised her crop and so did Kim and Vanessa. They wanted to hunt me down and I now knew it. I set off running full tilt. As I got 100 yards I could feel the blood trickling down my face. I glanced back and they were laughing screaming "Run little rabbit run" The tide was right in and I had to run on the thick loose sand. If the tide was out I could run on the hard tide flattened sand and that be be much easier and quicker. I remember thinking I have no chance of getting to Candolim beach and the finish line. Seventh heave Manage a quatre seemed a distant pipe dream but the thought of rampant sex with them 3 hotties was too big a motivation. So I must at least try. I could always try escaping from one of the exits from the beach. I galnced back after 400 yards the heat was now kicking in and beads of sweat ran down my face. Stinging when they made contact with my cut. The baby oil and salty sweat really stung. I glanced back and the evil bitches were all taking a drink of water. Shit I had dropped my water when I got flogged by July.
Things are not going well. 600 yards into my run I glance round again I can only see July on the beach Kim and Vanessa had gone to higher ground inland. I am starting to sweat on my back now so slow down to try pace myself. The sand is like porridge energy sapping to run through. 1000 yards gone I look back July waves the crop in the air with on hand and does a flexing pose with her other arm. What a Superbitch, she is loving this. this is only the begining what will she be like if they catch me. A mile has passed and I can still make her out . I slow down to a fast walk to take on much needed air. I cup cool sea water in my hands and bathe my head washing the blood away from my cheek. I take very deep breaths and off I go again. After abput 1 /3/4 miles I look back. The cheating bitch has set off already. I want to march up to her and disqualify her and claim my prixe but this Horsey Bitch does seem the type of woman who compromises.
I think maybe they will ride to within a certain distance and just panic me and intimidate me but allow me to reach the winning line.
I reach and pass the half way mark I can here July behind me shouting .Come on Gazza it that the best you have got. At least try to outrun us." Kim and Vanessa SHOUT "He's not very fast is he July" I tell them to fuck off. July shouts "That's the spirit little man. Show us what you have got" I see an exit up ahead it leads to the main road in Calangut its about 400 yards away. I Make a dash for it I run straight down the beach for 200 yards then swerve towards the road. July shouts "AH AH AH no you dont't maggott" "Kim, Vanessa head him off he's trying to make it to the those steps leading off the beach. They easily out manouver me and block the exit and theire crops are raised ready to strike me with. I deffo do not want to feel that again. July goads me further "Oh so near little man but not quite good enough" she continues why dont you just accept it your beaten" I am too proud to admit defeat and off i go again. I can here July say oh let him run give him a chance. Oh goody he's got a good fight him. This could be cool" She is one patronising bitch its like 3 cats playing with a mouse and I am the mouse. I am really tired. I take huge breaths and covered in sweat. The l evil dominas let me run 300 or 400 yards and shout encouragement at me. "Go on GAZZA not far to run now. We are getting wet with the thought of manage a quart. hahahahahaahah"
I look back and see them taking a large gulp of cold water it makes me thirsty thinking about cold water. I can see the run aground ship in the distance that is our finishing line. This gives me adde impetous and I run full speed. July screams raedy or not we're coming to get you this time. Lets end it ladies get him. They ride full speed towards me I am about a mile away from seventh heaven. I know I have no chance if they want to get me but I hope they just want to scare me for riding my brains out. They close on me quickly and I can here July dishing out the orders. Right I will go to his right and ride along side him Vanessa you go left. Kim you get right up behind him. In seconds they are in position. July looks over at me and smiles saying "This is soooo much fun Gary dont you agree. I shout shut up you slags you are a set of crazy bitches. July shouts lets manouver him away from the water its time to end this.
The horses jostle me I am thrown about like a rag doll. July likes this and says carry on let's rough him up a bit more again I get barged and jostled from side to side as they usher me away from the water. I stop trying run as July rides in front of me and turns blocking me off. I bend over struggling to breath. July has hardly broken sweat. She angers me with her taunts "Whats up tired ickle boy, ickle boy want his mummy" I am really angry and retaliate "right thats it I have had enough of this shit" and I reach up trying to grab her as she sits astride her horse. I momentarily grab her arm but July struggles free. I then grab at her sexy thigh and manage to dislodge it from the stirrup. I pull at her leg in a tug of war and she looks like she is about to dragged out of the saddle but the evil bitch brings the crop crashing down on my arm "Nobody unseats me you little shit take that. Oh you are so for it now" again she whips me and again. Next she stomps her boot into my chest and kicks me in the chest. She sends me fliying on my back into the sand. I see her slide her other leg over the saddle and she leaps from the horse landing stood astride me.
I look up at July she towers over me. Before I can react she sits down very very hard on my chest. All her weight is centred to her sexy peach of an ass as it crashes down on me. 'MMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHH I cry as she nearly breaks my ribs. July then growls "right give them to me and she grabs my wrists. We lock up in a test of strength the fight is on for real now. After about 30 seconds July smiles saying "Not bad Gaz you are quite strong but not strong enough ickle boy" She then applies more downward pressure then lifts one knee and raises it over my bicep and presses down expertly with her knee causing my bicep pain. My arm buckles and shit she now has it pinned to the ground. she slides her knee higher up so her shin holds my bicep prisoner. July menacingly says "now for the other one" she uses both hands and slolwy and easily holds my one reamining free arm down in the sand. She pauses and smiles down boasting "I am good at this aren't I" her other knee sails over my arm and now they are under her shins. July beams "Gotcha gazza, you are in big trouble now mister"
I respond defiantly and try to lift her knees of my arms. I manage to lift my arms and her knees about 6 inches off the ground. I bridge up real high onto my tiptoes to try slide her over my face and head. July rides my efforts. My feet are sliding about in the sand trying to gain extra leverage. July bounces a little on my chest and delights "oh goody this is gunna be so much fun." She leans back and then slides forwards and backwards and rides my muscles with her shins and knees. It is agonising especially as my biceps are coated in abrasive sand. I scream out loud "ARRRRRGHHHH ARGGGHHHHH stop please that so hurts you brute." July stops for a second and asks "Do you want me to stop muscle riding you?" I beg "Yes Yes please stop" July scoffs "Nar not a chance this is far too much fun" and off she goes riding my muscles even more vioilently than before. again I scream "ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH ARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHH you bitch fuckin stop you bitch, just you wait till I get you off of me" July smiles she is enjoying my struggles and my trash talk. She stops the muscle ride and beams "Oh I do like sitting on a feisty one. Feisty seats make for good sitting. You must be so tired running in this heat and humidity, I cannot allow you to tire too quickly though" She then wipes sweat from her forehead and wipes it on my lips saying "there is a drink for you, drink it now, oh I am too kind to you" She asks the girls for some water. She slides up and sits right up against my jaw. Her jods press right into it. I try to buck her off me but manage to toss her up a few inches and she slams her ass down onto my throat making me cough. She tuts "Tut tut tut bad move that gazzy" I hate been called gazzy i despise it it just makes me angrier with her the bitch.
I look up at her she looks so powerful as she holds the water up to her mouth and leans back slightly. I seize the moment and bridge up whilst she is in mid drink. I propell her forward and she is sat on my chin and mouth she spits the water into my face as she loses balance. I have got her payback time. Oh no whats this she spreads her hands out and widens her knees maintaining her straddle on my face. She pushes back and once again sits down hard on my face. I hold the bridge but she is back in total complete control. I inch up onto my tiptoes. My lungs are burning but I am so focussed on escaping her I find the energy from somewhere. She is furious she has spilt water all over her Hackett designer sleeveless leotard she growls "Bastard, look what you made me do I have spilled water on my leotard." July slaps my face then feels her lip I think you have cut my lip you prick" She finds a tiny spec of blood on her finger. Completely out of the blue she punches me in the mouth not twice violently hard but hard enough to split my lip she announces "There, right, we are even now we both have a cut lip. OH look your teath have gone pink ha ha ha ha hah" She says "Are they tears in your eyes I can see" I am in a rage and raise my legs up over her head but she just leans forward and easily avoids my escape manouver. July applauds me and says "OH very well done good try that, I am going to enjoy you, you cry baby" She pinches my nose and says "Hey I liked your bridge earlier very high if you managed to a bit higher you might have unseated me." she asks the girls "What did you think to his bridge girls" The other girls giggle "Oh cool bridge can we have a turn after you Boss" July says "No hes mine today maybe you can have seconds when I have finished but there wont be much left of him when I am done".
Those chilling words scare me I lift my knees and barge them into her back. July snarls "do not try that again or else" She jabs her knuckles into my temples and taps them against my head she relentlessly jabs away at me. I wriggle about in the sand like an eel bucking and thrashing wildly. I can feel my heart racing against her sexy ass cheek its pounding. July is clearly excstatic with my struggles and continues with the temple torture. She then again taps her knuckles accross my head. It is not painful but very irritating. Her next move is to open one of my eyes and threaten to gouge it out and blind me. I try to free my arms but July has them expertly pinned under her shins. She has been sat on my face now for 10 minutes and its a bit smelly down here. My breathing is very laboured. My body is wet through soaked in sweat. She slides forward an inch and my nose is pressed right into her sweaty crotch. All that riding must have taken its toll in the hot saddle as she has a big wet patch right where my nose is wedged upto into her crotch. I can not breath naturally now my lungs are burning also the sand on her crotch scratches my face. I can feel my eyes welling up. July see's my eyes and lifts her ass off my mouth for a a second allowing me a much needed gulp of smelly air I sneek another gulp before she sits back down firmly over my mouth. I begin to wonder if the wet patch is sweat or sexual or a mixture of both. She seems very happy on top almost to the state of getting off on doing this to me. Without warning she slides back so she is sat tight against my jaw she squeezes her thighs and tightly grips my face. I gulp in air the best I can. It is not easy breathing in 45 degree heat with a sexy peach os an ass sat on your throat pressing down hard on your lungs. July asks "Hows the smell down there is it ok or pungent. It's sweaty work riding a horse and then a feisty seat in this weather wearing leotard I am wet through."
July relaxes and shuffles about to get comfortable. She says "Right lets see what you have got in your pockets. I can not stop her in the position I am in. You reach into my left pocket and pull out a melted chocolate bar. You hold it in your fingers and open it. You slip your finger into the melted chocolate and seductively put your finger in your mouth and lick it suggestively. July tastes it and says "nice but something's missing" That was a real tease moment for me seeing her do that and she knows and smiles down at me. She loves to dominate and tease me like this. She asks me "You hungry hun" I say no but that does me no good. She rams the chocolate bar into the sand first and then tries to stuff it in my mouth and orders me to eat it. I try to resist but resitance is useless as it has smeared on my mouth. She orders me "EAT IT OR WEAR IT ITS YOUR CHOICE" I submit and open my mouth. She mercilessly rams it in my mouth and smears it around my face. I am gagging on the chocolate and sand combination but she puts her hand over my mouth at first I annoy her so she slides up and sits on my mouth. Chocolate smears on crotch of her leotard and she does not look happy about. She slides back and sits heavily on my throat and points a finger into my nose and cheeks and says "You useless maggot look what you have made me do. Apology, now. Say sorry July for making it look like you have shit on your jods" I obey her and say whatever she asks of me. This crazy psycho woman is not to be reasoned with.
Next she takes out my mobile phone. She searches through and finds my mum on my contacts. she threatens to call her. I am panicking I try to free my arms but they are well and truly snared by this expert sitter and rider. July is toying with me and says "Hum who shall we ring she goes through my recent calls and asks who Tracey is. I confess it is my sister she squeezes my face with her thighs and says "Oh goody lets ring her" I warn July that my sister would kick her ass and beat her up no problem. July oh I have to ring her now after you have said that. July calls her and announces she is beating me up on the beach. They begin to argue over the phone. July puts a few torture move so I scream out in agony. July puts the phone to my ear. Sis says who's that slag im gunna kill the bitch are you ok. July moves the phone away from me. It would appear sis is threatening July. July calls her out and informs sis she is back in the uk shortly and they arrange to have a fight. It ends up July only lives about an hour away. July says I will text you the address of my local stables. She texts away and sends it to sis the fight has been arranged. I say to July "You will regret that she is tuff and will beat you up bad" July smiles and says if I can beat you this easily she will be a pussycat nobody calls me a slag and gets away with it. Bitch is acceptable and psycho but not slag. She should not under estimate me little man" July then gets the camera app and says "right lets take a few pics of you down there under me SMILE" and she snaps away. She then orders the girls to take some showing July sat heavily and dominantly ontop of me from all angles scrunching my face in her powerful thighs, posing as if she is about to punch me, she totally humiliates and embarrasses me . Vanessa volunteers to photograph July in action and takes about 20 photos before passing it back to July. July emails them to herself then deletes the photos and the emails thus erasing her details. She leaves only one photo on showing my sad sand and chocolate covered, bloodied, sweaty face peering out from under her crotch and thighs. I hope she does not show these photos to others the shame would be too much to bear. Hopefully they are for her private collection but deep down I doubt it. She loves an audience and likes playing up to them.
July agains shuffles around on me and gets comfortable. She changes the subject. She lifts her shirt and waves it too and fro fanning herself she says "whooo so hot today dont you think gazzy, especially for you down there. It must be so hot for you you poor little gazzy" Stop calling me gazzy i growl. I catch a cheeky glimpse of her black bra as she fans her shirt I am a man so I have to stare at her black leotard hmmm nice and it goes un-noticed by her. July points to the number 1 on her hackett sleeveless leotard saying "see that number 1 on my suit? that represents me, July, that does. I am the number one sitter around nobody escapes once July pins em down" She looks down at me and says "hows your cheek that cut looks nasty. I am really sorry about that but you did ask for it by challenging my authority" I reply "you will be sorry when I get you off me you evil bitch" July taps me on the head and says "OOOOHHHHH I like you, you are one feisty seat. July will break you though just like I have with all the others." she looks at me and says "let me show you how easy July can beat you all I need is my thumb and index finger." I say "Yeah right" July reaches for my hand and grabs it she goes for my septic finger. i know how cruel this bitch is and I beg her "Please, please dont I beg you dont please. it is soooo very sore" She bounces on me twice and says "oh dont beg it makes you look and sound even more pathetic than you already are when you beg me. It's time for you to man up and take the pain" I bridge up higher than ever before the thought of her squeezing my very sore finger is simply too much to take. I am certain I have got her surely she will fall over my head. I cannot bridge any higher. I think to myself how can she ride me out so good nobody could have survived that last bridge I was right on my tiptoes and pushed them off the ground and the bitch still stayed in the saddle I failed yet again
July applauds me "oh that was a good try gazzy wazzy your best yet" she pats me on the head and says "really impressing me you are. I might have to sit on you again in the future, where do you live" She brutally attacks my pressure points I kick scream squirm and bridge all to no avail. I have no choice and tll her my address. She orders me to repeat it and Vanessa writes it down. July now peels off the plaster and touches the yellow septic part making me wince in pain. She mentions how sore and angry it looks and how one little touch made me wince. She squeezes slowly I yelp out in agony and try to twist and buck her off me. She is such an expert sitter she is so secure on top of me that my efforts fail miserably. She squeezes and squeezes harder and harder. She asks me if I want her to burst it. I yelp "no,no please stop please arghhhhhhhhhhh" my eyes are watering in pain I am close to tears. July announces I will burst it for you and make it better. She squeezes violently tears form in my eyes and she announces "There got it wow that had lots of yellow stuff in it, anyway its just blood streaming out now so nurse July has made you better say thankyou to nursey" I tried to move my head from side to side in pain but she held me tight in her strong thighs and I had to suffer as I lay underneath her. She pours water on my finger washing the gunk and blood away and re-applies the plaster. The only ounce of decency she has shown me throughout,
July places her index finger on her mouth and she is in deep thought "mmmm what shall we do next mmmmm I know" she shouts "ladies pass me the lemon juice." I think it's a bluff until Kim passess her a plastic bottle of lemon juice. I look at the amazon astride me. She takes the top off the bottle very slowly and says "Oakey doakey here we go" I buck wildly and thrash yelling "What are you doing with that. No way your not doing that" July scoffs "Lets face it Gary you not exactly in any position to argue with me are you eh" she continues "Stop your whinging nurse July knows what's best for you little man" I bridge up again and try propell her forward. She rides my bridge out by again moving atop on my face. She leans back and is expertly balanced. I am not letting this bridge go. I circle wildly from one side to the other doing circles in the sand. July screams "Whooooo yahooooo ride em cowgirl" That annoys me more she is belittling my struggles. Vanessa and Kim say "Hey July, he looks a real good ride. He will take some breaking in" They admire my struggles. it seems obvious to me they have been in my position with July on top of them. They cheer me on "Go an Gary you can do it woooohhhh go fella" July glares at them and sternly order "shut it worms or you can have some of this later" The girls instantly go "sorry July" then go silent.
The way they went so instantly quiet makes me now realise the trouble I am in. I create a few more doughnuts in the sand and try to thrust her off me but I finally buckle under her. She crashes down on me with all her weight deliberatley exaggerating the fall and smashes down onto me for maximum discomfort. She pats my head and said "that was sooo good, you are a worthy opponent little Gazza but I did warn you not to try that again didn't I. You disobeyed the BOSS tut tut tut" July places the lemon juice above my head and inches back so she is below sat against my jaw the V area of her jods are soaked. I dread what she is gunna do next and with reason as she sings those dreaded words from that torture song "Don't be nosey Gary, Don't be cheeky Gary or the elephants will come. Do you get my point Gary, I said do you get my point. Am I boring you Gary. Oh I need you Gary" and a combination of nose pinching, cheek pinching, knuckles to head, knuckles to temples, knuckles bored into chest and knees rubbed over face and head. "The pure evil bitch sings this song about 5 times and really makes me have it. My eyes are watering from the temple torture. I am burning up I can hardly breath I am exhasuted and have been thoroughly tortured. No respite from July though as she picks up the lemon juice. Are you ready little Gazzy for the juice. I look up at her towering so dominantly over me and calmly beg her not to. I hate begging to a woman but there is nothing else I can do. I really want to fight her in the uk one on one in a fair fight. Then we can see what she is made of. I would even let her ride me down to tire me out. The cold UK weather would not enhance my struggles.
Back to the action July slowly takes the top off. She pinches my nose really hard until I cry out. July catches me by surprise squirts the juice in my mouth screaming "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" I cough and gag at the really bitter taste I wildly thrash about and can feel my heart pounding against her ass. The sour bitter taste makes me scrunch my face up and close my eyes. July squirts it on my eyes nad my cheek she is the bitch of all bitches. My eyes are stinging like they are burning and my cheek is screaming in pain. I feel like I am going to pass out. I am pannick stricken what else is this evil bitch capable off. No circulation makes my arms numb under her shins. I feel really light headed. July looks down at me and says "WOW Gaz your face is really red and that is not sunburn, you are really struggling little man aren't you. Well good thats how I like it, the seat suffering under me" she continued "Are you ready to submit to me yes or no" I "say yes I am July please I have had enough" the bitch says "tuff shit You will submit when I am ready for you to submit. You have had enough when I say you have had enough got that gazzy" I feel like I cant take any more of this. July realises she might have broken me. She picks up the water and commits her first act of mercy and says want a drink of this water. I beg her to feed me some "yes please July I beg you please I am so thirsty." July sternly orders "Open your mouth now." July takes a large mouthfull of water. I am laid there hoping she will allow me a drink. She gargles the water in her mouth and spits it into my mouth and on my face. Even though it was really cruel disgusting act I was gratefull and eagerly drank it. She really liked the water humiliation and repeated it several times with a huge smug grin.
This bitch loves to humiliate and she is so god damn good at it. I was just desperate for the water even though it was from her mouth. The water brought me back to life a bit. That is the only reason July had done it to revive me of that I am sure. I am no good to her unconscious or broken she wants me to fight her. I can feel the rage building up inside me. That is not the only thing that is building up as I am dumfounded to feel my penis stiffen up. It does not take long for Kim and Vanessa to notice. "July, July look hes got a hard on OMG they scream. That is so cool July" July reaches back and grabs it tight she laughs "Oh yeah so he has and she slaps it hard causing me to wince and miss a breath of air." she looks down at me and has a huge grin as she says "How much are you liking this Little Gazzy wazzy . Well its not little Gaz is its hard Gaz. OOH I have such sights to show you. Your suffering has been legendary." I could not believe I had an erection, July pats me on the head and says "Shame you did not reach the finish line sunny Jim. That hard on will be a wasted one because you have lost. LOSER"
She really knows how to humiliate physically, mentally and verbally. I have never known anyone as fascinating as July. I am in awe of her underneath me but at the same time I am desperate to get her off me. I muster up every ounce of breath and energy from within. This is it all or nothing. Without warning I bridge up. I inch right up onto my tiptoes. I try to buck her off me. July is sat right under my chin. She has reached out and grabbed both my hands and has interlocked her fingers. Thet are now entwined with mine. She use my hands and wrists to steer with as she rides me. July sings "Yahoooo yahoooooo yeeeeehaaaaar rid em cowgirl" she is slightly out of breath as she says "This is good Gaz keep going, more, more don't stop you must try harder to get me off you" She is loving it and that is a scary feeling she has no intentions of stopping. I thrash about wildly from side to side creating more doughnuts in the sand. July comments "Hey girls I can feel his heart beating against my ass what a rush I think he might be close to having a heart attack" Kim says "What a way to go if he does July" July giggles "I know how cool a schoolgirlpin heart attack" she added "All his struggles have made my Knix wedgie right up you know where" Vanessa giggles "how far up July" July replies "Like dental floss that far" I collapse in a sorry heap. I have nothing left. July knows I am done she applauds me on my efforts and says "Seen as you have tried so very hard, I think I willlet you submit now so lets here it. I try to bridge up again but I have nothing left. My legs try to rise up but simply collapse. July can feel me trying to bridge and fail. This excites her so much, her face lights up again try again to bridge me. I feebly try again and again. She cuts off my airways and order again again try again. I try and fail again and again then I totally quit. She knows she has smashed me totally.
July stares down and pats me on the head. You are my best yet. Nobody has ever struggled like you gazzy wazzy." July says "you should be pleased with your efforts but at the end of the day July submits them all and usually quicker than it has taken me to do you. I will allow you to submit to me now" I sing like a canary submit submit submit submit i can't take any more. July says nearly there now repeat after me "July is the best and can always beat me" she adds "July is the boss and should always be obeyed" I sing like a canary and repeat everything she says. My eyes are nearly closing I am so drowsy. July say we are nearly finished now say "Thank you July for showing me woman are stronger than men. July is my boss and owns me" I refuse si she slides over my mouth and tweaks my nose cutting off my air supply. She glares say it say it or pass out. I am slipping away slowly drifting drifting ------------------------" splash splash cold water splashes into my face and awakens me. I wake up and that evil bitch has got up off me. She is dominantly astride her horse and stares down at me and says "i admit you were the best yet see you again some day gazzy wazzy" July and her friends ride off. I am left thoroughly beaten. It takes me 10 minutes before I can stand on my feet. I am blood soaked tearful battered bruised coated in sand and chocolate. She totally kicked my ass and is superior to me. WOW WHAT A WOMAN!
Women vs men mixed martial arts is the sexiest of UFC actions in the world! When clothed woman beats a naked man it looks funny, sexy and really cool! Any gymanst, ballet dancer or female swimmer is a perfect athlete, let ballerina put her dance leotard on and we will see who is stronger - woman or man! Especially if they are colledge teens who fights each other in high school combat arena. Female advantage is her outfit, long sleeved gymnastics leotard or onepiece racing swim suit with t-back, it protects her feminine body and makes a girl more confident when her male opponent must fight nude, he has no chances against lady clad in sexy legless bodysuit. Female fighter defeats him with easy, just one swift kick in the balls and big muscle strong male begs her for mercy, scrambling under her feet like a real whimp! What a power of female legs - he can't resist and must worship and lick a feet and combat boots of his mistress who have defeated him with ballbusting attack!