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leotard mixed boxing fighting femdom belly punching

Update: 13.09.2024        B-850 "The Break-up"

Mixed boxing, 220 pictures 1920x1080 (Full HD), partially CFNM, bloody action.

Andy had been boxing for a few months. He took to the sport quite well, and wouldn’t stop talking about it. For a little while, his girlfriend, Bianca, was pleased about his new pastime. But after a while she got bored, because it became the only thing he ever wanted to talk about, and she began to resent his obsession. The tipping point was reached when he took down all the pictures they had in their flat, and put up posters of his boxing heroes.

Bianca waited for him to go to the gym for his next session, then replaced the posters with ones she had bought of lady boxers, just to annoy him. It worked.

"Are you taking the piss?" Andy shouted, after getting back home.

"Yes," Bianca answered calmly. But it did nothing to calm him down.

"Fucking woman!" he shouted again.

"There’s no need to swear," she rebuked him.

"Those posters are coming down right now!" he declared.

"All right, they’re only posters," she shrugged. "You know," she eyed him curiously while he went to work removing the pictures, "anyone would think you felt threated by the idea of lady boxers."

"Rubbish! Women can’t fight."

"Think so?" Bianca quizzed him, making him turn round to look at her.

"No, I know so," he doubled down truculently.

She raised an eyebrow, then continued, "You know, I used to do a bit of MMA myself" - Andy laughed unpleasantly - "and I would love to prove you wrong."


"You heard. Now, I suggest you book the outside ring. Only this time it won’t be against one of the little boys you knock about with there, but against me – a woman – and I’ll show you just how well women can fight."


Looking at Bianca in her tight, skimpy blue leotard, Andy wondered why they had never fought before – it was worth it just to see her. Her large breasts looked magical inside it, and it seemed to have a difficult job stretching itself enough to cover what it was designed to conceal. Smart red gloves, and neat, blue businesslike boots completed the picture.

On the other hand, she thought he looked a bit of a fool. He wore a ridiculous jock strap - what was he trying to prove? He also looked as if he had borrowed Todd’s most boring-coloured gloves for the occasion.

But once they had adopted a fighting stance, all such thoughts disappeared. There was no back chat or quizzical looks. This was a competition where personal pride was at stake. 

Andy tried a right jab, but Bianca pulled herself back out of the way.  He tried again with a left, and she warded it off with her elbow. But it was third time lucky; or rather third time dirty, because he got her right in the breasts. From the outset he had broken a taboo. Bianca gasped, both with pain and astonishment. Her boyfriend had just shown her how, underneath, he was a nasty bastard that she never knew existed. As if to emphasise the point, he got her on the jaw with a left hook while she was still stunned, and she collapsed on the mat. 

Unconcerned about her pain, Andy picked Bianca up while she was regaining consciousness, put her on her feet, and tried petting her. But she wasn’t having any of that. She backed off and adopted a fighting stance. She struck with her left, but he leant back out of the way. In a repeat of the opening moves, he batted off a second attempt.

Once more, Andy asserted his dominance with a right to her chin, followed by a second left hook. It did the same as the first one, and put Bianca down on the mat. Andy was all smiles. He’d shown her, hadn’t he just?

"All right, you win," Bianca conceded after she got back up. "You’ve proved your point."

"You can’t give up yet," Andy implored. "Come on, you can include your MMA stuff if you like," he coaxed.

Bianca agreed, and they continued. She kicked, rather tentatively, and he deflected it. She tried again, with a knee attack, but he beat it back. He tried a right hook, but this time she managed to drive it off. It was the same with an attempted left cross. 

Bianca very nearly got Andy with a super kick. He just managed to deflect it in time with his arm – but that hurt enough. Seeing that she’d shaken him with it, she moved in and got him low in the stomach with a powerful left fist. That was her first scoring shot, and it felt good (well, for one person, anyway). As he was on the ropes, she fired a right uppercut into his chest. 

Well, he said she could use some MMA stuff, didn’t he? So she slammed her left knee into his chin, drawing blood. Andy crumpled up and sank to the mat. That was more like it, she thought, glad he’d managed to persuade her to continue. She posed with her foot on him, savouring the change in fortunes. 

"I’m bleeding!" he declared, on his knees, with his glove to his chin.

"Yes, and your girlfriend did that to you, or rather your ex-girlfriend, after today. How do you feel about that, wimp?"

"Bitch," he muttered, getting to his feet. 

The tension between them had gone up a few notches. This was no longer a competition where each one had a point to prove; it was an out-and-out fight, full of bitterness and resentment. Bianca fired a left cross, but Andy evaded it. She then ducked under one of his, and followed up by catching him on the chest with her right.

Stung as much psychologically as physically, Andy fired with his right, but frustratingly for him, watched as it sailed harmlessly over her shoulder. He watched it too hard, because he didn’t see Bianca’s kick coming. She hooked a nasty one in behind his right knee. His whole leg went weak, and it was an effort to stay on his feet.

Now was her chance, and this time there was no near-miss about it. Turning away from him, balancing expertly on her right foot, she sent a missile of a super kick with her left. It caught Andy viciously on the mouth and nose, drawing further blood, and propelling him to the mat, face-down. 

Bianca looked at the downed male for a few moments, satisfied. When he failed to stir, she decided on a little encouragement (not to mention devilment). Kneeling down, she pulled off Andy’s jockstrap, then retired to her corner to wait for his reaction. This should be funny! 

In fact it turned out funnier than she had anticipated. Andy regained consciousness with that vague feeling that something wasn’t quite right. Getting to his knees he understood what it was. Actually, two things were wrong: firstly, he had lost his jockstrap, and secondly he had an erection. Now, worst of all, he had to turn and face Bianca. Because he had been lying face-down, she hadn’t noticed his erection. Oh, that was the best part!

"Well, well, you get knocked down by a kick from a girl, and it makes you go hard? What a pervert!"

Andy had been glumly looking down, trying to urge his erection away. Now he turned on Bianca:

"I’ll make you pay for this, you bitch!"

"I doubt it, I have the measure of you now," she scoffed back. "Anyway, why don’t we get on with it? I have a fight to win."

"We’ll get on with it, all right!" Andy seemed to spit out, striking with his right, but without connecting, because she slipped her supple body out of danger. 

Furious, Andy struck with his left, but she deflected it with her right arm. Likewise, his right glove went over her shoulder. But he hadn’t lost all control, because he managed to duck out of the way of Bianca’s right glove. It meant that he was staring point-blank at her breasts, so she was able to turn it to her advantage:

"That’s right Andy, have a good look at my tits. You won’t be seeing those any more after today."

"Bitch!" he shouted, catching her with a hefty right uppercut.

Bianca fell backwards. Andy moved to attack her while she was on the ground, but was met with her right boot on his chest, knocking him down in turn. They got up warily, each glaring at the other. Then they both seemed to spring at once, eager to rejoin the fight against their now despised opponent.

Andy got to grips literally with Bianca. Seizing her by the waist he lifted her up in a bear hug.

"I’ve got you now, your bitch!" he proclaimed triumphantly.

But it was a moment of hubris, because she boxed both his ears. Stunned, he dropped her and staggered, clutching his ears and desperately trying to get some clarity back to his hearing. Meanwhile she waited, right fist poised, for him to cease his staggering. Then she let him have it. The clever girl got him in the ear again with a rising right hook, and it had him in disarray.

Bianca pressed home her attack, her left fist crashing underhand into Andy’s chin. She was beginning to enjoy herself. How satisfying it was to hear his cry of surprise and pain, and to watch his head jerk backwards as her fist struck home! 

She put him on the ropes with her next punch. Crouching slightly, she got the now helpless Andy on the jaw with a rising right cross. The shapely brunette was now punishing the once-powerful male. Her long hair flowing over her back prettily in the breeze, she clocked him a belter on his battered face.

The punishment continued, and indeed worsened, with a swift left kick to the balls now he was on the ropes. Andy roared in pain, and his body seemed to crumple around Bianca’s boot, before he collapsed in a wailing heap on the mat. She placed the foot that had done such damage on his back and sniggered. 

"That’s one way of breaking up a relationship," she chuckled.

Off came her gloves. It was wrestling time! Sitting on the small of his back, she dragged his head up with both hands under his chin, in a classic camel clutch.

"I’ll give you 24 hours to recover, and then I want you and your things out of my flat, do you understand?" she demanded, stretching his ribs, spine, neck and chest to the very boundary of what could be endured.

"Answer me!" she insisted, having forced him onto his knees, while her knees bored into his back, all the while she continued to pull him towards her by his chin in a cavernaria. She took the muffled, incoherent sound he made as a "Yes".

Using her hold on him, Bianca pulled Andy down so that he was on his back above her. She hooked her legs around his middle, and did the same with her arms round his neck, in a black widow. She moved her feet down until her boots crossed at his erection. (Yes, it had revived since she had kicked him in the balls.)

"And now I’m going to make you cum one last time," she informed him. "You’d like that, wouldn’t you, baby?" He sobbed a reply of sorts as she put her feet to work. 

"Wow!" she declared, moments later. "I’ve never known you cum so soon or so much! Getting beaten up by a girl really excited you, didn’t it? Tut, tut. And look at the mess you’ve made, all over your chest and face! You dirty boy, I’m going to punish you a bit more just for that!"

So saying, she placed herself sideways on and snapped her thighs shut around his neck. After everything else he had endured, the head scissor made him pass out quickly – almost as quickly as he had orgasmed – and Bianca stood over him to celebrate her victory.

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