Mixed Battles

Katie vs Russell
Katie was a free spirited and very independent woman. She enjoyed absolute control over her career, accompanied by a true zest for living. There was no hurry to settle down in a serious relationship unless she found the right man. Katie was exceedingly attractive and loved her position managing a doctors office. She met a very interesting array of people and enjoyed the contact and satisfied feeling that comes from helping others.
Being an alluring, curvaceous blonde, Katie was used to the fact that men enjoyed flirting with her. She didn't find it offensive, as long as it was done in a good natured, harmless manner. However, there was always the occasional jerk, the one that felt he was God's gift to women, and therefore had to make more than an innocent pass. Katie usually handled these pigs in a totally professional manner, no matter how much they got under her skin.
The most obnoxious of all was a male patient named Russell King. He thought of himself quite naturally "the Lion King" because of his long golden locks, giving him the appearance of a lion's mane. He was a ruggedly handsome 6'2" 220 pounds of carved muscle with a movie star smile, but unfortunately a personality that was exceedingly obnoxious. He was offensive and totally full of himself. He spoke to the people in the office in a very condescending tone and his manner was that of an arrogant chauvinist.
He had come in to see the doctor, having strained his knee while playing a pick-up game of basketball. This was the same wrecked knee that had been damaged three years prior in a collegiate wrestling match, which not only cost him a title, but a chance to go to the Olympic trials.
Immediately upon his arrival, the three women that Katie worked with were drawn to this Greek God that entered their domain, despite his brutish behavior. Like silly school girls, they fell all over themselves to get the caveman's attention and he savored every single moment of it. Katie was not the least bit attracted to this pompous narcissist and refused to join in the competition for his attention.
This rankled Russ. Although Katie ignored him, he certainly noticed the beautiful blonde. He saw that she was easily the most attractive woman in the office and could not resist flirting with her. His neanderthal approach was both, boorish and amateurish, which left Katie completely despising him after only a two minute conversation. The more she resisted, the more aggressive his advances became. Russ seemed to view Katie as a challenge and a conquest he must make, another test of his power over women.Unfortunately for Katie, he had three more upcoming appointments for his knee. Each time he returned he would keep pressing the issue with Katie. He wanted a date, most likely for an opportunity to score and add yet another trophy to his belt. Katie, continued to be ice-cold, yet polite, which only got him hotter and more determined. He thought to himself, that he must have this bitch and give her what she needs, what she deserves and what she is asking for!
In the male mind, like any primal animal when the sexual attraction is this strong, it is not only the final sexual conquest that is desired, but also the ritual game of breaking down the female resistance to conquer them for the act. This is the challenge that Russell King lived for. Now the game of bagging Katie, the woman that repulsed his advances, was driving him absolutely insane. He was consumed with thoughts of screwing her brains out, while she fought to resist him, but in the end succumbs to his overpowering strength and dominant passion. He knew that ultimately she would thank him for his persistence. All women always did.
On his fourth visit, he was positively stunned, there was no Katie to flirt with and Russell lusted for her more than ever. He had planned this would be the day he would have her, and he would not be denied. He paced the office nervously, like a wild dog in heat, because he wanted Katie's sweet ass.Now Russ was no dummy, he was quite a shrewd character in his own right. This Adonis knew full well the other office women were drooling over him and he played the role to the hilt. He engaged them in conversation and always cleverly steered them into talking about Katie. He wanted to find out anything he could.
Finally the information began to flow. He found that Thursdays was her day off which she usually spent out at a remote beach about twenty miles away. Pretending to know of the beach, he asked them a totally fictitious question about the beach's location (he was just throwing out a line here, but it worked) The ladies corrected him, giving him, the exact location of the beach where he could find his woman. Now he would be free to give her what she craves. It was an additional bonus to find that she would be alone and...helpless.
Russell quickly got into his car for the twenty mile drive, all the while thinking what he would do to Katie when he got his hands on her. He could overpower her and pin her to the ground and take her to sexual places, she'd only dreamt about and he would have another sexual victory..
He arrived in just about thirty minutes. When he got there and saw her car, his manhood began to harden. This desolate place was perfect. It was a completelyisolated beach off a narrow dirt road, one not easily found, even if you knew the directions. The unsuspecting Katie was alone, relaxed and lying on her beach towel, gazing off into the ocean, possibly meditating. The 5'7" blonde beauty was clad only in her favorite black onepiece swimsuit which barely contained her soft, supple and very ample 36C breasts. Boy, did this dog salivate at the sight before him. Now he really was aroused! He quickly stripped from his shirt and shorts, leaving him with only a thong to cover his sizeable male apparatus.
His voice boomed as he approached Katie broadcasting the great news, that her dream-boy had arrived at last. Katie sat up on her towel, quite startled and appeared very nervous and afraid as he closed in. She noted there was only one way in or out of this beach and no one to scream to for help. Her options were severely limited.She had never been stalked before.
Katie stood up and brushed her blonde ponytail from her face and asked what the hell was this asshole doing here? Russ smirked and informed her that he got her location from the stupid broads she worked with. He knew what she needed, even if she was to dumb to ask for it. He would be more than happy to supply it. Better yet, she would not even have to beg for it. What a swell guy!
Katie wondered if this clown would actually go so far as to actually attempt to rape her. He laughed and told her to call it whatever she wanted. The male hulk also warned her that resistance was futile because he was not only a superior conditioned male athlete, but an ex-collegiate champion wrestler.
She defiantly answered back, this was not going to happen, so just get back in your car and leave while you still can! Now, threats really turned Russell King on and he knew for certain that he would enjoy beating the living hell out of Katie and then giving her the screwing of her life. He was going to fuck her brains out, if she had any.
Katie stood with her hands on her hips and replied, "I don't think so".
And that set the stage for an erie scene of sexual combat on a thursday afternoon, between two distinctly different opponents. In one corner of the beach stood the immense male barbarian champion, The Lion King 6'2", 220 pounds, decked out in his blue thong and beating his chest in a war-like ferocious roar. He had never tasted defeat in any form of combat in his life.
His adversary was the petite, yet feisty Katie Johnson at 5'7" and 120 pounds in her revealing black onepiece swimsuit. Katie feared no man, no matter how big. In any logical betting scenario you would have to go with the bigger opponent, but you'd be a fool to count out the resourceful Katie.
Under the mid-day sun the two shadows circled on the hot sand, ready for the ultimate combat between a male and female gladiator. The King cocky and confident readied to nail his prey, smelling an easy victory. You may be a wild cat Katie, but I'll tame your pussy, he bellowed. He was a veteran fighter that had obviously done this before, yelling over and over that he was undefeatable.
After dancing around and trash talking for what seemed like hours, they finally came together, locking arms, in a traditional test of strength.The King smiled as his opponent's arms began to quiver and shake under his mighty power. The overmatched amazon fell on her knees before her towering master and began to beg him for mercy. He ripped off his blue thong and grabbed Katie by her ponytail and twisted the hair around her very feminine neck. He slapped her repeatedly, screaming obscenities and calling her a bitch, a whore, a cunt among other insults. He demanded that she suck him off now, or he might stop being, so nice to her. Katie saw his erect one-eyed monster and looked up to the king and thought, No way!
Thinking fast, Katie made two dainty fists and smashed his damaged knee with one hand and his inflated balls with the other. Boy did he let out a howl. Too bad there was no one to hear it for over twenty miles. Having seen the x-rays of his damaged knee Katie knew just where to strike. Katie got up and laughed at her attacker. He rested on his good knee, cursing her, while he attempted to recover.
As he rose very carefully, Katie moved in with an incredible feat of strength and actually judo-flipped him over her back. He sat in the sand stunned. Katie charged over and grabbed him in a headlock, cutting off his air supply, choking him. He was flailing wildly with his massive arms, trying to get Katie to release her hold. When he was just the right shade of purple Katie kicked him in the back and he landed face down in the sand.
Katie decided that now would be a good time to bring him up to speed on her plan. In a strict commanding voice Katie told him that she despised him from the moment she laid eyes on him. Railing on, she told him, you are repulsive with your arrogant, chauvinistic attitude toward woman. You were actually going to rape me. Well let me clue you in bright boy, first of all this is a set-up. I knew you were hot for me, so I took the day off and came up here. I told my friends in the office to leak the information where I was because I know your history. I was positive you'd show up and you did. I knew you would try and rape me and you did. I also know you will regret this and.... you will!
By the way Russ, working in a medical office I have access to medical files. During the past year I helped treat three women that were date raped by you, Mr. King. You beat them horribly and forced them to have perverted unnatural sex with you for hours on end. They were too afraid to come forward and have you arrested.
These young women were terrorized and traumatized. You even had the nerve to threaten them and told them you had friends in high places and that you would not only beat the rape charge, but also destroy their lives in the process.
I also know these woman were about my size with blonde hair, I fit your victims profile to a tee. So you see Russ, I am way ahead of you. I am much more cunning and smarter than you. I've already mentally beat you, haven't I?
Now what do you think of that? Man! Was The King shocked, all he could mutter was "freakin bitch", over and over.
He hobbled up to his feet and told her rape was not an option, just the beginning for her, of an agonizing sexual ritual in which he will completely break her. She will be nothing more than his sex slave when he's finished.
As he lumbered toward her, the confident Katie was taunting him, gesturing towards him to bring it on baby. Leaning against a rock the sultry vixen was waiting for his onslaught, posing suggestively allowing him to view her ample assets, She slowly deliberately and very delicately ran her index finger along her sensuous ruby lips, moistening it in a very suggestive manner. She let her breasts emerge from her swimsuit and it floated ever so effortlessly into the sand. Katie moved her moistened finger in a wickedly obscene, erotic circular motion; round and round her nipples. In a magnificent and majestic display the nipples of her golden globes, sprang to attention which only provoked her lumbering attacker even more.
He was livid, you'll regret this you stupid bitch, he roared. Just as he was about to grab her with his huge meaty hands, Katie darted swiftly out of harms way and instead kicked out again to his damaged knee. He howled in pain. Katie, just loved this game and her expert aim was always on target. He continued to clutch his throbbing knee, but the elusive, athletic Katie, kept kicking away. In extreme agony, he finally fell to the sand, supported by his one good knee. The female warrior advanced and surprised him again by clapping each hand against his ears, really ringing his bell. Without bating an eyelash, she brought her knee up and rammed it into his face. Ouch that hurt!
She kicked him in the stomach and then rammed home some well-placed punches to his perfect abs. Katie looked like a female version of iron Mike pounding away at his mid-section. Soon his abs were not quite so perfect and took on a visual that was closer to jello. Katie was in her glory and becoming very turned on with this slaughter.
Dancing around her fallen foe she inquired, am I too rough for you big boy? Katie was not going to mess him up too much, just have some fun. Poor Russell was no longer "The Lion King", he was not roaring now. The pathetic coward meekly tried to crawl away in a full retreat, but Katie had given him his chance; now it was too late.
She jumped on his back knocking the air from his lungs. "Going somewhere?'" she asked. Katie stood up circling him again, he was frozen with fear. Screaming like a wild jungle girl, Katie jumped onto his back grabbing his bad leg and twisted it back. She twisted it every way she knew how, sometimes in a very unnatural, but always very painful manner. The torture Mistress stood on his back bending that leg as if it was a thick pretzel. It was not long until his leg was useless, not broken, just useless.
When she was done, she grabbed his good leg and worked it over the same way. Katie, always inventive, tried to bend his leg back to touch his head, and she almost did it. The sultry vixen even put him in a figure-four just to break the giant's resistance a little more. Now, all poor Russ could do was pound his fists into the sand, screaming bloody murder. Katie asked the big man, "isn't this is a wonderful workout, are you enjoying this as much as I am?"" Is this what you did to those other girls Hercules?"
Now that his legs were useless, she turned around and decided to work on those highly impressive, superbly developed, muscular arms. She grabbed one arm and with all her body strength pinned it behind his back. She marveled at how the tendons strained and bulged in resistance from the pressure she applied. Now her strength was actually superior to his. She kept forcing that arm back harder and harder, until just before breaking, she released it. His arm dangled harmlessly at his side. One arm was now out of commission.
Let's play with that last limb now Russell, she laughed. He was almost in tears now crying for help, but there was no one to come to his aid. He came here hoping for seclusion and now he had it. With equal force, pressure and the strength of the mighty Amazon warrior, Katie tortured his remaining limb.
Working with a doctor, she knew just how much pressure she could apply without breaking his arm. Her medical knowledge always came in handy. She stood on his back twisting the good arm, she applied an equally painful armbar. Katie let him know that she was a pretty good wrestler herself and he was in no position to argue.
Katie wiped the beads of sweat from her brow and stood up to admire her handy work. Standing on his back, she grabbed both arms in a superbly executed surfboard hold and basked in the glory of her victory.
Before her lay one tortured male. His arms and legs were rendered useless and he was totally at the mercy of the unyielding mistress of pain. The kinky lady was not done yet, not by a long shot. She rolled him over so she could admire the look of horror on his face. Well Mr King she said, let us now access the situation. You came out here to forcibly have sex with one petite, helpless, beautiful blonde. You were ready to rape me if necessary, is that correct?
The beaten man could only shake his head, no, no that was not the plan. You did rape those other women didn't you, be honest now, sweetheart!
The King finally nodded and that was all Katie wanted. Now Mr King, get ready to service your Queen. I want you to suck my feet first then we'll move up the legs and then my breasts. Do it like your life depended on it...because it does. You are going to satisfy me or else. For the next hour his mouth kissed and licked everywhere Katie commanded.
Katie felt a change of position was now called for. She turned and sat on his face so that he could pay homage to her honey-spot. While she sat facing his penis, she could see the bastard still had a hard-on.
Your next task will be to service me orally until I climax. Ever the funster, she decided to have some real fun with his penis. While his tongue licked and probed her most private erotic zones, Katie decided to jerk off the The King. It was not done ina loving manner, but more in a humiliating milking kind of domination. When he climaxed and gained a scant moment of pleasure, Katie immediately started pumping again. Her arms moved with machine-like precision as he was forced to climax again. Each time, as soon as he climaxed, Katie commanded him... Again slave!
She commenced to repeat the milking process to answer the question how many consecutive times could he be forced to come. She wanted to turn his most intimate pleasure in to a nightmare of pain. After the eighth time, he was totally flaccid, his penis unable to rise or be revived. Now even his manhood was beaten to death!
Katie was just now reaching her first orgasm. For a guy without use of his arms and legs, his tongue action was pretty damn good. Its amazing what a man can do to survive. When Katie finished she stood up over the physically spent male.
I've got another surprise sweetcakes, she told him. He dared not look and was very sorry when he finally did. His eyes nearly bulged out of his head when he saw what was next, she was wearing the most ominous looking strap-on he had ever seen. It was ten inches long, covered with ridges. It looked like a combination french tickler and cactus. He was really crying now!
To prepare him, first Katie neatly rolled up her beach towel and placed her pillow on top of it, this would set him up in the proper mounting position. She then rolled the pitiful ex-champion over onto the pillow, thus arching his back, and leaving his naked ass neatly exposed in the air.
Katie informed him that he was past due fora rectal exam and it was time for his check-up. Katie was very sorry that there would be no lubricant for the procedure, because it was back at the office. What a shame!
He was begging for mercy, but to no avail. Katie stood behind him and grabbed him by his long locks, yanking on them as hard as she could. She mounted him doggie-style. As the strap-on made contact with his anal region, she could feel that he had never been penetrated this way before. That made this domination all the more enjoyable. To make it as painful as possible Katie penetrated him in thrusts of a quarter inch increments at a time. She really knew how to hurt a guy.
Katie thrust away at full penetration for a good ten minutes, until she was satisfied again. Upon dismounting, she merely unbuckled her strap-on, leaving it planted in his tortured ass. With his arms useless, he was helpless to remove it. Get me a doctor please for the love of God, he moaned.
A doctor, right away, she responded. I'm going back to the office right now to make an immediate appointment for you. Russ had one problem, he would have to get there somehow by himself. Just when Russell King thought she was finally done torturing him, Katie turned to tell him one more thing.
By the way Russ, when you got here it was low tide, but in the next two hours the water here will be three feet deep.
Now you have no broken bones, big boy, so I'm betting you make it, but I could be wrong. Goodbye Lion King.
Katie changed back into her blouse and skirt by her car and drove to the office. The women she worked with inquired if Mr. King had indeed found her. Katie said that he did, but he had made some highly inappropriate advances towards her. She finished the story, telling the ladies that Russ just wasn't in her league, and when it comes to playing with Katie he was just in over his head.
Women vs men mixed martial arts is the sexiest of UFC actions in the world! When clothed woman beats a naked man it looks funny, sexy and really cool! Any gymanst, ballet dancer or female swimmer is a perfect athlete, let ballerina put her dance leotard on and we will see who is stronger - woman or man! Especially if they are colledge teens who fights each other in high school combat arena. Female advantage is her outfit, long sleeved gymnastics leotard or onepiece racing swim suit with t-back, it protects her feminine body and makes a girl more confident when her male opponent must fight nude, he has no chances against lady clad in sexy legless bodysuit. Female fighter defeats him with easy, just one swift kick in the balls and big muscle strong male begs her for mercy, scrambling under her feet like a real whimp! What a power of female legs - he can't resist and must worship and lick a feet and combat boots of his mistress who have defeated him with ballbusting attack!