Mixed Battles

Jane vs Dave
Jane had become self sufficient since her husbands tragic death. She had a job running the local library. She did everything from locking up at night to ordering the books. It was hard work but it kept her mind active and she met a lot of people and got all the local gossip. Dave was her only help. He was a 40 year old who lost his job in the banking industry layoffs back in the early 90's. Dave was happy in the library. It was undemanding and with his redundancy check having paid off his mortgage he had few money worries. The thing that really stopped him looking for anything else though was the sight of Jane each day in her professional but revealing business suits. Jane was always well dressed and made the most of her long legs with short skirts and dresses. At 35 years old she still looked good thanks to her regular gym workouts. She was a member of the local country club and spa which had all the facilities she needed. Her husbands life insurance gave her a good living and allowed her to indulge in exercise and clothes shopping, her biggest hobbies.
Jane didn't look like your average librarian and she had been given the nickname Famke by the local teenagers who reckoned she looked like Famke Jansen the actress. She liked the comparison and liked to think her legs might be as good but didn't take it very seriously. She was modest but knew she was good looking. She had always had lots of attention and at 5'9'' her height always stood her out from the crowd. She made the best of herself as well with expensive suits and dresses which showed off her full bosom and lovely figure.
She liked Dave and she knew he had a crush on her. She liked to tease him by allowing her skirt to ride up when she sat down showing off her long legs in her sheer black nylons. She knew Dave liked it as he always went blood red in the face and started sweating. Dave dreamt about her alot. His favorite fantasy involved her getting mad with him, doing judo on him then jerking him off with her nyloned toes. He was always telling her she should learn to defend herself hoping she would take lessons which would fuel his fantasy even more. But she always just smiled never taking him seriously. He left returned books on martial arts and self defense laying around the counter hoping she would pick them up and read them but she never seemed to take notice of them.
Jane had always wanted to learn to defend herself but never seemed to be free when the classes were on at her local gym. She had looked at books in the library but always thought the techniques looked baffling or impractical. One day though she saw a book that changed her mind. It was called "Practical self defense for the young Executive Miss". It featured women in business suits and dresses performing kicks and throws in office environments. Jane laughed at the thought of herself doing these techniques on customers to the library. She decided to take the book home and have a good read. Dave saw her take this new book home and almost died of heart failure. He planned to quiz her on it in when they returned after the weekend break.
At home Jane read the book and tried some of the moves out. She did the stretches and then practiced kicking and punching. Her fitness was good and she was able to kick high and powerfully. She started to feel strong and really enjoyed it. Jane invited her friend Helen over and the two of them practiced all day on that Sunday really enjoying a new found strength. Both women wore their leotards and leggings from aerobics and threw cushions on the floor to break their fall. In the short space of a weekend both women had perfected a few basic throws, kicks, punches and holds. Helen was a cute blond hairdresser Jane knew her from aerobics class. At 21 she had a body to die for.
"We have done incredibly well. I think I could take a man out no problem" said Helen
"I agree. We are both fitter than most men and these techniques make up for their strength. I want to throw a man and see the look of surprise on his face." said Jane
"I want to kick a man till he screams" said Helen. They both laughed loudly.
"We need to praxes in work clothes to make it realistic, it will be harder in skirts and high heels" said Helen
Both women got changed, Jane put on a tight figure hugging black dress which was half way up her thigh and black nylon pantyhose. Helen wore a long black skirt with a thigh high slit and white blouse. Both women wore 3 '' heels. They practiced hard finding the best ways to adapt their throws and kicks to the clothing. Helen went home and Jane went to bed reading the book in bed until she fell asleep.
The next day...........
Jane arrived at work feeling a new confidence. She had a new long sleeved navy blue leotard on with the skirt barely covering her bottom and black pantyhose with 4'' heels.
"How was the book" asked Dave " learn any moves?"
"A few, I can defend myself now" said Jane. She saw Dave's eyes nearly pop out of his head when he saw her in this most revealing outfit yet and making boasts about her self defense skills.
"Women are naturally good at kicking and my legs are long and strong. You wouldn't want to get a kick from one of these" she said waving her leg, bent at the knee at Dave. "Judo is all about using your opponents weight and skill. I can throw a man in four different ways and keep throwing him until he stays down" she said staring into Dave's lusting eyes. 'you look a little excited dave' she said starring down at the bulge in his trousers. "Do you like women who can do self defense?" asked Jane. She liked the way her words intimidated Dave.
"You need more than a weekend to be able to defend yourself against a man" said Dave his heart racing in disbelief at what he was hearing and sweat running down his brow.
At home Jane read the book and tried some of the moves out. She did the stretches and then practiced kicking and punching. Her fitness was good and she was able to kick high and powerfully. She started to feel strong and really enjoyed it. Jane invited her friend Helen over and the two of them practiced all day on that Sunday really enjoying a new found strength. Both women wore their leotards and leggings from aerobics and threw cushions on the floor to break their fall. In the short space of a weekend both women had perfected a few basic throws, kicks, punches and holds. Helen was a cute blond hairdresser Jane knew her from aerobics class. At 21 she had a body to die for.
"We have done incredibly well. I think I could take a man out no problem" said Helen
"I agree. We are both fitter than most men and these techniques make up for their strength. I want to throw a man and see the look of surprise on his face." said Jane
"I want to kick a man till he screams" said Helen. They both laughed loudly.
"We need to praxes in work clothes to make it realistic, it will be harder in skirts and high heels" said Helen
Both women got changed, Jane put on a tight figure hugging black dress which was half way up her thigh and black nylon pantyhose. Helen wore a long black skirt with a thigh high slit and white blouse. Both women wore 3 '' heels. They practiced hard finding the best ways to adapt their throws and kicks to the clothing. Helen went home and Jane went to bed reading the book in bed until she fell asleep.
The next day...........
Jane arrived at work feeling a new confidence. She had a new navy blue suit on with the skirt barely covering her bottom and black pantyhose with 4'' heels.
"How was the book" asked Dave " learn any moves?"
"A few, I can defend myself now" said Jane. She saw Dave's eyes nearly pop out of his head when he saw her in this most revealing outfit yet and making boasts about her self defense skills.
"Women are naturally good at kicking and my legs are long and strong. You wouldn't want to get a kick from one of these" she said waving her leg, bent at the knee at Dave. "Judo is all about using your opponents weight and skill. I can throw a man in four different ways and keep throwing him until he stays down" she said staring into Dave's lusting eyes. 'you look a little excited dave' she said starring down at the bulge in his trousers. "Do you like women who can do self defense?" asked Jane. She liked the way her words intimidated Dave.
"You need more than a weekend to be able to defend yourself against a man" said Dave his heart racing in disbelief at what he was hearing and sweat running down his brow.
"I could stun you with a high kick, stomach throw you, chop you and scissor you between my thighs, and you couldn't do a thing about it" she said, pouting and doing fake karate chops whilst laughing at him.
"In your dreams" said Dave. His voice shaking and close to orgasm as his fantasy started to come true before him.
"O.K. before we open the library I'll show you, here and now and I won't even ladder my pantyhose beating you up"
"I'll give you a chance" she said. "Come up behind me and attack me any way you want".
Dave grabbed Jane around the throat with his left arm and sunk his right hand into her crotch. This took Jane by surprise but she reacted quickly. She elbowed him sharply in the side, grabbed his wrist with her left arm, wrapped her right arm around his waste and tossed him onto his back.
"Easy when you know how, basic judo" said Jane.
Dave got up and came at Jane from the front. She kicked him in the kidney with her right foot. Dave winced but kept coming. She chopped him across the throat stopping him in his tracks as he reached for his throat gasping for air. Jane spread her legs about four feet apart, crouched and delivered a punch to his groin shrieking 'hi yaa' at the top of her voice. Before Dave had chance to hit the floor she delivered a spinning wrist throw leaving him on his back at her feet.
That was a collection of moves from various martial arts that suit women's strengths. The book teaches a combined style called FEM-JITSU. It seems to be quite effective on you" she laughed. "Anyway I've made my point and you have had enough. I don't want you going off sick with sore balls."
Dave was hurting but he was also enjoying her display of power. He wanted to feel her legs around him and wanted to get his hands on her thighs. He made a grab for her legs pulling her skirt up and smothering his hands around her smooth nylon thighs. She struggled to pull away and her skirt came off. She ended up on the floor and Dave felt both lust and success seeing Jane on the receiving end this time, Jane got up and charged Dave but he grabbed her lapel and swung her down to the floor. Her skirt ripped as she lay panting on the floor.
"Want to see some more Dave? Want to get your hands on these?" she said adjusting her leotard covering her large firm breasts. She stood before him in black nylons high heels and her leotard, he looked at her incredible form before him.
"We will see just how good FEM-JITSU really is" she said removing the shoes.
She assumed a stance, hands in a claw, her teeth showing as she growled quietly like a tigress and beckoned Dave towards her.
Dave was almost hypnotized by her beauty and walked into a round house kick to his jaw from her right foot followed by a second with her left and a front kick with her right foot that snapped his head back. Then she brought her long right leg up high, her heel six inches above Dave's head and a foot from him then she crashed it straight down onto his forehead.
"What an ax kick" she said. Dave stumbled back seeing stars.
She grabbed Dave's arm and delivered a stomach throw her lovely foot in his groin as she flipped him high and across the room. She immediately pulled him back up, thrust her smooth nyloned bottom in his groin and shoulder flipped him to the ground. He got up again only to be met by a spinning wrist throw.
All of Dave's strength was now gone and he cried out from the floor for her to stop. Jane straddled his throat with her crotch sitting on his chest. "That was good" she said. "'I feel guilty for beating you up though".
Dave felt her smooth powerful thighs against his face and replied "You could give me a reward for all the punishment I've taken".
She tightened her thighs around his face. "Cheeky" she said, lifting her bottom briefly to rub her crotch across his face before returning to her sitting position.
"O.K." she said. "I've shown you what pain my feet can inflict, now i'll show you the pleasure side of Fem-jitsu". She swiveled on his chest and slipped her feet down his trousers...................
Jane quickly brought Dave to orgasm with her feet and got up and replaced her clothing and got ready to open the library. Dave was in ecstasy and took 10 minutes on the floor to recover.
Jane was annoyed at what she had done, though she liked Dave she had not intended to go that far and felt embarrassed. she had however been really turned on by beating Dave and seeing him in such ecstasy.
Later that day after the library closed Dave approached Jane putting his arm around her waist and asked if she was ok, he had noticed she looked troubled. She told Dave that what happened must never happen again and that nobody should ever find out, her face was red with embarrassment and she was slightly angry at the smiling and lustful look Dave had on his face. Dave put his hand on her butt and told her not to worry. Jane flashed with anger and in a reflex action kneed Dave hard in the groin, Dave went done in an instance clutching his groin and groaning in agony, the knee was hard and accurate and bob was almost out cold. Jane put her foot across his throat the heel of her 4'' shoes pressing his throat. 'I said NOoooo' she screamed at ear piercing volume.
She removed her foot picked up her coat and left the library for home, she had tears in her eyes sorry for the obvious injury she had caused. Dave recovered after 20 minutes locked up and went home, he was hurting his balls were sore and his throat swollen but his mind was racing with the wonderful experience of the day and the stimulation of his fantasies which had come true so unbelievably
At home Jane showered and changed into her leotard for aerobics, after a strenuous high impact workout she invited Helen back to her house to explain what had happened.
'wow said Helen our hard work really paid off and he really got off on it'
'I feel bad I beat him up and later i crushed his balls'
'No way he got a foot job and a chance to get his fantasy fulfilled'
'I got off on it too, i really enjoyed throwing him and seeing the shock on his face when he hit the floor, my kicks stopped him dead and I didn't even use full power, when i sat on his chest and felt the nylon of my thighs against his face I felt power and it really turned me on, i feel guilty'
'If you enjoyed it and he did why not do it again. Why not invite him here and let me try on him as well, i really want to practice and I think i might get off on it too'
'OK I'll ask him only for self defence practice but let's use our bodies to seduce him'
The next day both women were on holiday so used it as a training day..........
Helen arrived at Jane's house in a white long sleeved leotard cut high on her long legs, Jane said she would start as well and told Helen how good she looked in the leotard.
'I wish i had a leotard like yours you look so sexy in it '
'I have another one for you!'
'You are already good, you can kick as high as my head and you will easily throw Dave around and he is 6 foot tall. Our natural athleticism along with our training and fitness has given us the ability to fight anyone. Ju jitsu will just give us even more moves and confidence'
Jane put the leotard on leaving her long tanned legs smooth and bare
They started out with shoulder throws taking it in terns to practise left then right hand side, as they trained they got quicker and harder in the execution, they trained until both had mastered the technique, then they moved methodically through the different throws. They both had huge smiles on their faces as they took pride in their achievements. At lunch they rested after 4 hrs hard workout.
After lunch they practised punching and knife hand strikes to various points on the body, stopping short of hitting each other but ensuring their technique and accuracy were good. They spent the late afternoon on kicks perfecting height and power and being amazed at how lethal there slim and gorgeous legs could be.
At the end of the day they finished with some ground work, practising head scissors, learning when the pressure would lead to unconsciousness and when to release before serious injury and using the book to learn other restraining techniques. Helen was really enjoying Jane's legs around her neck and was taking pleasure in trying to prise her lovely thighs apart. Jane ended up straddling Helens chest, her thong leotard was hot with sweat and as Helen lay there trying to escape she lifted her butt and rubbed her crotch slowly and lightly across Helens face, they both stopped moving and fell silent, Jane saw that Helen did not appear to resist, she did it slowly again and then started to quicken and use more force, Helen made no comment but before long both women were groaning in ecstasy and ended up in bed licking each other out for the rest of the night. they fell asleep in each others arms their beautiful naked bodies wrapped around each other. The 35 year old statuesque brunette and the 21 year old bleach blond had had there first lesbian encounter of their lives. Both women felt they gone to heaven and found new closeness for each other
the morning brought smiles and kisses and a telephone call to Dave to close the library and come over for the day. 'I promise you want regret it Dave' said Jane, forgetting her earlier insistence to Helen
Dave nearly came in his pants, his heart was beating 100 per minute.
The women got ready, Helen wore a black tight lycra/cotton leotard with black stockings and black 3 inch heels. Jane wore a navy blue leotard, black glossy pantyhose, she wore no shoes.
'I'm not going to wear shoes because I want to kick his face without causing too much damage'
they both fell about laughing
They set the room up and waited for bob to arrive. Dave was shaking with nerves when he arrived and was surprised to see Helen who he had never met.
'Calm down Dave, Helen is a friend who shares our passions, she will give you a lot of trouble but you'll enjoy it'
'Right' said Helen 'Me first, I want you to attack me from the rear, come up behind me and attack, don't go easy on me I am as skilled as Jane and you know what she can do'
Dave approached Helen and put one arm around her waist and the other across her chest feeling her firm and large right breast, he was instantly turned on by the feel through her leotard, her boobs were incredible, as he glanced over her shoulder he saw Jane sat opposite smiling her legs crossed showing the full extent of her glossy sheered legs. Before he could think anything else he felt 3 sharp elbows in succession into his stomach
'Hi ya, hiya, hi ya' Helen stepped away from Dave who was doubled over, she chopped the back of his neck, then grabbed his arm and wrist flipped him to the ground, as he lay on the ground she stepped over him. He was able to take in the full view of her stockings and up to her leotarded crotch, his cock already hard, strained harder in his sweat pants, he was in pain but it was his kind of pain
'My turn said Jane'
She got up and Helen sat down in the same cross legged position revealing her stocking tops and smiling widely.
Dave got to within 4 feet of Jane when her long black pantyhosed right leg shot out and snapped kicked him under the chin with a front kick, 'Hi' she cried before lowering her leg and repeated with her left leg 'Hi' she cried again as her kick landed, her kicks were graceful and balletic. Dave was now backing away from her and Jane advancing. She switched her weight to her left leg, turned sideways, brought her knee to her chest and powered a side kick to Dave's middle, bob was moving away quick enough to avoid it. Jane stood before him, bob was dazed and wary of her lethal legs
'Did you get a sniff of my feet Dave' she taunted 'Did the sexy lady kick your face'
Before Dave could answer she raised her leg high above her head and straight, she brought her heel down on bobs forehead 'hi yaa' she shouted
Helen applauded 'what a kick, finish him off' Dave was almost out cold on his feet. Jane walked slowly towards him took his limp right arm pressed her butt into his groin and flipped him onto his back, revealing her gorgeous legs, as he lay on the ground Jane stood over him and stroked his face with her nylon foot
'you ok to go on?'
'Yes' said Dave shaking his head to clear it
Helen leapt up grabbed Dave by his lapels and pulled him to his feet, she planted her 3'' heel into his stomach and rolled back and stomach threw him, she repeated the process this time rolling on top of Dave onto his chest her stockinged thighs either side of his chest, she sat smiling at him.
'I could either use the chop' she said, straightening her fingers and delivering a strike to his throat which she stopped millimetres from striking
'Or I could punch you' she said doing the same with a punch this time to his nose
'Or I could poke your eyes' she said jabbing close to his vulnerable eyes
She sat smiling for a moment then slowly rolled off.
'Lets give him a show while he recovers' said Jane
the two leotard clad women stood up and practised their kata moves in unison, moving in slow motion then speeding up and shrieking Hi ya loudly as they delivered a kick or punch. Dave was in heaven the sight of their gorgeous black sheathed legs just a couple of feet away and their incredible demonstration of power was the most wonderful experience of his life. After ten minutes, Jane said Dave was ready for more
'this time you have to try to punch me and i mean really try, I'll get mad if you don't put all your effort in because I won't be getting good practice, don't worry though you will not get anywhere near me'
Dave stood clenched fist and tried to hit Jane, 'you wuss, your crap, call yourself a man' she taunted, Dave tried harder but Jane was too fast.
She moved in towards him and let go a flurry of punches and knife hand strikes, Dave stood dazed again.
Jane moved in planted her gorgeous but in his groin and flipped him, this time she pulled him straight up and repeated the manoeuvre. To her surprise Dave got back up, he was overcome with lust and tried to grab her thighs, he got his hands on her butt and ran them over the smooth nylon, Jane allowed him to stroke her several times, when he pressed his face into her breasts she decided to strike. she grabbed his ears and kneed his chest knocking the wind from him, then she stepped back and side kicked him twice in the stomach and twice in the face. she could see Dave couldn't take much more he stood there still awake but badly bruised.
She decide it was finale time, Dave groaned when he saw her leotard clad body and long legs sheathed in the sheer black pantyhose. Jane allowed him to get a good look then grabbed his lapels and stomach threw him, rolling on top of him her crotch against his chin, Helen undid his trousers and the two women jerked him off simultaneously.
'What a joint kata this is' said Helen
They laughed long and hard
Women vs men mixed martial arts is the sexiest of UFC actions in the world! When clothed woman beats a naked man it looks funny, sexy and really cool! Any gymanst, ballet dancer or female swimmer is a perfect athlete, let ballerina put her dance leotard on and we will see who is stronger - woman or man! Especially if they are colledge teens who fights each other in high school combat arena. Female advantage is her outfit, long sleeved gymnastics leotard or onepiece racing swim suit with t-back, it protects her feminine body and makes a girl more confident when her male opponent must fight nude, he has no chances against lady clad in sexy legless bodysuit. Female fighter defeats him with easy, just one swift kick in the balls and big muscle strong male begs her for mercy, scrambling under her feet like a real whimp! What a power of female legs - he can't resist and must worship and lick a feet and combat boots of his mistress who have defeated him with ballbusting attack!